King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1188: The fire of the righteousness

Above the mountains, the sun, the thunder and the golden light are intertwined.

In the middle of this vision, there is a glimpse of a figure sitting cross-legged, in front of him, floating with various brilliance items.

These cultivating treasures floating in front of Zhao Feng, even the fourth-order true gods will be full of eyes, and the nearby vision of heaven and earth is exactly what Zhao Feng used to cultivate these treasures.

Among such a large and precious cultivation resources, Zhao Feng's overall strength has been rapidly improved.


Zhao Feng's body, a layer of red gold glaze flame, constantly changing.

The body of Zhao Feng’s red-gold glaze bursts into a deep red hot sun, bursting with blood like a glow.


The flame in the three tail feathers in front of Zhao Feng quickly merged into the flame of Zhao Feng's body surface burning.

At the same time, the force of the blood in the tail feathers infiltrates into the body of Zhao Feng and enters the blood.


The power of the powerful blood of the punctatus, when it was integrated into Zhao Feng's body, Zhao Feng's Taikoo blood magic sun was completely boiling, and it was a fierce collision with the Taikoo blood that came in.

"Great response"

Zhao Feng’s heart was shocked.

In the past, when Zhao Feng integrated and refining other ancient blood, the ancient blood magic yang only broke out the burning characteristics, and constantly burned and refined.

This is very likely that the blood of the phoenix and the blood of the ancient genus, there are too many similarities, or the blood of the phoenix is ​​too high, so it will be so intense.

What Zhao Feng has to do is to control the blood of the ancient sacred yang, and constantly devour the blood of the refining phoenix.


The power of the flame around Zhao Feng's body is getting bigger and bigger, as if he is reborn in the fire, like a flame demon.

Some moment.

Zhao Feng's blood in the body of the ancient blood, the blood of the blood of the phoenix, all swallowed and refined.


The blood in Zhao Feng's body is like boiling water, boiling up.


Zhao Feng's majestic flames, crazy burning, bright red, the amazing **** atmosphere, more overbearing.

Behind the bright red flames of Zhao Feng’s bath, the illusion of a bright red blood yang faintly reveals the illusion of a pintail.


The Taikoo race near Zhao Feng felt the burning and boiling of the blood, and there was an inexplicable tremor and panic.

"It seems that my Taikoo blood magic Yang, completed one"

Zhao Feng whispered, a little excited between the look.

Just do not know the blood of Zhao Feng today, can be compared with the rank of the ancient blood.

"Try the test"

Zhao Feng stood up directly, giving people a hegemonic, wild temperament.


Running too ancient blood magic Yang, Zhao Feng's arm is surrounded by a red and violent flame.


Zhao Feng directly blasted a punch.


I saw a group of red-hot fists like a fireball, burning red red flames, and bursting out, the surrounding sky, the flaming red.

"The power of good horror, especially the power of the flame, has been strengthened."

Zhao Feng felt the huge fireball in front of him.


This huge fireball continued to burn in the void, as if it would not disappear.


Zhao Feng noticed a slight difference, and his thoughts were fretting.

Suddenly, the burning fireball broke open and turned into a sea of ​​fire, still not extinguished.

"Does this feeling, is the true meaning of fire reaching a realm?"

Zhao Feng feels his own idea, he can control the released flame, and can directly transform the fire attribute of the air into the power of the flame for his own use.

"I didn't expect the fusion of the blood of the phoenix and the blood of the ancient blood, so that my understanding of the true meaning of fire directly reaches a heavy state."

Zhao Feng’s mouth twitched a smile.

He has seen it with his own eyes. When Hou Qing Feng Shui is close to a threshold, he shows far more than the same level of combat power. At this time, Zhao Feng’s fire is completely more important than him.

The strengthening of the bloodline came to an end, Zhao Feng began to wholeheartedly cultivate the "Five Elements of the Thunder."

Although the improvement of the cultivation is not affected by Zhao Feng’s combat power, at this time, Zhao Feng’s training is too low, which hinders the growth of Zhao Feng’s combat power.

In front of Zhao Feng, there is a golden flame giant horn, a **** golden flower, and a golden fruit covered with scales.

These are the most precious Jindao cultivation treasures in Zhao Feng's hands, and some time ago, Zhao Feng has copied some of them, and now they can use them with confidence.


The metallic effects of the three kinds of precious materials were extracted by Zhao Feng, poured into the veins of the whole body, and the limbs were smashed.

Zhao Feng’s holy light is like a multicolored disc, which rotates slowly.

The effect of the drug directly poured into the golden area, and then quickly refining and blending into it.

The golden wind of the golden sacred force in the golden area suddenly flashed a dazzling golden glow.

At the same time, Zhao Feng's body around, the dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed around, accompanied by a force of wind and thunder.

"My golden wind is very stable, and I have used the Golden Road Treasure to cultivate a little, and I have directly broken through the peak level."

Zhao Feng whispered.

The tenth layer of gold wind thunder has reached the peak level, but Zhao Feng did not stop and continue to practice.

