King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 982: Third link

The three emperors looked gloomy, and they did not expect that the battle will eventually become like this.

Now they are in a dilemma.

If the attack fails, the members who are trapped by Zhao Feng will die.

Moreover, there are seven emperors behind them, and they do not move.

Even the three emperors, who paid a heavy price, defeated the team of the Nine Emperors, and could not resist the raid of the Seven Emperors team.

In the end, I still make a wedding dress for others.

"If the three are unwilling to surrender the princes, there is still a way to save your members."

Zhao Feng’s chilling and loud voice rang again.

On the battlefield, both the enemy and the enemy naturally know what this is.

"Okay, I admit defeat"

The second emperor stared at Zhao Feng, his eyes were cold, and he lifted the prince's fake seal, and a thought poured into it.

In today's situation, no matter how they develop, they lose.

The second emperor did not want to make a wedding dress for the seven emperors, but did not want to give the luck of the dragon to Zhao Feng.

In addition, he did not intend to compete for the position of the Prince.

If his members are dead here, the forces behind him will be expected to change.

"Two emperors, don't be impulsive"

The five emperors were surprised.

He also knows what Zhao Feng said, but he wants to lose in the face of so many people, he can't do it.

He knows that the second emperor is a calm, unwilling person.

Once the second emperor left, he and the twelve emperors should do what, the five emperors immediately persuaded the two emperors.

The second emperor did not manage the five emperors, and he directly sought help through the prince's false seal.

In the guise of the prince, a complex array of mysterious rumors spread out instantly.

At the same time, on the battlefield, with the second emperor ‘Prince’s false seal, the related protection dragon jade, also suddenly shines, the same array of light, slowly flashing out.


The second emperor and his members left the battlefield directly.

"Five emperors, what do we do?"

When the twelve emperors saw the departure of the second emperor, they suddenly lost their minds.

Their three emperors joined forces, not the opponents of the team of the Nine Emperors. Now that the two emperors have left, how should they be good.

The five emperors face like stagnant water, he is very reluctant, at this time can not think of any way.

Just as the two emperors struggled.

Wind and thunder in the small world.

"Since your princes are not willing to save you, then I am welcome."

Zhao Feng’s voice echoed in the whole small world.

The few remaining people in the small world suddenly panic and their bodies are soft.

"Don't kill me, five emperors, save me"

"I am willing to hand over all resources, don't kill me."

"You killed me, Zhenhai Temple will not let you go."


Zhao Feng's wind and thunder world, suddenly shrinking, more powerful space suppression, shrouded in them.

In the small world, countless forces of wind and thunder continue to land.


Behind Zhao Feng, the red thunder fire wing fluttered, and shuttled back and forth to harvest the lives of the remaining few people.


After solving everything, Zhao Feng’s wind and thunder world disappeared.

Zhao Feng stood on the wall of the steel wall, showing a smile and looking into the distance.

In the woods hundreds of miles away, the team of the Seven Emperors was shocked.

They were just preparing to take the initiative to invite the two emperors and the twelve emperors.

As a result, Zhao Feng immediately solved several emperors and quasi-sacred masters.

"Everything is killed"

Jiang Hao’s heart was shocked.

"This Zhao Feng seems to count us from the beginning."

The face of the jade face Confucianism shocked and seemed to think of something.

"How can it be?"

The seven emperors did not believe.

The behavior of Zhao Feng just did have a certain shock to them.

The jade face Confucian said that Zhao Feng counted them at the beginning, which made him unable to believe.

"I understand that the reason why Zhao Feng broke through at this time is to avoid our joint efforts with the three emperors."

The jade face Confucianism suddenly realized.

Zhao Feng retreats and exposes weaknesses, and the three emperors can't help but shoot.

The Seven Emperors want to be cheap, so they don’t move, waiting for the opportunity.

"How can it be?"

Jiang Hao listened to the words of the Confucian scholars, and suddenly slandered.

But the jade face Confucianism is right.

On the last day, there is no other way, they may indeed be united with the three emperors.

At this time, the three emperors were defeated and the damage was severe. The second emperor directly admitted.

There are only two emperors left, even the seven emperors join hands with them.

The team of the Nine Emperors also has resistance.

"We lost without fighting."

Yu face Confucian sighed.

Steel wall.

Enemies who are still in a stalemate with Zhentian Jinyu and Jiuhuangzi, see Zhao Feng directly killing several emperors and quasi-saints, suddenly trembled and trembled with both legs.

"Go fast"

The five emperors immediately drunk, and he also gave up the siege at this time.

But he won't admit defeat, just wait untilnight, the second link is over, they will naturally be sent out.

"Quick retreat"

The twelve emperors also screamed.

Suddenly, the enemy members of the steel wall cast their own escape secrets and quickly left.

The group of monsters below, under the control of the taming beast, hurriedly evacuated.

"Want to go"

Shi Yulei is in a good mood, ready to attack the enemy

"No need to chase"

Zhao Feng stopped Shi Yulei.

At the same time, his left-handedness flashed a hint of concealed spiritual fluctuations, which flashed away in the void.

God mark, complete

"Haha, we won."

Shi Yulei also knows the truth of the poor.

