King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1257: Go together

Zhao Feng’s performance is really shocking.

Above the clouds, there are already two ancient gods who want to accept him as a disciple.

After all, Zhao Feng directly proved the fifth-order **** position, proving that with his talent and potential, he will arrive at the ninth-order true **** in the future without any problems.

Moreover, if the air transport is good, Zhao Feng may even break through the limit of true God and reach the realm of God.

As a teacher of Zhao Feng, you can also gain great benefits and glory by then.


In the days of the sky, the spirits rolled and roared.

An old man with a height of up to 100 feet is immersed in a white crystal.

All the people below felt an invisible depression.

"Ancient God, Elder!"

Countless children, revealing the color of reverence.

The core children are also respectful salutes.

They all know that Zhao Feng has reached the fifth-order true **** and will surely attract the ancient gods in the family.

Therefore, the appearance of this ancient **** strong did not attract their attention.

"What is the elder's command?"

Zhao Feng smiled and said that in fact, his left-handedness has long discovered the ancient gods hidden in the sky.

"Is it willing to be the pro-chief of the old man?"

This ancient elder, smiled slightly.

The other ancient gods around him, the face changed abruptly, and some regretted, actually let this old guy grab the first.

"The ancient gods accept the disciples, and pass on the children!"

There was a shock below.

It is extremely glorious for the ancient **** to personally accept the apprentice.

The meaning of the pro-chief is that this ancient **** will pass all his clothes to Zhao Feng.

Countless children, cast their eyes on Zhao Feng.

"Elder, I am sorry, I still want to learn from my children in the family!"

Zhao Feng said with a smile, the look is extremely flat, there is no apology.


Many children around, cast a strange look at Zhao Feng!

No one expected that Zhao Feng would be so direct, refused to become a pro-child of the ancient gods!

In the wilderness of the gods, in addition to the gods who do not ask the world, the ancient gods are basically the ones who sit on the side of the town and stand alone.

Can become a pro-chief of an ancient god, this does not know how much quasi-god, true God, dreams.

However, Zhao Feng decisively refused!

"Well, you should start by discussing, by the way, consider it!"

Rarely, the ancient **** above the clouds was not so upset.


The sky shadows dissipated and everything recovered as usual.

"Well, fortunately, the kid didn't agree!"

Some of the rest of the ancient gods are fortunate.

Zhao Feng did not agree with the apprentice of the ancient god, then they still have some hope.

On the challenge stage, Zhao Feng looks calm and self-confident.

Before, the ancient **** of the spirit forced him to make a compromise and left Zhao Yufei.

Nowadays, the ancient **** of the Ling dynasty wants to accept him as a pro-brother, Zhao Feng directly refuses, and the other party is not angry.

Such a strong contrast makes Zhao Feng somewhat unaccustomed.

Of course, Zhao Feng refused, but he really wants to continue to learn.

Suddenly across the seventh-order, his strength growth span is too large, leading him to not control the power at this time. Therefore, he only lowered the realm and learned the forces of the realm by learning from the same level.

Moreover, these core children united to challenge themselves and launch a challenge book. How could Zhao Feng let them go so easily.

But more importantly, Zhao Feng itself is a seven-order ancient god.

The old man is not qualified to be his master!

"Hey, I am coming!"

"Let me come and meet you!"

Just then, around the challenge table, four figures were taken.

These are all people who want to challenge Zhao Feng.


A red figure took the lead in the challenge table, and the challenge station shook a little.

"The core children of the spirits, angry and true God!"

The man, who is majestic and has a red wavy pattern on his body, has a name.

"It is really angry!"

"The core son of the spiritual family has been retreating for a while, not asking about foreign affairs, but he reached the fifth-order peak a long time ago..."

Every core child is not a nameless person.

This anger is really God, and the name is not small.

Zhao Feng nodded his heart.

In those gauntlets, there seems to be no shadow of the true God.

"Dare to dare to ignore me!"

The anger that took the initiative to fight was extremely true, and his face was angry and his fists were clenched.

He has been retreating for many years, and his prestige is not as good as it used to be.

This time, I was looking for an opportunity to reinvigorate.

And just right, Zhao Feng directly proved the fifth-order **** position, becoming the most dazzling existence of the spiritual family.

"Angry sea!"

The anger is really full of pan-red waves, and the horrible waves are raging, and it also exudes an unusually hot atmosphere.

And the anger of the true God's momentum, also at this moment, rapidly climbed, breaking the barriers to repair, faintly touching the sixth-order look.

"The wrath of the sea, the sorrow of the blood of the race of the true God, can greatly increase the ability of all aspects, and at the same time make the power of the attack move more explosive and destructive..."

"This anger is really the fifth-order peak, after urging the **** secret method, it faintly reaches the sixth order!"

There are many people watching the war around, and my heart is shocked.

"This person is good in strength, the attack is explosive and the destructive power is great, just try my body!"

Zhao Feng looked at the anger and looked at the anger.