Three days later, Zhao Feng absorbed all the effects of these three treasures in the net before they stopped.

"It is a metal cultivating treasure. When the gold wind has just broken through to the peak, it will be completely stabilized and even improved."

Zhao Feng looks a little surprised, but the smile is more intense.

According to this progress, it will not take long for Zhao Feng's golden wind thunder to enter a perfect situation. At that time, Zhao Feng's golden wind thunder will have the power of divine power, so even if it is a demigod.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng’s fire has reached a certain level of realm. If it is merged with the golden wind of the perfect world, and the powerful power of destroying Thunder is produced, Zhao Feng has some faint expectations.


A dark paint, carrying a deadly death, plunged to Zhao Feng.

This person is Zhao Zheng. During the period of Zhao Feng's cultivation, he will come here once every few days, let Zhao Feng help suppress the black scepter, and he absorbs the death gas on the scepter and feels the death of the righteousness.

Zhao Zheng did not rush to break into the demigod, but his understanding of the death of the righteousness was deeper, and the use of the death shackles was even better.

He does not like Zhao Feng's participation in various disciplines. Zhao Zheng only needs to specialize in the death of the righteousness and study the death shackles.

But like Zhao Feng, he has far more strength than many repairs. He is able to kill the enemy more and more, and it is not a problem to fight against the first-order true God.

In the void, there was a violent water swirl, and then a black scepter emerged from it.


At the moment when the black scepter appeared, the first reaction was still resisting.

In its view, if he was in his heyday, he could kill two people with his own death force, so he would not succumb to Zhao Feng and Zhao Zheng.

"Thunder and blame"

Zhao Feng said nothing, condensing the power of a huge thunder, first give it a blow.

After being bombarded by the power of thunder, the black scepter was a little more honest.

Then, Zhao died to run the death shackles, quietly absorb the gas of death, and feel the death of the righteousness.

After a few hours, the death of Zhao’s death was getting heavier and heavier, but this death scent had no effect on himself.


Zhao Wan’s death screams suddenly accelerates, and a layer of black fog is slowly appearing in the virtual space around him, which is horrible.

"Yes, this artifact of death is very extraordinary, and the death of Zhao’s death has entered a heavy state."

Zhao Feng is very satisfied. It is worthwhile to take this artifact with adventure.

Today, Zhao Feng's two avatars all have superior combat power, and if the three people cooperate with each other, it can be said that there is no gap, and the heart is conscience. It is possible to defeat the third-order true **** in front.

call out

After half a day of empathy, Zhao died and left to learn and practice alone.

Zhao Feng directly took the black scepter into the space of the gods.

Such a powerful artifact, even Zhao Feng could not help but want to participate in the death of the righteousness, use this artifact.

Moreover, with Zhao Feng's understanding, it should not be difficult to understand the death of the righteousness.

However, the death of the righteousness is a powerful offensive ambition, but Zhao Feng’s attacking on the righteousness has already had the meaning of fire, the righteousness of the thunder, the righteousness of gold, and the death of Zhao has the shackles of death, and this black scepter is handed over to him for use. Suitable.

"Right, there is a **** stone."

When you mention the black scepter, you can remind Zhao Feng to seal it and seal it.

From the inside of the emptiness, Zhao Feng took out a few pieces of Fengshen stone.

The power of an invisible seal spreads around, as if any of the forces of righteousness will be hindered and unable to exert full power.

"It’s a treasure, it’s a pity."

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly and sighed.

Listening to the Golden Arms, the Fengshen Stone is the symbolic treasure of the 14th Taiji and the Protoss.

This piece of stone, even the terrible black scepter can be sealed, if Zhao Feng used it to fight, the stone of the seal, the other side can not use even the strength of the power, still slaughtered by themselves.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng is very reluctant, and there is absolutely value in this stone.

"The seal stone is broken, but the seal on it still exists, but I can't use it. After all, I am not a protoss."

Zhao Feng whispered.

If you are a protoss, you may be able to directly reintegrate this broken stone.

The Fengshen people control the seal of the righteousness, this stone is the treasure they personally refine, so they can use it.

In other words, Zhao Feng can use the power of Fengshen as long as he understands the seal. In addition, it is possible to use this broken stone to refine a set of seals.

However, such a treasure, Zhao Feng dare to expose it.

"In this way, I only have to understand the seal."

Zhao Feng is slightly helpless, but only so.

He has seen the power of Fengshishi. With this stone, he can even prevent the enemy from using space teleportation and space shuttle.

Zhao Feng grabbed two pieces of stone, sitting cross-legged, soul consciousness, deep into the stone.

"The power of seal, the power of mysteriousness"

Zhao Feng feels that the seal power is completely different from the five elements of his past practice, which makes him unable to touch.

Zhao Feng opened the eyes of the gods, stimulating his own speed of thinking and comprehension. At the same time, he left the golden left to analyze the structure of the stone.

With the cooperation of the two, Zhao Feng quickly integrated into the world of seal power, and was able to capture a trace of seal.

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