King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1211: go away

In Tianyu Island, the blue-eyed ice wolf is acting arrogantly, developing rapidly and ambitiously, and other forces are more worried about this.

Nowadays, Zhao Feng has removed the power of Tianyu Island and has to deal with the blue-eyed ice wolf.

Therefore, the true God who knows this is more happy.

The strongest force in Tianyu Island was destroyed, and the blue-eyed ice wolf was not good enough to go there. As a result, the resources available to the rest of the forces will be correspondingly increased.

"Go, the **** of the sky"

Zhao Feng said indifferently, the power of operation, rolling up the sky and the gods, go directly.

Other true powers are also scattered. The true God who died in this battle almost doubles the entire Tianyu Island. It is already a blessing to survive.

Moreover, no one will be bored to inform the blue-eyed ice wolf.

If Zhao Feng is not pleased, the consequences are not what they can afford.

On this day, Zhao Feng and Tian Huo God came to the trading hall of the Blue Eyes Ice Wolf.

"The blue-eyed ice wolf people are all given to me."

Zhao Feng floated in the air and slammed it.


The entire building of the trading hall, banging, seems to be unstable.

And the guardian array outside the trading hall, the light flashed, almost collapsed.

The guards around the trading hall, from Zhao Feng’s drink, felt the strength of the other side and did not act rashly.

But in their view, Zhao Feng dared to come to this trading hall to relax, the blue-eyed ice wolf's strong, will never let him go.


In the trading hall, several powerful breaths surged, and five figures flew directly.

"Tianhuo God, you are so bold, dare to make trouble in trading the spirit hall, some non-you still think that the original battle of the spirit hall battle, is the flaming Jinyang family win?"

Among the five, the half-god old man, who is headed, laughs.

Zhao Feng and Tian Huo God did not enter the trading hall at all, but the blue-eyed ice wolf people first deducted their charges.

In this way, the next step is to make it happen.

"Yes... Zhao Feng"

An old man with a blue-eyed ice wolf, staring at Zhao Feng with a gaze, exclaimed.

This old man, who was the first to identify Zhao Feng's auction, later sent a strong blue-eyed ice wolf to track the assassination of Zhao Feng.

"Great elder, he is... Zhao Feng"

Two more gods, recognizing Zhao Feng, said with a look of fright.

The two of them had watched the battle for the trade hall. At the beginning, Zhao Feng defeated Lonely and later defeated the hurricane of Tianyu Island. The scene was engraved in their hearts.

Later, even the news that Zhao Feng killed the ghost and the true God

In short, Zhao Feng's strength is unfathomable. They are five and a half gods, and they can never be Zhao Feng's opponents.

"Zhao Feng"

In the trading hall, Zhao Feng two words, continue to spread.

Although Zhao Feng offended the Tianyu Island owner, Zhao Feng’s reputation was rumored in Tianyu Island.

The hurricane was simply defeated by it, and the ghost was killed by it. Zhao Feng can be said to be the most powerful genius of Tianyu Island.

"Zhao Feng"

The big elders of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf family looked shocked and some regretted what they had just said.

He had been retiring before, and he did not know about what happened outside the world. After the customs clearance, he heard some rumors about Zhao Feng.

In addition, the true power of the family is not to say that Zhao Feng is trapped in the territory of Tianyu Island.

There are nearly 20 true gods strong there, and they are killed by the cloth, and Tianyu Island owner personally sits in the town, even if it is the fourth-order true God, it will die.

But why did Zhao Feng appear here again?

"I just came here to make trouble. I think that when I traded the Temple for the battle, it should be that I won, so this trading hall is a fierce Golden Sheep."

Zhao Feng replied with the words of the blue-eyed ice wolf elders.

But at this time, the five half-god of the blue-eyed ice wolf family did not dare to say a word, and even dared not look directly at Zhao Feng.

"You, kill"

Zhao Feng’s eyes suddenly stared at one of them.

This old man was the one who first gave Zhao Feng an auction item.

"Zhao seniors... forgiveness"

When Zhao Feng’s eyes came, the old man fell down directly.


Zhao Feng’s soul will condense into a thunderous thunder and smash away from the old man.


The other four demigods felt as if they were in the thunder and hell, and the world was thunderous. They were stiff and indifferent.


The old man screamed, the soul directly annihilated, and the body fell.


The whole trading hall is silent.

One eye, the second half of the strong, the strength of Zhao Feng, how strong.

The other four demigods are even more chilly. Just if Zhao Feng intended to target them, I was afraid that they would end up with the same god.

"Zhao's predecessors are angry, this thing, we can't do the Lord, please let us report to the patriarch"

The elders trembled.

There are two true gods in the blue-eyed ice wolf family. One of the first-order true gods was killed in the territory of Tianyu Island.

The remaining one is the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, the second-order true god.

"Let him roll over."

Zhao Feng's cold voice came out.


The elders trembled and nodded.

This matter is not something he can manage, he can only be handed over to the patriarch.

"Tianhuo God, we are advanced"

Zhao Feng said directly.

The power of the Blue-eyed Ice Wolf family is far from the trading hall, and Zhao Feng naturally cannot wait here.


