King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1229: Target

The four strong people are all a glimpse. Lin Guangzheng was actually shocked by Zhao Feng. He did not dare to shoot Zhao Feng, but let the Tianshui Yaozu’s fifth-order true **** come forward.

Seeing this scene, some people in the room were somewhat uneasy.

The grievances of the younger generation have actually made the powerful gods of the older generation shot, and the Tianshui Yaozu is too shameless.

But they have nothing to do with Zhao Feng, naturally they will not offend Tianshui Yaozu for Zhao Feng.

"Hey, this kid is too crazy."

The black thief at the corner smirked.

There is also a purple wind, and the corner of his mouth is slightly upturned. He is also very happy to see this scene.

"Dare to hurt the Tianshui Yaozu, you don't want to live."

The fifth-order true **** of the Tianshui Yaozu, looks majestic and glares at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s gaze faintly passed through the fifth-order true god.

Now he is refining the core of the five-color crystal palace and cannot be interrupted.

In addition, at the core of the five-color crystal palace, Zhao Feng has refining as much as 50%. At this time, he can use some of the power in this palace to deal with a fifth-order true god, which is not difficult.

But if Zhao Feng borrowed the power of this palace, he would not expose everything.

At that time, he will face the siege of everyone in this area, even if Zhao Feng's ability is stronger, it will die.

"The people of Tianshui Yaozu are really not ashamed of shame. The younger generation is not as good as others, but they have let the old monsters who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years come out."

At this time, an old voice came from the entrance to the temple.

The fifth-order true brow of the Tianshui Yaozu immediately wrinkled, and when he heard the sound, he knew who was coming.

"Do you want to control this thing?"

The fifth-order true **** of Tianshui Yaozu, coldly screamed.

"First, I can't get used to the practice of the Tianshui Yaozu. Second, he is the guest of my Tianzhu people. The Tianshui Yaozu wants to hurt him. It is equivalent to hurting the Tianyi people. I can sit and watch."

The words of the Tianzhu Lanfa Laojiao, let the Tianshui Yaozu's fifth-order true God, can not refute.


The fifth-order true **** of the Tianshui demon, coldly screamed, turned and no longer controlled Zhao Feng.

"As long as this kid leaves the Tianzhu people, I will kill him."

The fifth-order true **** of the Tianshui demon, voiced to Lin Guang.

Lin Guangzheng can't help but can only let Zhao Feng.

"Thank you"

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

The blue-haired old man nodded and said nothing.

After all, the Scorpio has decided to draw Zhao Feng. This little thing is nothing.

Subsequently, several people from the Tianzhu people began to explore this secret temple.

Zhao Feng continued to refine the core of the five-color crystal palace.

"Hey, is this?"

At this time, on another futon, there was a horror.

Just now, his knowledge spread out through the futon and found an unknown object.

"What treasure is this?"

The surprise in the mind of the quintessence of the gods is incomparable.

He had intended to cultivate here and raise the realm of the righteousness, but there were other unexpected gains.

Afterwards, the quintessence of the gods slowly explored the five-color ball of light.

"You can refine this thing."

It’s very exciting to be a quasi-goal.

The things that can be refining are generally artifacts and special props.

After discovering this, the quintessence of the gods immediately began to try to refine the five-color ball of light.

After Angelica’s refinement and refinement, he suddenly felt a huge resistance.

"There are other people who are also refining this five-color ball of light."

The quintessence of the quasi-god is shocked.

According to the power of the refining and illuminating ball, the quasi-goal has already guessed who is the other person who refines the five-color ball.

Zhao Feng also found this on the middle of the futon.

"It seems that the other two futons can also communicate to the core of the palace; however, I have refining this five-color ball of light into 80% of the sacred balls.

Zhao Feng's face is so heavy that he will not touch the part of the rectification of the reign of the gods, but will refine the remaining one as soon as possible.

"Oh, this person is more than the refining degree of this five-color ball of light."

The quintessence of the mind is anxious and somewhat annoying.

At first, I knew that Zhao Feng was refining the five-color ball of light.

Because his five elements of the righteousness and the will of the soul are higher than Zhao Feng, the refining speed is faster.

However, when he confronted the power of Zhao Feng, he discovered that he could not beat Zhao Feng.


At this time, the corner of this secret room suddenly heard a sound, and the power of the righteousness in the palace surged.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

This loud noise has almost attracted everyone here.

call out

I saw a dark man, flying back and forth on the ground, leaving the secret room.

"That is the black thief, what must he get!"

A fourth-order true god, exclaimed.

As a famous thief and grave digger, the black thief is very familiar with some inheritance, cemetery and secrets.

Even in the past, there were some inheritances and mysteries. As long as there is a black thief, his harvest is almost the biggest.

"Fast chase"

A strong team, directly chasing out.

Everyone knows that this secret hall is the place where the entire five-color crystal palace is most likely to contain heavy treasures.

