King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1209: Counterattack Tianyu Island Lord (seeking a monthly pass)

Even the Tianyu Island owner was repulsed by Zhao Feng, and the shock of the rest of the real gods in the field could not be said.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s display is still the trick of Tianyu Island.

This temporarily shorted their heads and couldn't understand what was going on.


The fire of the sky fired and spit, and it trembled.

Without breaking through the true God, you can make a move with the fourth-order true God.

In just a few months, Zhao Feng has changed to such a degree. How did he do it?

Although very excited, there is still some concern about Tianhuo.

There are many gods in the field. In addition to the Tianyu Island Lord, there are also third-order true gods.

Zhao Feng has only one person.

After all, Zhao Feng did not reach the fourth-order true god. Tianhuo really did not think that Zhao Feng had a way to kill Tianyu Island.

However, as long as Zhao Feng survives, it will not take long before he will surpass Tianyu Island.

"Kid, you will die"

The main face of Tianyu Island is cold and cold, and the eyes are fierce.

As a fourth-order true god, he was attacked by a sneak attack. If he does not kill Zhao Feng today, he will not let the rest of the real God laugh.

Moreover, in the eyes of Tian Yu Island, it is all because of the robes of Zhao Feng.

"Ha ha"

Zhao Feng sneered.

The time and space of the robe is extremely high. With the attack of the Tian Yu Island owner, Zhao Feng can't be injured.

And Zhao Feng’s speed is also standing at a commanding height.

He has a time and space robe, almost invincible, how does Tianyu Island Lord kill him?

Of course, Zhao Feng’s own strength is only a third-order true god; if he does not borrow the power of time and space, Zhao Feng can’t resist the siege of those true gods, and it’s even more impossible to be the opponent of Tianyu Island.

"No one of you can go, who will kill me?"

Tian Yu Island Lord greeted the rest of the real gods.

Zhao Feng’s space magical power is too strong, and it’s hard to get close to Zhao Feng.

If there are these people to target, as long as Zhao Feng kills, he can catch Zhao Feng's flaws.

"Yes, the island owner"

Although many true gods know that Tian Yu Island Lord is letting them sacrifice as targets.

But if they escape, they will be directly killed by Tian Yu Island.

Now they only have prayers, and Zhao Feng’s next goal is others.

"Haha, indeed, you can't walk today."

Zhao Feng suddenly smiled.

The trouble of Tian Yu Island owner must be solved.

Others can't easily let go.

The rest of the true God listened to Zhao Feng’s words and could not help but smile.

The strength of Tianyu Island is strong, forcing them to stay as targets; at this time, Zhao Feng seems to have absolute certainty and can leave them all here.

They are so many true gods, they are played by the two powerful players in the applause.

"Hey, if you don't die, they can't go naturally."

The **** of Tian Yu Island covers the audience, and Zhao Feng is locked in the eyes.

"is it?"

Zhao Feng vomited two words, and there was a layer of space shadow around his figure.

"This kid..."

Tian Yu Island’s main look was amazed.

Once Zhao Feng uses the space to flicker, he can predict in advance and shoot Zhao Feng. This is also known to Zhao Feng.

But at the moment, Zhao Feng still does not hesitate to use the space to flicker.

Who knows that it is a dead end, but also goes to a dead end.

Zhao Feng’s figure suddenly disappeared.


The gods of Tianyu Island Master will control all the dozens of miles and instantly determine the position where Zhao Feng will appear.

Although there are some doubts, why does Zhao Feng know that there are tigers in the mountains, and he also goes to Hushan.

But Tian Yu Island owner can not do anything, watching Zhao Feng killing in front of his eyes.

"Is the goal me?"

A first-order true **** suddenly showed a desperate color.

He is the true **** of the blue-eyed ice wolf. He had a hunch just now. Zhao Feng’s next goal may be him.

Zhao Feng’s figure appeared behind this true god.

The next moment, Tian Yu Island owner and ghost brakes came.

In the hands of Tian Yu Island, holding a Xuanbing crystal fan, the ghost brakes really took a shot of a dark silver gun.

"The **** is heaven"

"Ice bones"

Two great gods, running the artifacts in their hands, and exerting a full blow.

The power of destroying the earth and destroying the land, so that all the true gods present in the scene, have retreated, for fear of being hurt by the aftermath.

The target of the two attacks is the true **** of Zhao Feng and the blue-eyed ice wolf.

"Zhao Feng, you will die"

The true **** of the blue-eyed ice wolf, desperately laughing, cursing Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng did not care about this true god, but looked at Tian Yu Island Lord, waving the time and space of the robe.

Three powerful breaths suddenly came.

"Death Black Hole"

At the moment when Zhao died, the stick of the death curse has appeared.

The sorrow of the sky, the air of death, pervading all around, corroding all life

call out

The eyes on the stick of the Death Curse echo the shackles of death, and directly shoot a black mist. The black mist is evil and horrified, and contains a heart-warming power.

The death black hole directly meets the attack of the Tianyu Island Lord.


The powerful attack of the island of Tian Yu was sucked by the black hole of death.

At the same time, the energy in the attack is constantly being eroded by the death, and the power is gradually weakened.

The death of the righteousness, eroding all things in the world, causing it to fall into the abyss of death.

"Destroy the Dragon"

"Sheng Lei broken the palm"

Zhao Feng and the annihilation of the black dragon, took the opportunity to attack the Tian Yu Island owner and the ghost brake god.

