King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1207: Zhao Feng appeared

Zhao Feng is now home to the place where the transparent palace appears.

At the beginning, the mountains and the mountains were continuous, but now it has become a pitted basin.


Two sounds of broken air, Zhao Chen and Zhao Wan came here.

However, both of them were accompanied by serious injuries of varying degrees.

Vientiane’s attack and defense is integrated, and Zhao’s death itself is “indefinitely dead”, which can cause them to suffer heavy injuries. The enemy is not ordinary.

Meow meow

Zhao Wan shoulders, the little thief cat shook his head and sighed.

"Golden Yu and Blue Scales?"

Zhao Feng whispered and looked cold.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng, the dying black dragon and the small spirit were directly brought into the space of time and space.

When the blue scales saw Zhao Feng’s team and there were three remaining, they immediately went back to kill. Later, some members of the Jinyu ethnic group also participated.

Zhao Chen and Zhao Wan had more means and eventually escaped, but the Tsing Yi old man who was enslaved by Zhao Feng was poisoned by them.

"Go back first"

Zhao Feng said lightly.

What he meant, naturally refers to returning to the dream of Taikoo, Zhao Feng's original territory.

Nowadays, there is no strong person in the wilderness domain. With the strength of Zhao Feng and others, it is difficult to expand here.

Therefore, Zhao Feng decided to return to the original peripheral area and slowly expand to occupy the territory.

Among these people, Zhao Feng is the fastest. He directly puts everyone into the small world and starts to hurry.

Along the way, Zhao Feng flies while understanding "space teleportation".

Within a few days, Zhao Feng successfully realized the "space teleportation."


Zhao Feng's body exudes a strong spatial volatility and blends into the void of heaven and earth.

In the void in front of Zhao Feng, there is a layer of spatial ripples, like a transparent water surface, with a ripple.


Zhao Feng's body shape jumped, and the body directly fell into the water mark of that layer.

300,000 miles away


The heavens and the earth are distorted, and a strong spatial fluctuation occurs, and a space water pattern appears in the void.

Zhao Feng’s figure flew directly from it.

"A teleport, 300,000 miles"

Zhao Feng reveals the color of surprise.

It's just that he just learned "space teleportation". With his proficiency, his teleport distance will be longer and longer.

Then, after trying several spatial teleports, Zhao Feng used the transmission ability of the lost world to return to the original territory.

Zhao Feng will release two avatars, the annihilation black dragon and the little thief cat.

"Master, why not let Xiaoling help us solve the trouble of Tianyu Island?"

The annihilation of the black dragon asked.

He used too much power to destroy the source, damaged the foundation, and caused the repair to decline. Now he can't help Zhao Feng any favor.

"No need"

Zhao Feng directly replied.

If Xiao Ling is out of the horse, it can directly solve the trouble of Tian Yu Island.

However, Zhao Feng is free to enter and exit the secret of dreams, or try not to let more people know.

Moreover, with Zhao Feng's current strength and manpower, it is no problem to solve the problem of Tianyu Island.

"You will recover as soon as possible"

Zhao Feng said to the death of the black dragon.

Today, Zhao Feng is still not in a hurry to go out, at least to wait for the death of the black dragon to repair, to recover the injuries of Zhao and Zhao Wan, to strengthen the strength and then go out

A figure flew to Zhao Feng.

This person is wearing a blue cloth, white as jade, and a friendly face.

"Well, Zhao Hui"

Zhao Feng nodded.

With the soul of the reincarnation, it is called Zhao Hui.

At this time, Zhao Hui has successfully refining the reincarnation into the soul.

"You take these to practice and enlighten you."

Zhao Feng directly passed on some exercises, theories, and secrets in his mind to Zhao Hui.

Zhao Feng’s plan is to let Zhao back be a physician.

The helper of the battle, Zhao Feng has Zhao Zheng, Zhao Wan and the death of the black dragon, and there are many large Taikoo ethnic groups.

Moreover, the reincarnation of life does not have much fighting ability.

Therefore, it is better to let Zhao go back to be a doctor.

First, it can help Zhao Feng and others to treat the injury.

Second, the doctors can also refine the medicinal herbs, improve the cultivation speed of the Zhao Feng team, and solve some bottleneck problems on the road of martial arts.

At the beginning, when Zhao returned to shaping his body, Zhao Feng chose a large number of life treasures, giving him a body that contained medicine and affinity with nature.

In doing so, it is also to make his way on the medical path more smooth.

However, if the road to medical treatment is not talented, it is still more difficult than martial arts.

In a short time, Zhao Hui is difficult to reach the ideal height of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s robe flutters, and the three avatars and the ruined black dragons are all included in the interior space of the time and space.

The inner space of the time and space robe, the flow rate is ten times slower than the outside world, and naturally it should be used well.

Zhao Feng also came here after everyone was included in the interior space of time and space.


Sitting cross-legged, Zhao Feng’s consciousness began to explore the time and space skills in the robe of time and space.

"Time and space warfare skills are more difficult to cultivate. At this stage, we still choose the most needed, the most suitable for our own time and space warfare skills, secret surgery."

Zhao Feng whispered.

"Space Transfer"

Zhao Feng’s gaze falls on this space secret technique.