Zhao Feng and Tian Huozhen, directly to the Xianzhen Building.

Suddenly, all the strong people who ate here, all got up and left.

You must know that Zhao Feng’s eyes can kill the half-god strong, and they are ordinary people, but they are not a bunch of spikes.

At this time, the entire Xianzhen Building, only Zhao Feng and Tianhuo God.

"What do guests want to eat?"

A shop second, a little nervous to come to Zhao Feng table.

“The best dishes in the last few dishes, come back to a pot of Tianquan wine”

Zhao Feng said directly.

He came here to eat, naturally to have fun, the taste must be the best.

"Well, please wait a moment."

Shop Xiao Er left directly.

It didn't take long for the wine to come up.

Meow meow

The little thief cat smelled so delicious and directly smashed it out, and this time there was fine wine.

"Zhao Feng, thank you for everything you did for the fierce Golden Sheep."

Tianhuo God said directly.

Zhao Feng’s powerful strength is only known to the true gods of Tianyu Island’s main site.

But at this time, Zhao Feng took care of this little thing for the fierce Jinyang people.

"It’s just a matter of hand"

Zhao Feng did not say much, directly enjoy the food here.

A few days later, the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch, rushed.


The big elder of the blue-eyed ice wolf, his eyes flashed.

Zhao Feng and Tian Yu Island Lord enemies, Tian Yu Island Lord will not let Zhao Feng; he believes that the patriarch must contact the Tian Yu Island owner before coming.

But he does not know, Tian Yu Island owner has been killed by Zhao Feng

The other strong players in the trading hall did not leave, waiting to watch the play.

However, what everyone did not expect was.

The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch rushed to Xianzhenlou, and the first thing he did was actually a squat.


A second-order true god, directly in front of Zhao Feng.

"Zhao predecessors, the original thing is the fault of the blue-eyed ice wolf family. My family is willing to surrender the trading hall and become the subsidiary force of the predecessors of Zhao, serving the predecessors of Zhao for life."

The blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch immediately pleaded.

When he received a letter from the elders, he was also the first person to contact the owner of Tianyu Island, but found that all could not be contacted.

In the end, he learned from the true gods of other forces that the power of Tianyu Island was endowed by Zhao Feng.

"This... what happened?"

The trading hall was medium-sized and lively, and suddenly stopped.

Blue-eyed ice wolf, Tianyu Island's top five four-star forces.

But at this time, the second-order true **** in the family actually fell in front of Zhao Feng and bowed his head.

"I don't need someone like you."

Zhao Feng said coldly.

At the beginning, Zhao Feng defeated the loneliness in front, but the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch said that Zhao Feng used the mean means, and even used the interests to bribe the ghosts and gods, letting them solve Zhao Feng.

The sleeves waved and Zhao died.

"Death Black Hole"

Zhao died directly in the battle of death, with the stick of the death curse, shot a dark cloud.

The black fog has not yet arrived, and the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch seems to have died.


The dark fog forms a dead black hole that is absorbed onto the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch.


With his strength, he could not resist the power of death and the power of the Death Mantra.

In less than a moment, the blue-eyed ice wolf patriarch turned into a pile of dust.

The entire trading hall, quiet and terrible, everyone is in the same place, can not believe the picture just now.

The blue-eyed ice wolf second-order true god, actually has no resistance, directly killed by spike


All the blue-eyed ice wolf people, all lying on the ground, trembled all the time.

"Your patriarch is dead, the original grievances, I will not pursue it."

Zhao Feng is cold and faint.

Zhao Feng will soon leave Tianyu Island, he can not guarantee that after leaving, the blue-eyed ice wolf will be shot by the fierce Golden Sheep.

Therefore, Zhao Feng needs to weaken the blue-eyed ice wolf, or kill most of the blue-eyed ice wolf, or directly kill the patriarch.

In order to avoid killing, Zhao Feng only killed one person.

After solving this matter, Zhao Feng took Zhao to death and left the place.

After Zhao Feng left, he killed the news of the blue-eyed ice wolf, and spread it instantly; in less than ten days, it spread throughout Tianyu Island.

Not long after, a more exciting news came out: Zhao Feng pulled out the power of Tian Yu Island.

If the first message didn't spread, everyone might not believe it.

However, Zhao Feng can live in Tianyu Island safely, which has proved that the power of Tianyu Island was destroyed by Zhao Feng.

Since then, Zhao Feng is the strongest of Tianyu Island.

Subsequently, the flaming Jinyang nationality directly migrated to the site of the Tianyu Island owner and re-established the roots.

After all, underneath the site of Tianyu Island, there is a sacred vein.

A vein is enough to change the future of a race.

"I am leaving"

Zhao Feng stood on the transfer stage and his body shape slowly disappeared.

Around the front of the array, standing on the top of the flaming Jinyang nationality, but also the original Qingyu sheep.

"Zhao Feng brother, you must come back to see us."

The young son of the Sapphire Lambs screamed, excitedly shouting.

Yuliner touched the head of the flowing cloud, and the two sides were smoggy and looked at Zhao Feng in a complicated mood.

The next moment, Zhao Feng's body shape completely disappeared on the ancient array.

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