King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1184: Aegean power

"It's you"

On the side of Tianshui Yaozu, Hou Qing showed a hint of smile.

"What is it, Hou Qing?"

Aside, the fourth-order true God of the Tianshui Yaozu asked directly.

Although Hou Qing is a man of overbearing arrogance, but he has the strength and talent, and has a strong background, so the status of the Tianshui Yaozu is very high.

At this time, Hou Qing suddenly laughed. From this laughter, he felt a sense of killing.

"The person who offended me before is here."

Hou Qing whispered.

Some people in the Tianshui Yaozu know that Hou Qing had been offended by someone, but how to offend him specifically, Hou Qing did not say.

"Who is offending Hou Qing?"

"It should be the people of the Golden Arms, perhaps the swordsmanship."

The Tianshui Yaozu and the other team's strongmen are very curious about this.

"You, give it to me"

Hou Qingju looked down at Zhao Feng and reached for a finger.

When Zhao Feng killed the Tianshui Yaozu people who accompanied him, he almost killed him. After successfully escaped, Hou Qing contacted the Tianshui Yaozu people for the first time and came to Fenglin. After the completion of the Fengchao incident, he led several ethnic groups to find Zhao Feng’s revenge.

But he did not expect that Zhao Feng was actually in Fenglin, which saved him a lot of effort.

Today, he must destroy Zhao Feng’s corpse

Being named by Hou Qing, the eyes of all the people in the tripartite team swept directly toward Zhao Feng.

They did not expect that this person who offended Hou Qing was actually a true light.

"Hou Qing Gongzi, don't have to remember this hate. I don't know if you are a Tianshui Yaozu at the beginning, otherwise you will never chase you."

Zhao Feng showed some fear.

"What? This person actually chased Hou Qing, how is this possible?"

Many people in the tripartite forces are amazed.

With Zhao Feng’s cultivation as a strength, how could he pursue Hou Qing?

Hou Qing, who was on the top, was completely stunned. He thought that Zhao Feng was facing a crisis of life and death, and he would beg for mercy.

Zhao Feng actually said this thing directly, and he thoroughly stepped on Hou Qing’s face.

"you wanna die"

Hou Qing's eyes were cold and he killed directly to Zhao Feng.

There are many Tianshui Yaozu people here, and there is another small team. Even the Tianzhu people do not dare to conflict with the other two teams for Zhao Feng.

If the old man in Tsing Yi’s side is shot by Zhao Feng, the true **** of the Tianshui Yaozu will also stop it.

This time, Hou Qing wants to kill Zhao Feng in front of everyone, and save his face.

"Hou Qing, Zhao Xiong is my friend"

At this time, Zhao Feng said that he was not far away, and his tone eased.


In the sky, the fourth-order true **** of Tianshui Yaozu snorted.

A horrible power, crushing a few people to the Golden Arms, they seem to be placed in the waves, may be engulfed at any time.

With the fourth-order true **** of Tianshui Yaozu, the three teams reached a consensus, and Hou Qing killed Zhao Feng to solve the problem just now. Of course, the Tianyi squad was forced. At this time, they should not allow them to agree.

call out

Behind Zhao Feng, a pair of golden light wings condensed and went straight into the sky.

At this time, the situation is very pessimistic. There are super strong people in the Tianshui Yaozu. Many of the cards Zhao Feng can't show them. Otherwise, these strong players will directly shoot and kill Zhao Feng to seize the treasure.

Moreover, because of the current situation, no one at the scene can help Zhao Feng.

"Can you just escape?"

Hou Qing showed a hint of bloodthirsty smile, running Feng Shui, and quickly approaching Zhao Feng.

"Strangle the water curtain"

Hou Qing has one hand and one hand, above the top of Zhao Feng, the world is surging, a deep feng shui esoteric, condensed into a huge feng shui vortex, accompanied by a horrible suction, sucking everything.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt that the whole body was sucked by this vortex, and the use of the righteous power was also hindered.

call out

Hou Qing's left hand waved, a huge blade of Feng Shui, swept away to Zhao Feng, Wei Neng Haotian, unstoppable.

"Hou Qing is not the pride of the Tianshui demon family. The use of Feng Shui and the righteousness has been in full swing. I am afraid that it will not take long for Feng Shui to be able to achieve a heavy situation."

The black-scale old man, his eyes are like poisonous, looking at Hou Qing.

"A heavy feng shui"

There are many powerful gods in the field, and the mind is shocked.

In addition to divine power, the symbol of true power is the power of the righteousness.

Divine power does not have any attributes, but if it combines the true meaning of fire, divine power has a powerful power to destroy the burning, blending the meaning of the wood, blending the spatial meaning, and the power can penetrate the void.

Divine power only needs constant cultivation to become stronger, but the righteousness needs talent and comprehension to grow. Therefore, most of the true gods are empty and powerful, and their understanding of the righteousness is very low, resulting in weak overall strength.

For example, the servant of Zhao Feng’s servant Tsing Yi, his power lies in the righteousness of Lei, but Lei’s righteousness has entered a heavy threshold. If the old man of Tsing Yi’s righteousness reaches the triple realm, I am afraid that he can fight the fourth-order true God.

“A heavy feng shui?”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was slight, and he was the first to hear about the righteousness.

However, if you look closely, Hou Qing’s feng shui is really powerful, otherwise Zhao Feng will kill him last time.