"Space shifting" is essentially the same as "space teleportation", but space shifting pays more attention to distance and extends the distance of the shuttle to the limit.

A teleport, perhaps a distance of several hundred thousand miles, but a space shift, at least tens of millions of miles away, quite a wild domain of short distances.

However, the requirements for space movement are very high, and at least six spaces need to be used.

Zhao Feng had to put it down and continue to search.

"Found, time and space class"

Zhao Feng's eyes are moving.

Zhao Feng's theory of martial arts is the most solid, and time and space is the most suitable for himself.

"The Lock of the Air", "Time and Space Forbidden"

In Zhao Feng’s mind, there are two methods of cultivation of time and space.

"The Lock of the Air": Locking a space, so that the other party can not display space-like techniques, if the time is strong, it can also slow down the space time.

"Time and Space Forbidden": Putting time and space on the other side, locking one person, can directly prohibit the other party from releasing space esoteric meaning; if it is combined with time, it can even make the other person's body stagnant in place, which is equivalent to "fixing body".

"The Lock of the Air" is a god-level middle secret, and "Time and Space Forbidden" is a god-level high-order true god.

Therefore, Zhao Feng decided to start with the "Lock of the Air".

A lot of ideas were divided, and the first unit began to cultivate the "Lock of the Air".

The second idea, Zhao Feng is used to cultivate "Jin Kun Sheng Lei"

The remaining ideas, Zhao Feng used to delve into the "empty shackles."

At the beginning, Zhao Feng broke through the black light, and this technique was gradually eliminated. But now that Zhao Feng’s strength is strong, he is good at space and may be able to transform and strengthen this technique.

The days of cultivation always go very fast.

On one day, Zhao Feng’s body suddenly climbed to a level.

Zhao Feng's body is crystal clear, and the surface is circulated with five-color lightning brilliance.


Immediately, the power of five-color lightning and terror was burst out of Zhao Feng’s body.


The sky and the sky are faint.

"The holy body of the body, breaking through to the seventh floor has become a big"

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

With the birth of Zhao Feng's five elements of divine power, with the power of thunder and robbery, the effect of the holy thunder body is better.

Therefore, in just a few dozen days, Zhao Feng’s Sheng Lei body directly broke through.

On the seventh floor of Shenglei body, Zhao Feng can crush the second-order true **** only by his physical strength.

After consolidating, Zhao Feng will use this idea to apply for the "Division of the Soul" and then continue to practice retreat.

After another ten days, Zhao Feng opened his eyes, but only to test the scorpion.


Zhao Feng stared at somewhere.

A layer of space vortex emerged, and then a white crystal Thunder blade, bursting out from it.


The blade quickly cut through the void, leaving a heart-rending white brilliance.

"No, the space is too fluctuating, and the strong people with spatial ambiguity can easily detect it."

Zhao Feng looked a sinking.

"Thunder and robbery" is Zhao Feng's new technique based on "Void 瞳斩" combined with other techniques.

The thunder robbers are extremely powerful. If they are released directly from the other party, they are easily detected by people.

Zhao Feng continued to deduct and experiment.

Half a year passed by, but the outside world only passed for more than half a month.

"Master, I have recovered to the second-order true God."

The dying black dragon came to Zhao Feng and said directly.

"If that's the case, let's go out."

Zhao Feng opened his eyes and brightened his eyes.

Tianyu Island.

Tianyu Island Master, Ghost Shake God and many true gods in Tianyu Island are still here.

It has been four months, but during the four months, there was no space fluctuation in the vicinity.

This makes people in the venue suspect that Zhao Feng is no longer in this space.

However, the Tianyu Island Lord did not speak, how dare they leave.

"Big Brother, will that kid have left here?"

Ghosts really asked doubts.

"Impossible, since he hides in this void, as long as he moves, there will be space fluctuations."

The main face of Tian Yu Island is cold and gloomy.

In fact, he also has some doubts, Zhao Feng, they are no longer in this space.

Even if Zhao Feng is still hidden in this space, he can hide for four months without showing up, there is a way to hide longer time.

Although it is said that the four-month time is true for the true God, but between the fingers; but the matter is not settled, they feel that it is very uncomfortable in the throat, so it is very difficult to be embarrassed every day.

"Well? Appeared"

Suddenly, the main face of Tianyu Island was shocked, and the twins shot an amazing cold.

After waiting for four months, this space finally fluctuated.


Tian Yu Island owner gave a low drink.

call out

In the hands of the owner of Tian Yu Island, a gray cold light was shot, and the powerful chilly force made people feel trembled.


Where the gray cold light passes, there is a layer of ice fog in the void.


All the true gods present in the field immediately ran their power and attacked the attack point of Tian Yu Island Lord.


There was a loud bang in the heavens and the earth, and the horrible power of the gods fluctuated and spread to the surrounding.

Even the "forbidden big array" placed here has been shaken.

"I don't know if I succeeded."

There are some expectations in the heart of the ghost.

The blow just now, but gathered the power of more than 20 true gods.

"Haha, it’s really a long time for you to be so excited."

A loud laughter suddenly came out.

The dust dissipated, and a figure slowly emerged. The blonde was blond and handsome.

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