"Jin Kun Sheng Lei Body" is a perfect situation, can only counter the fourth-order true God, immune to the attack of the third-order true God.

Now he has broken through to the ancient gods, and he does not know the advantages of physical defense.


In the eyes of the anger, the red light is shining, and the waves around the body are rolling, like the sea **** in the red sea, strong and rushing to Zhao Feng.

For a time, the entire challenge platform, filled with the sky and the red waves, the hot and powerful true spirit, makes many of the five-order true gods below move.

"Zhao brothers!"

Pan Hao looks a little anxious and has some expectations.

Zhao Feng has been able to solve the problem to the true God just now. It should not be easily defeated to the anger.

"Oh, your power is powerful, but the blood is normal, and there is no strong secret!"

The anger is really cold, as if this war, he has already won.

"The fifth-order peak?"

Zhao Fengping said lightly.

This sentence makes everyone somewhat puzzled.

In the next moment, a five-color lightning mist emitted from Zhao Feng and went straight into the sky.

His momentum has also grown.

The breath of the gods in Zhao Feng’s body also reached the fifth-order peak!


Zhao Feng is fully capable of running the physical strength, like a five-color Leishan, standing on the challenge platform, giving a feeling that can never be shaken.

"The fifth-order peak!"

The anger is really awkward, and the voice is aphasia.

Zhao Feng hit the gods, actually hit the fifth-order peak!

However, at this moment, he has not allowed him to regress.


The red, turbulent waves, like a huge wild beast, went to Zhao Feng.

The next moment, the anger is almost burning the blood.

The mighty red color of the storm, a **** red flame.

The body of the angry **** is also integrated into the red tsunami, turned into a red sea beast, and slammed toward Zhao Feng.


The entire challenge platform trembled fiercely. After all, it was the challenge platform for the children of foreign nationalities. Today, it is the true **** of two fifth-order peaks.

Under the field, everyone stopped breathing, and the eyes stared straight at the center of the challenge.

I saw that the angry **** was carrying the shocking weather and directly hit Zhao Feng.

An amazing scene happened.


The anger is really like a giant metal mine, and the body is continually shaken back three steps.

"How can it be?"

The anger is really a mouthful of blood, the body is slightly trembled, and the eyes are full of fear.

Just now, he tried his best to launch the most violent attack on Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng only used his physical defense to injure him.

"Your attack is too weak!"

Zhao Feng's body shape suddenly moved, close to the anger of the true God, a trip!

The anger is really kicked out of the challenge table by Zhao Feng, and it is extremely embarrassing to fall.


The anger is really ridiculous, and I want to say something, but I have not said anything after all.

"It is actually the fifth-order peak, Zhao Feng actually hit the fifth-order peak, and defeated the anger!"

"It’s so mad, actually it’s too weak to say that the anger is really weak!”

Watching the children around, or excited, or hateful.

"It's no wonder that I can beat me so easily, and I have reached the fifth-order peak!"

Just to the true God of Zhao Feng, I found an excuse for myself.

"It’s already the fifth-order peak!"

At this moment, Zhang Yutong’s heart was also twitching. He regretted some regrets and regretted what he had done to Zhao Feng.

Above the Scorpio, several ancient gods are even more wonderful.

The fifth-order peak, although still the fifth-order, can prove Zhao Feng's talent potential, and it must be more than some of the most sacred places.

The look of the three people in the Holy Land of life is also extremely solemn.

"Just a few people, are you anxious to fight with me?"

Zhao Feng asked with a smile.

With a casual face, he held his hand on the stage with a fascinating look and glanced at the bottom circle.

The other three who had just rushed to challenge Zhao Feng immediately bowed their heads and were hidden in the crowd.

Zhao Feng’s defense is too horrible, and there is no way for even the angry gods. They are powerless.

"I will give you a chance, together, how?"

Just then, Zhao Feng smiled.

"Oh, this kid, so arrogant, let us go together!"

A fifth-order peak is true, and his face is red.

Many people in the field are also being scared by Zhao Feng!

The three men just now are the fifth-order peaks and gods like the anger.

Zhao Feng actually let them go together, this is too arrogant!

"Yu Fei, how did you find such a good man!"

Kongdie's beautiful body swayed, and the eyes did not hide its envy.

Zhao Yufei's snow-like cheeks suddenly caused two blushes.

"Go, get together!"

The other three who were just preparing to challenge Zhao Feng exchanged each other.

Zhao Feng’s sentence is too arrogant!

If they dare not go up, then there will be any cover to stay in the spirits.

Moreover, Zhao Feng is only physically strong, and the three of them can be unbeaten as long as they don't touch them.

If Zhao Feng can be restrained, and then slowly exhausted, the winner will be them.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Suddenly, three figures, flying up and falling on the challenge platform.

Three people are the fifth-order peak!

"Zhao Feng, you let us go together, we just meet your requirements!"

One of the skinny, young people with many black spots on their skin, said coldly.

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