King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 1268: Return to the source

In the world of time and space, the ancient dragon is trapped in a slow-motion world, and even his thoughts and thoughts have become very slow.

And this is a single-locked scorpion, no matter where the ancient dragon escapes, the effect of scorpion still exists.

However, the ancient dragon of the night is a seven-order ancient god, and it is also good at space and has a certain resistance.

And Zhao Feng’s martial arts has just begun to make a long-term effect.

"Five elements of thunder!"

Zhao Feng said nothing, running the five elements of the thunderbolt, the power of the force, and quickly launched a few thunders.

"Oh, this kid gets the robe of time and space, comprehended the time and space, and learned the time and space class..."

The night dragon **** looked at Zhao Feng's attack is coming, but there is no way to dodge, even if the defense and combat skills are used, it is too late.

Helpless, he can only take out the defensive artifacts with damaged quality and resist.


The body of the ancient dragon of the night dragon was directly blasted a few miles away.

The huge mountain peaks of continuous rock and soil were completely flattened in an instant.

"Recovered a lot..."

The ancient dragon of the night dragon feels that the time and space power that he has received is rapidly weakening.

But his injury at the moment is also very serious and he must leave as soon as possible.


Zhao Feng's left hand waved, a black dragon scale man, suddenly appeared.

"kill him!"

Zhao Feng cold channel.

"Hey, a serious old god!"

The sinister black dragon licked his lips, revealing the color of bloodthirsty excitement.

Recently, he has been in the inner space of time and space, full strength to restore strength, I do not know how many years, have not seen blood.

And the blood of the extinct dragons, this is the killing of the killings, the kind of whole-hearted retreat, the days of the death of the black dragon, some difficult.


The extinction of the black dragon and the dragon's body flames rise, exuding the horror of destroying all creatures.

Wherever he is, there is a devastating temperament in the surrounding world.

At this moment, the extinction black dragon has recovered to the sixth-order repair!

"Destroy the Dragon..."

The two words of the night dragon stunned.

The blood of his purple night family, in front of the thin blood of the black dragon, was trembled and suppressed.

In the blink of an eye, the dead black dragon and Zhao Feng have already come to him.

"Destroy the Dragon!"

On the black scorpion dragon, the red dragon condensed out a group of red black flame giant claws and directly blasted out.


Zhao Feng’s damage on the material level may not be as good as the black dragon, so he directly attacked the soul of the ancient dragon.


A group of thunder and lightning, completely wrapped the ancient **** of the night dragon.

At this time, the time and space ban on the ancient dragon **** has completely dissipated.

However, his injury at this time was unprecedentedly serious and was on the verge of death.

"Oh, die!"

The dying black dragon sees the night dragon and the ancient **** wants to resist, fully urging the blood force, suppressing it, and launching a devastating attack.

Zhao Feng also constantly devastated the soul of the ancient dragon of the night dragon.


The ancient dragon of the night dragon made a scream of screaming, his broken body, wrapped in infinite black fire and electric mans.

"Go to death!"

The annihilation of the black dragon carries the destruction of dragon inflammation, and a claw directly blasts.


The body and soul of the ancient dragon **** are completely degraded, turned into some dust fragments, and disappeared.

"Finally killed you!"

In the eyes of Zhao Feng, the flashing is fierce.

Twenty-five years ago, when he escaped from the pursuit of the two ancient gods, he made up his mind to wash away the shame of that time.

Today, one of the ancient gods finally died in his hands.

"There are strong people close!"

At this time, Zhao Feng and Black Dragon, suddenly felt another strong breath, rushed.

"It turned out to be him!"

Zhao Feng’s eyes are cold.


Come, it is the ancient **** of the dark, and the other two true gods of the Purple Night Hall.

"That is……"

The face of the ancient **** of darkness suddenly sinks.

Not far from Zhao Feng, the body of the ancient dragon god, turned into ashes, slowly dissipated in the air.

"Night Dragon Seniors!"?>

The true **** of the two purple night halls, screaming in horror.

They did not expect it, this time chasing the mission, the night dragon will die in the hands of the chasers.

Is Zhao Feng not the sixth true God?

How is it now a seven-order ancient god, and also has the ability to kill the same level?

"You have been chasing me, I want this thing!"

Zhao Feng stared at the ancient **** of the black sky, and a triangular iron piece appeared in his hand.

In the past, in order to avoid the tracking of the ancient gods, Zhao Feng used the Fengshen stone to seal all the triangular iron blocks.

But at this time, he took out such things in front of the ancient gods.

When I saw this moment, the ancient gods of the black sky were shocked, and their eyes were all concentrated on the triangular iron block, as if ignoring the existence of Zhao Feng.

"In the end, what is the secret?"

Zhao Feng and the annihilation of the black dragon, can not help but look at this iron.

Can make an ancient god, so excited, persevering to pursue for decades.

This triangular iron block is definitely not as simple as it is on the surface.

"Zhao Feng, give this thing to me, and the ancient soul temple will not be embarrassing you again!"

The ancient **** of darkness took a deep breath and calmed down the complex mood in his heart, looking at Zhao Feng.

