King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 952: Weird

Everyone’s eyes are all attracted by the colorful bronze pillars and they are unable to extricate themselves.

Only Zhao Feng, his left singer sparkles with a strange luster, on which a layer of pale gold ripples permeates.

At the same time, the soul of Zhao Feng, all the robbery brand, flashing together.

The nine treasures that invade into his soul are directly destroyed by the power of the thunderous robbers.


Zhao Feng whispered softly.

This time, he is so close to the nine-color Baoguang, through the ability of the left eye, Zhao Feng will see this Baoguang more thoroughly.

The composition of this colorful treasure is actually the power of the soul.

In other words, the astounding treasure of this colorful enamel is actually illusory.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng put a hand on the old shoulder of the eagle, a soul will, accompanied by the power of thunder, covering the soul of the old eagle.

"Eagle is old, don't move, I am not malicious."

Zhao Feng also voiced.


After a while, the hidden haze of the eagle's old soul, the colorful glory, was slowly expelled by Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, the eagle's old eyes were clear, and then he was deeply feared.

"Thank you, Zhao Feng"

The eagle took a deep breath and passed it to Zhao Feng.

"I didn't expect that we would be counted from entering the Black Wind Valley forbidden land."

When the eagle was awake, he analyzed everything and felt in his heart.

From entering the black wind valley forbidden land, the slow erosion of the dark yin wind began, everyone changed in a glimmer of light, and the desire of the heart was amplified little by little.

Even the eagle old, did not notice, their personality, has been separated from the original self.

Then, it was the nine-colored treasure that skyrocketed, pointing the direction to everyone, pulling everyone step by step, coming here.

After entering the ground, the influence of the dark gloom on everyone is even greater.

Even the old purple robes suddenly shot Zhao Feng, and the goat eager squats and came in, and all the desires were magnified and the personality was distorted.

The Jingkai next to it has been distorted into a weak, selfish, ruthless darkness and a colorful treasure. It only looks at the pitiful touch of treasure.

Just blame his heart is fragile, too many hidden desires in his heart

It has been distorted so that the eagle is not sure to wake him up.

The eagle is slightly closed, and immediately runs the soul of the soul, fully protects the soul, and at the same time perceives the colorful light in front of him.

"It is actually the power of a soul that is extremely deep."

The old heart of the eagle was shocked, and then he turned his eyes to the rest.

Apart from him and Zhao Feng, everyone's eyes were concentrated on the bronze pillars that flashed the colorful light, completely ignoring foreign objects.

Their face, the desire for the treasure, is exposed.

But in fact, all of this, in the eyes of any normal person, is a very abnormal event.

"Zhao Feng, why don't we leave?"

The eagle has already had deep fears for this place.

"First wait, if the situation is critical, use the dragon jade, the array method in the middle"

Zhao Feng looks light.

"This boy..." Eagle has completely lost sight of Zhao Feng.

The king's realm, deep into this place, but keeps a clear mind, wakes him up at a critical moment.

At this point, I was looking at the nine-color Baoguang, but nothing happened.

Even at this moment, the eagle has some doubts, Zhao Feng is not a peerless reincarnation.


In front of it, the colorful treasures on the bronze pillars slowly weakened and the light gradually disappeared.

Bronze stone column, restored to its original condition

The entire hall, once again caught in the dark world.

Just now, everyone who was about to leave, all stopped, and looked at the bronze pillars without leaving.

"This is the best, let the old slay try"

At this time, Wu Yu’s eyes flashed in the light, and his heart was very excited, slowly approaching the bronze pillar.

Suddenly, everyone looked bright and looked at Wu Yu, holding a glimmer of hope.

The old eagle stood in the back, with a trace of fear, watching this scene.

Everyone in the hall was almost led by the nose.

How can this nine-color Baoguang be so clever, when the people leave, they suddenly burst into tears.

There are also a few black wind ghosts that have just been smashed at the fork in the road, which is actually the way to them.

Also, in the hall, all the black winds and ghosts, after a collective roar, all retreated.

Everything seems to be arranged by a mysterious force.

"Zhao Feng, what is hidden underneath?"

Eagle old voice asked.

"Probably a treasure, or something else"

Zhao Feng’s left eye also could not see the end.

He also wants to know the secrets of this place, so with everyone, slowly deepen, watching everyone lose a little bit, and finally came to the hall.

"Zhao Feng, should we stop Wu Yu?"

The eagle looked at Wu Yu and slowly walked toward this complex and mysterious platinum pattern.

"No need, even if I stopped this time, there should be people, constantly coming here, they will come to this hall, and, next time the Prince will try, there will be someone here, do I keep it Here, stop everyone?"

Zhao Feng’s answer, let the old language of the eagle.

In fact, the old man also wants to know the secret of this place.

"Then let it be natural."

The eagle’s heart is full of emotions, and at the same time, he is ready to use the dragon.

Bronze stone column front

Wu Yu closed his eyes and unfolded the will of the soul, sensing the structure of the array in the hall.

Not a while

Wu Yu’s soul will slowly merge into the array, with the platinum pattern running.