However, the people have explored for so long, and only a few powerful forces have gained some benefits, such as the power of the snow and the gods, and the purple night hall has the power to return to the gods.

Most other people are still exploring, or acquainted with the exercises and techniques in the murals.

Nowadays, the black thief seems to have a big gain, and they immediately shift their target to chase the black thief.

Of course, some people who know some about the black thief are not in charge.

The black thief is an extremely powerful existence in the fifth-order true God. In particular, he is good at the mystery of the shadow, and there is no way to go without a trace. The method of escape is incomparable.

Even the ordinary sixth-order true god, it is difficult to catch him.

There are two people in the secret temple, and they don’t care about the black thief.

The two men are naturally Zhao Feng and the first-class **** who are refining the five-color ball of light.

Today, Zhao Feng’s refining degree for the five-color ball has reached 90%.

"No, he actually refining the rest."

Return to the heart of God and exclaim.

At first, he had not found this until he suddenly discovered that he had no place to refine.

"If I fight with him, I will lose no doubt."

The quintessence of the gods has to admit this.

This is equivalent to a team of ten people, nine people are obeying Zhao Feng's orders, and one can only control one person.

No matter how you fight, he loses

"Golden-haired boy, what treasure are you in the refinery?"

The quintessence of the gods opened his eyes and suddenly shouted.

"What, is the Golden Retriever in refining treasures?"

In the secret hall, a quasi-god was shocked.

"No wonder he never left the futon. Even when I was about to shoot him, he didn't plan to leave there. It turned out that he was refining treasures."

The fifth-order true **** of the Tianshui Yaozu, the eyes flashing fine.

At the same time, the quintessence of the gods to the people of their own power: "No matter what the Golden Retriever, to protect me"

As long as other people deal with Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng must not continue to refine the ball of light.

At the same time, the quintessence of the gods is also transmitted with the strongest of the Purple Night Hall, asking them for help.

After all, the Purple Night Hall is one of the biggest forces here. If there is the help of the Purple Night Temple, the first one will have greater control. The first one will refine the five-color light ball.

"Get out of the way"

A fourth-order true god, roaring, running divine power, directly oppressed Zhao Feng.

On Zhao Feng’s body, a dark silver robes suddenly appeared, and the rune of the bright silver on it was flashing false light.

At the same time that Zhao Feng put on the robe of time and space, Zhao Xuan and the extinction black dragon appeared in this space.

"court death"

The annihilation of the black dragon suddenly appeared, running a heart-warming power to destroy the source.

The extinction of the black dragon and the dragon's body are full of magical flames, exuding the horrible pressure of suppressing all things.

"This **** breath"

Around, the strong man who is preparing to besiege Zhao Feng suddenly disappeared.

Some people in the place are basically Taikoo races, but their ancient blood, in front of the dying black dragon, is like a huge suppression, unable to work.


The annihilation of the black dragon and the dragon's claws, a group of red dragons and dragons formed by the dragon claws, at the speed of the thunder, attacked the fourth-order true God.


The fourth-order true **** did not expect that this kind of change would happen, and the move of the black dragon was directly hit.

That contains the black dragon inflammation that destroyed the mystery, quickly wrapped him, burning and destroying everything.


The annihilation of the black dragon is full of force to promote the blood, and drink it in the sky.

The thin blood from the extinction of the dragons was thoroughly provoked by him, and a strand of red flames spread all over the place.

The strength is lower than the third-order true god, almost directly on the ground, the whole body trembles.

"This... is it the blood of the dragons?"

Purple Night Hall is a fifth-order true god, with a shocking look and staring at the black dragon.

Destroyed Dragons, the top ten ruins of the Taikoo Wans.

In the face of this horrible blood race, their blood power cannot exert much power at all.

If the cultivation of the dying black dragon is higher, the blood of some people in the place will be completely suppressed, and it will not play a role.

"How can this be?"

Unifying the gods, Zhao Feng actually has a helper.

And the origin of this helper is too shocking, and it has the blood of the top ten of the Taizuo people.

For a time, the quintessence of the gods has forgotten the refining of the five-color ball of light.

At this time, Zhao Feng went all out and will be able to return to the power of the quasi-god, from a five-color ball of light, a little bit of expulsion.

"Do not……"

The first quarrel exclaimed and suddenly jumped.

Zhao Feng’s counterattack was too sudden, and he could not resist at all.

"Kill him, this golden-haired boy is refining the most precious treasure in this palace."

The normalism suddenly growled.

"Hands, this kid has not left the futon until now, so what is the treasure below?"

A sacred **** is arrogant, and both eyes are full of greed.


The purple wind is ready to drink with a low voice.

In the secret hall, there are nearly 20 strong people, who directly rushed to Zhao Feng.

This is still just now, the black thief really took away some of the squad, otherwise, there will be more people rushing to Zhao Feng.

At this moment, Zhao Feng is only expelling the power of returning to the righteousness. It is still a little different from the refining of the five-color ball of light.

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