"Breaking the Sun"

Zhao Feng's operation destroyed the thunder and thunder, and suddenly bombarded a fierce golden giant palm.


The two forces intertwined for a moment, bursting open, and a feng shui esoteric attacked Zhao Feng.

"Strong feng shui, the combination of divine power, really strong"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

His destruction of Yan Lei is only the power of the equivalent of divine power, but Hou Qing's divine power incorporates a strong sense of feng shui, and the power is stronger.

"Hou Qing already has such a talent, I don't know the strongest Tianjiao of Tianshui Yaozu, and what kind of strength is there."

"It seems that the ancient 陇 准 准 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天 天

Among the two teams opposite the Scorpio, many powerful aunts flattered and enjoyed the battle.

The quasi-God arrogance list only includes the quasi-God arrogance in a domain, a total of 20 places. Among the achievements that can be included in it, at least the ancient gods, the sixth-order true God.

All the quasi-sacred gods in the ancient sects are basically marching toward the quasi-God arrogance list, aiming at the strongest on the list of the gods.

Of course, these people just talked about it, with the strength of Hou Qing, and want to enter the ancient 陇 domain of the gods and gods arrogant list, there are some difficulties.

"I was destined to end up in the end, and I was desperate to die."

Hou Qing also heard many arguments from the real gods, and his heart was proud.

"Strangle the water curtain"

Around Zhao Feng, there have been three huge whirlpools of feng shui, the power of horror to suck, as if to swallow everything.


Zhao Feng looks cold, and Zuo Yu is always locked in Hou Qing.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, a black long sword appeared, which was the ancient seal of the sword form.


Running and destroying the thunder, Zhao Feng directly pulled out a horrible dark gold sword.

"Do you think that only you have artifacts?"

Hou Qing said nothing, and also took out an artifact.

In addition to the power of God and the power of the righteousness, the artifact is another means of the true God, relying on the mysterious power of the artifact to attack, the power can be strengthened.

"empty things"

When Hou Qing took out the artifact, Zhao Feng’s left scorpion had a layer of water ripples in it, and a layer of space swelled in water, appearing in Hou Qing’s body.

"not good"

Hou Qing was shocked, and Zhao Feng was still good at space.


A black chilly ripple crossed his chest, and the figure of the little thief appeared out of thin air.

"Junior, I want to hurt Hou Qing"

In the distance, I was smiling at the Tianshui Yaozu who was watching the battle, and suddenly screamed.

The little thief cat took the dark silver dragon snake whip on the neck directly and tied Hou Qing firmly into a ball.


Although Hou Qing’s heart has been hit hard, it is not dead.


Around Hou Qing, a horrible feng shui esoteric moves with his mind, rushing to the little thief cat.

"乖乖 lying down"

Zhao Feng snorted, and Zuo Yi once again launched a scream of horror.


A group destroyed the thunder and blew it up in Hou Qing’s soul.


The violent pain suddenly caused his will to collapse, and the feng shui around him collapsed.


A horrible force of wind and thunder surged, Zhao Feng directly into the small world of wind and thunder.


At this moment, the Tianshui Yaozu has come to four people, a fourth-order true god, three third-order true gods.

"Don't dare to go forward, I blew the little world"

Zhao Feng suddenly drank.

Next to him, there was a wind and thunder light curtain, which showed the pictures of Hou Qing and the little thief cat.

Suddenly, the Tianshui Yaozu people stopped.

"Peace, let Hou Qing, my Tianshui Yaozu can spare you not to die"

The fourth-order true **** of the Tianshui demon, directly shouted.

If Zhao Feng is going to marry Hou Qing directly, they are not afraid, because with the ability of Zhao Feng, it is difficult to directly kill Hou Qing.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Feng will be Hou Qing's income in the small world of wind and thunder. Once the small world blew himself, the horrible power can definitely erase Hou Qing.

"help me"

In the small world of wind and thunder, the greetings of Hou Qing were heard.


The little thief cat sat on his body, holding a shovel in his hand and banging on his head.

"I put Hou Qing, there is a way to live?"

Zhao Feng sneered, and the Tianshui Yaozu people really regarded him as a fool.

"If you dare to kill Hou Qing, the Tianshui Yaozu will never let you go."

The fourth-order true **** said coldly that Hou Qing’s ancestors were the elders of the Tianshui Yaozu, which is why they must take care of Hou Qingsheng’s death.

"You are not allowed to follow up. When I leave 200,000 miles, I will release Hou Qing."

Zhao Feng's face is light, and the wings behind it are shining brightly. His figure is flashing away.

Three teams on the scene, a piece of silence

Just now they still praised Hou Qing, flattering the Tianshui Yaozu, but the next moment, Hou Qing was suddenly caught by Zhao Feng.

If it is not the strong man of the Tianshui Yaozu, I am afraid that Zhao Feng has killed it.

Everyone in the Tianzhu people was so happy that Zhao Feng was so troubled that the other two teams could not jointly deal with them.

"The Golden Arms will leave before they leave."

The rest of the Golden Arms smiled and said.

The three people of the Golden Arms and the old people of Tsing Yi left directly.

"Wait here, wait for this kid to leave 200,000 miles and kill directly."

The fourth-order true **** of the Tianshui Yaozu, cold and cold.

Through the communication token, he can perceive the approximate location of Hou Qing, and once it exceeds 200,000 miles, they will start directly.

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