Suddenly, Wu Yu’s mouth, overflowing with a trace of blood, is obviously over-consumption.

And everyone, did not care about this, they only hope Wu Yu, can break this line of law, even if it is a small gap.

As time passed slowly, everyone began to feel restless.

The whole soul consciousness of Wu Yu has already sunk into this array.

Even he didn’t find it himself. He spewed blood several times.


A haze of darkness came from the other side of the channel.


I saw that countless black wind spurs rushed to the hall with the dark wind.

"It’s not good, it’s just the black wind ghosts who have retired."

The goat Hu old man screamed.

"Then all kill, can't let them disturb the Wu Yu master's break"

Jiang Chen looked cold and ready to shoot.

"Jiang Chen, slow down first"

A member of the Jiang Chen team, blocking Jiang Chen who wants to shoot.

"Look, they are helping us break."

The old man, cried with joy.

I saw, countless black wind sinisters, there are kings, the great emperor, they went to a certain place on the platinum matrix.


A black wind yin attacked and was bounced out in an instant, and his body was broken.


The second black wind screams bite.


This black wind yin, was bounced to death

The third one...the fourth one...

The eagle's old face was stunned. Looking at this scene, I only felt creepy and didn't feel a few steps back.

"Okay, they are helping us break."

Jing Kai's eyes sparkled and screamed out.

"It seems that these black winds and ghosts also want to help us get the best."

The goatee old man touched a beard and laughed.


Wu Yu's pale face squirted a blood directly, and then the body fell to the ground.

And his soul consciousness, completely integrated into the big array, the place where the black wind ghosts went to death.


A trace of cracks appeared on the platinum matrix


The whole hall was shaken again.


A smoky, smoky, smog of smoke, surrounded by bronze pillars, carries a terrifying atmosphere and rises to the sky.

The whole hall, as if falling into **** in an instant, the horrible horror of the horror, the breath of everyone.


The strange black mist suddenly burst out of the tiny crack.


This group of black fog, turned into a sly animal head, directly swallowed Wu Yu's body, and then passed through the cracks of the array, back to the black fog.

"what happened?"

"How can the nine-color Baoguang become such a terrible black fog?"

"Wu Yu old predecessors were swallowed up by the black fog."

Even if everyone is stupid, such a powerful horror, the crisis of death can also awaken the fear in their hearts and make them awake.

"Run, eagle old"

Zhao Feng immediately voiced.


After the body of Wu Yu disappeared, the horrible head formed by this black mist became a bit bigger, and it immediately came to the oppression of the crowd. A great suction came from the mouth of the black fog beast.

"Oh save me"

The young emperor in the Leitong team was deeply affected by the place and was directly inhaled into the black fog.

Zhao Feng and Ying Lao, suddenly show the speed secret, first disappeared in the channel.

When the eagle fled, he also dragged Jing Kai.

Later, the rest of the talents reacted and turned around and fled.

"Ah, what is this?"

In the team of goats, a quasi-saint was inhaled into the black mist.

"Guarding...protecting dragon jade"

A member of the whole body was shaking, and activated the dragon guard jade. Suddenly, a dragon's rays of light, accompanied by the virtual shadow of the array, spread.


But the next moment, this member has not had time to send it away, directly swallowed by the black fog beast.


This group of black fog beasts suddenly differentiated into a few black mists, once again condensed into a slightly smaller head, and swallowed away for each escape.

Zhao Feng showed his thunder and fled while fleeing, while passing the left side to observe the situation behind.

"People who were swallowed up by the black fog beasts actually entered the battle through the tiny cracks."

Zhao Feng is shocked.

What is this means? Narrow the people of six or seven feet to the point where they can pass through a slit

"not good"

Zhao Feng found that there was a black fog head that swallowed toward him.


Zhao Feng no longer observes the following, and the thunder is flashed and flees directly.

call out

From the moment of the entrance to the ground, Zhao Feng felt the crisis and disappeared.

At this time, the entire Black Wind Valley was forbidden and still shaking.

"It seems that this black fog cannot appear on the ground."

Zhao Feng’s heart speculation.

"Zhao Feng, hurry to leave here, maybe save Jingkai"

The eagle looked at Jingkai, who was already in a coma, and was worried.

After all, there are only seven members of the Nine Emperors, and no more people.

At this time, the dark and gale in the forbidden land of the Black Wind Valley gradually became violent and intense, as if to restore the original state.

"it is good"

The golden ripples on the left side of Zhao Feng gradually dimmed.

The fleeing people have escaped and the ground has returned to calm.

Can fly two people not far away

A rock wall on the side, directly bursting, a storm of destruction of a small world power swept around.

From the bottom of the world, a black whirlwind


This group of black whirlwinds turned into a huge black wind yin, and flew toward Zhao Feng.

"It's not good. The inheritance of the Lord's inheritance is broken. This is the will of the Lord after the evil of the dark wind."

The eagle's old one looks to the front, and the soul of a soul that has not yet fully turned into a black wind and a ghost, carries the power of the vast haze, oppressed.

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