If it is changed, he will directly shoot, and will not talk nonsense with Zhao Feng.

But just now, the ancient dragon of the night dragon fell in the hands of Zhao Feng, which made him have to re-view Zhao Feng.

Fighting between the same level, it is difficult to kill each other.

However, Zhao Feng just arrived at the ancient god, but he was able to kill the ancient **** of the purple night.

And next to Zhao Feng, there is also a black dragon with the blood of the dragon.

Although there are two fifth-order true gods in the Purple Night Hall, it is useless. If it is played, it is definitely the ancient **** of darkness.

"I said, have you let go of you?"

Zhao Feng could not help but sneer.

The ancient soul temple will not let go of Zhao Feng, he can not control, but Zhao Feng knows that he will not let go of the ancient gods.


The ancient **** of black sky wants to threaten to speak.

However, Zhao Feng is now a core child of the spiritual family, directly certifying the genius of the sixth-order true god, and in a short period of one year, broke through to the ancient god.

The ancient soul temple wants to shoot Zhao Feng, and the Lingzu will certainly not let it go.

"You will regret this!"

The black drums said coldly and then turned and left.

"Black Heavens..."

Two true gods in the Purple Night Temple, seeing the ancient gods of the Black Sea ready to leave, immediately shouted.

Even the ancient gods of the night were killed by Zhao Feng, and they will be the opponents of Zhao Feng.

So they hope that the ancient gods of Black Heaven can take them out of here.

"court death!"

The black gods and gods suddenly picked up and screamed.

He is in a bad mood now, these two true gods, actually dare to bother him.


A group of black and purple faint light broke out from the black claws of the ancient gods, tearing the body and soul of the two purple night temples into pieces.

After killing the two men, the ancient gods of the black sky went straight away.


The dying black dragon is proud of a smile.

Now, he has recovered to the peak of the peak, and just came out, killing an ancient god, it is so refreshing.

"Leave him a life this time!"

Zhao Feng whispered.

Compared with the ancient **** of the night dragon, he wants to kill the ancient gods.

However, the strength of the ancient gods in the darkness far exceeds the ancient gods of the night dragon.

And I have just experienced a big battle, and I have to consume it. Even if I join forces with the black dragon, I am not sure to kill the ancient gods.

Unless... use the power of the **** unicorns!

But this is not insurance, after all, the blood flame Unicorn only promised to play for Zhao Feng, not to hurt Zhao Feng.

But if they come out, they will be separated from Zhao Feng’s control, and they can completely reveal Zhao Feng’s secrets and let others kill Zhao Feng.

"Leave him a life!"

The annihilation of the black dragon and the heart of the gods, he knows that Zhao Feng is helped by the **** Yanrin, and it is not difficult to kill the ancient gods.

"His future is immeasurable!"

The demise of the black dragon is heart-wrenching.

At first, Zhao Feng was only an ant in his eyes, but now, even if he returns to the peak strength, it is not Zhao Feng’s opponent.

The ruin of the black dragon and the time and space will be dealt with well, and Zhao Feng will continue to hurry.

This time, he cast space teleports and advance at full speed.

After more than two months, I finally came to the source.

Zhao Feng wears a white cloak and goes directly into the source.

"Who is here?"

Several guards immediately stopped Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng directly took out the identity token of the core children of the spiritual family.

"There is no eye in the bottom, I don't know that you are the core child of the spiritual family, please forgive me!"

All the guards in front of Zhao Feng, all kneel down.

Although the Shengyuan sect is a four-star peak force, it is within the jurisdiction of the spiritual family.

Even the core children of the Shouyuan sect must be respectful when they see the core children of the spiritual family, let alone their guards.

"I don't know if you come to the source, what's the matter?"

A guard asked on his own initiative.

"I am looking for Yu Bingcheng!"

Zhao Feng said coldly.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng followed the guard and entered the source.

Not long after, under the leadership of this guard, Zhao Feng came to the residence of the elder of Yu Bingcheng.

"Hello, you are the residence of Yu Chang, I am going to help you with your letter!"

The guards flattered and laughed.

"No, you go down first!"

Zhao Fengping said lightly.

After the guard left, Zhao Feng went straight up.


Zhao Feng Meng pushed the door open.

"Who is, I dare to be good at the elders' house!"

A voice of anger sounded in the depths of the palace.

The virtual light flashed, Yu Bingcheng appeared directly in front of Zhao Feng.

"It's you!"

Yu Bingcheng was amazed, and then his eyes turned and he exuded a strong breath.

"No matter who you are, you are good at the elders' house, but the big sin, I will punish you personally today!"

Yu Bingcheng said in a big way.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng would actually come back.

It seems that he is pursuing Zhao Yufei’s failure to return to the source and want to trust himself.

But Yu Bingcheng can let Zhao Feng break his plan.

So he turned his face and did not recognize people, ready to kill Zhao Feng directly.

"Yu Chang is really a 'good memory', so I will forget Zhao so soon!"

Zhao Feng is in shape, and the atmosphere of the gods in the body slowly spreads out.

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