The members of the team of the Nine Emperors suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt that this battle was not as difficult as imagined.

"Zhao Feng, you deliberately broke through at this time."

When the eagle thought carefully, he seemed to understand that Zhao Feng broke through at this time, showing the reason for the flaws.

Once the three emperors and the seven emperors joined forces, even Zhao Feng, there is no way.

Therefore, Zhao Feng deliberately revealed flaws and made the team of the Nine Emperors appear weak.

In the face of a flawed opponent, the two sides have their own selfishness, and naturally it is impossible to join hands.

Everyone listened to the old saying of the eagle and seemed to understand what it was.

This battle not only defeated the three emperors, but also forced the team of seven emperors in the dark into a desperate situation.

Even if the remaining two emperors and the seven emperors are united, it is impossible to capture the tenth city of the Nine Emperors.

Today, the team of the Nine Emperors has firmly occupied this Tiancheng City.

"Oh, it is not over yet"

Zhao Feng reveals a playful smile.


In the hands of Zhao Feng, a dark silver ancient bow appeared. The surface of the bow was engraved with a mysterious hollow inscription, and the silver plaque formed a three-dimensional pattern.

The rest of the Nine Emperors looked at Zhao Feng and were puzzled.

The five emperors and the twelve emperors have fled far away. What is Zhao Feng going to be?

Zhao Feng slightly closed his eyes and used the gods to mark the position of the five emperors.


Zhao Feng pulls the bowstring, the wind of the fire is penetrated, and a red light arrow condenses on the lock bow.

call out

Zhao Feng shot at random.


The five emperors who have escaped far away feel a strange look. In the midst of it, there seems to be a pair of blind people, staring at him.

When the five emperors suddenly turned around, they saw a red arrow and shot at him.

"Sneak attack?"

The five emperors looked shocked and immediately ran the real yuan and applied protective techniques.


The smoke and dust scattered, the five emperors were all black.

Only the land of the great emperor, naturally, it is impossible to block Zhao Feng’s attack.

If Zhao Feng is fully urging the lock of the sky bow, this arrow will be able to kill the life of five emperors.

"How is it possible? Is Zhao Feng still able to attack us?"

The twelve emperors squinted and saw the wall above, Zhao Feng holding a silver bow.

"Come on, a little evil"

The five emperors hated in their hearts, and they were angry and raging, but they were helpless.

call out

Another arrow is coming, this time the goal is the twelve princes.


"Zhao Feng"

The twelve emperors were glaring and violent.

Subsequently, the two emperors retreated hundreds of miles.

However, a mysterious light arrow continues to fly, shooting five princes and twelve princes.

Following the members of the two emperors, one by one is even more shocked.

No matter where the two emperors fled, the arrow that Zhao Feng shot was like a long eye. He could always find two emperors.

In the end, the two emperors ‘the prince’s falsification, the end of the dragon’s luck was exhausted, and they were forced to ask for help.

On the wall of the Nine Emperor's Wall, everyone could not understand what Zhao Feng was doing.

Only know that he constantly pulls the bowstring, and the light arrow flies to an unknown distance.

But outside the Dagan Palace, everyone is clear about everything.

A few thousand miles away, Zhao Feng can pull the bowstring at random and shoot two princes. Even the bow and arrow savvy in the dynasty can't do this.

The second emperor looked at it one by one. He suddenly felt that he had to admit defeat and was a very correct choice.

At this time, the five emperors and the twelve emperors, the extremes of the wolf, the whole body is black, forced to use ‘Prince’s false seal, help, they are undoubtedly more shameful than themselves.

This battle, the master of the four heavenly city, is basically established.

Zhao Feng is deeply rooted in the hearts of many powerful forces.

The meticulous and calm thoughts, the powerful strength, and the endless means are amazing.

In the hall of the Eight Emperors, many powerful forces are full of red light.

They did not expect that the Nine Emperors finally could occupy a Sky City and enter the third stage of the Prince's trial.

"the host"

Bi Qingyue Qingshui Qiuqiu, looking at the screen of the nine emperors, a face of reverence and admiration.

"It’s not too elders."

Zhan Jieer’s heart is also very admirable to Zhao Feng.

The master of the king can defeat the Lord. This legendary deed, in the past history of the entire dynasty, I am afraid that only Zhao Feng alone.

"Zhao Feng"

Tiehongnan is calm.

Zhao Feng’s fighting talents made him unable to accept him as a disciple. Unfortunately, Zhao Feng did not want to return to the Iron House, and his soul was not a member of the Iron Family.

"Elder Hongnan, what about Zhao Feng, what should I do?"

Iron asked from the sky.

Tie Hongnan did not speak. Originally, they must take tough measures.

But now, he needs to go back and discuss with other elders in the family.

Inside the hall of the thirteen emperors.

"This Zhao Feng"

The nine secluded palace magical lord has a gloomy face.

Zhao Feng’s potential made him feel uneasy.

In addition, Zhao Feng’s body of perfect blood and blood is also a headache for the Lord of the Magic.

As night falls, members of the Seven Emperors pass through the stone plate above.

The Prince's trial, has entered the third link - the game of the emperor.

(Double monthly pass, the last day ---)

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