"Jin Rui's Sword"

On the other hand, Zhao Wan runs the shackles of Vientiane and destroys the attack of the ghost god.


The attack power of the people hits the **** of the island and the true **** of the ghost.


The main face of Tianyu Island is somewhat weak.

The death of Zhao’s death is very powerful, and it instantly eroded his life span of thousands of years.

"This... is indeed the helper of Zhao Feng."

The ghost shrine really slammed the chest and stopped the injury, saying that he was arrogant.

Zhao Wanhe died in the black dragon, he had seen it, but did not expect that Zhao Wan is now so powerful.

"A lot of strong people"

The rest of the real gods were also stunned. I didn’t expect Zhao Feng to have a card.

"The lock of the air"

Zhao Feng runs the eyes of the gods, surging the space, and staring at the island of Tianyu.


Suddenly, one side of the world was blocked by Zhao Feng, and the Tianyu Island owner was unable to display space and art, and even the space was limited.

"this is?"

The owner of Tianyu Island naturally perceives the changes in the sky and the sky.

It’s just that he didn’t think that Zhao Feng’s secret technique was even stronger than the big ban that they arranged.

At this time, Tianyu Island Master finally understood why Zhao Feng knows that there are tigers in the mountains and also to Hushan. Because Zhao Feng’s real goal is Tianyu Island’s "Tiger."

If Zhao Feng directly flashes to the main body of Tianyu Island, he will have precautions.

Therefore, Zhao Feng deliberately flashed behind a true god, tempting Tian Yu Island owner and ghost brakes to attack him.

"How can it be?"

The blue-eyed ice wolf is a true god, lying in the same place, with a dull look.

It turned out that Zhao Feng appeared next to him, just to lure Tian Yu Island owner and ghost temple true God.

It’s ridiculous, he’s a real god, and he’s actually used as a bait by both powerful players.

"You two are here, who kills who?"

Zhao Feng said to the death of the black dragon and Zhao Wan.


Zhao Feng and Zhao Chen directly rushed to Tian Yu Island.


Tian Yu Island owner hurriedly waved his hand to the Xuan Bing crystal fan, slamming the endless ice storm.

At this time, Tian Yu Island owner has panicked.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng’s real goal was actually him.

Moreover, the man who is next to Zhao Feng is a quasi-god, but the strength is extraordinary; the most important thing is that the black scepter in his hand, even Tian Yu Island owner can feel the terrible power

"Death Black Hole"

Zhao died in the battle of death, echoing the black eyelids above the death scepter, and again shot a dark cloud.

call out

Where the darkness of the fog passes, everything is extinct.

"Mi Tianzhang"

Zhao Feng runs the time and space, hits a shadow of the sky, carries the vastness of the sky, breaks into the void, and immediately emerges, directly hitting the island of Tianyu.

"Tianhan Shield"

With a wave of hands, Tian Yu Island in front of the main body, condensed a huge cold ice crystal.


Zhao Feng hit a few more Tian Tianzhang again.


The double space and the increase of the time and space robe, as well as the ranks of "Mi Tianzhang" itself, the horrible power, instantly broke the defense of Tianyu Island.


The owner of Tianyu Island couldn’t hide, and was hit by a slap in the palm of his hand. The figure fell in a few miles and spewed a blood arrow.

"Touch of Death"

In Zhao Wan’s stick of death curse, suddenly there are countless black tentacles with spirituality.

call out

The black death touch of the sky, wrapped up to the main island of Tianyu.

"There is no reason for this, they both hold such a treasure..."

Tian Yu Island is angry.

Zhao Feng wears time and space robe, strong defense, deep body, and an increase in time and space.

And Zhao’s hand holds the stick of the curse, and the death is very powerful and erodes everything.


Tian Yu Island Lord has no war.

Zhao Feng has a strong defense and is fast. He can't kill it.

The artifact in Zhao’s hands is horrible and poses a great threat to him.

However, due to the inability to display the secrets of the sky, the island of Tianyu can only rely on powerful power to directly shuttle through the void.

The speed of the fourth-order true God is not covered. He wants to escape. The two quasi-god, even if they have the power of the heavens, can't kill him.

However, in the next moment, the void in front of the main island of Tianyu Island surged into a powerful space fluctuation.


Space distortion, Zhao Feng jumped directly from the void.

"This is... teleportation"

Tian Yu Island has a wide range of knowledge and naturally recognizes this magical power.

However, he did not expect that Zhao Feng District, the prospective god, can also cast teleports.

"God gaze"

When Zhao Feng appeared in this moment of the heavens and the earth, he directly applied the gods to stare and restrained the soul of Tianyu Island.

"Hey, with this kind of martial arts, I also want to **** my soul?"

The owner of Tianyu Island snorted.

Although Zhao Feng’s technique is strong, his soul will be too weak. This move cannot affect Tian Yu Island.

And just when Tianyu Island owner is ready to break free.

Zhao Feng’s dark silver robe fluttered and Zhao died.

"Death gaze"

Zhao died in the battle of death, and at the same time pointed the stick of the curse to the owner of Tianyu Island.

The black eyelids above the death shackles and the death sorcers, at the same time produce a powerful death saga, descending around the island of Tianyu Island.


In the stick of the Death Curse, there is a scream of miserable ghosts. This is the power of cursing.

The combination of death and curse, the terrible power, is enough to turn any creature into dust.

Zhao Feng was just temporarily holding down the Tianyu Island Lord. The real killing trick was Zhao Chen and the curse of the Death Mantra.

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