King of Gods

Vol 4 Chapter 996: Assassination of the palace

The sixth volume of the heavenly throne is the 99A chapter of the palace assassination

In the sky, the Nine Emperors and the Four Emperors, as well as the rest of the team members, appeared on the stone plate.

The seal of the Prince appeared in the moment of this space, and it stirred the momentum of one of the dragons.

Subsequently, the shimmer on the quaint stone plate slowly diminished, and the nearby white light curtain disappeared directly.

call out

This stone plate turned into a streamer and returned to the main hall of the palace.

"Prince Trial, End, Nine Emperors, tentatively for today's Prince"

In the depths of the main hall, there is a sound of empty air.

"I didn't expect that the winner was actually my nine sons.

Today, the Holy Emperor is still a little surprised.

He deliberately helped the thirteen sons, and the result was defeated by the Nine Emperors, and the four strongest sons were defeated by the Nine Emperors.

Even the Holy Emperor is not very familiar with his ninth son.

After the holy, Feng Xiao flashed a trace of anger, looking at the nine emperors and Zhao Feng.

The trial of the Prince was over.

But the Dagan Palace is more heated.

On the same day, the palace hosted the Prince's celebration.

All regular forces and sects have a certain number of places to enter the palace.

At the Prince's celebration, the nine emperors were busy.

Representatives of countless forces in today's dynasty, continue to say hello to the Nine Emperors, and send some thin gifts.

On weekdays, those members of the royal family who looked at the nine emperors with cold eyes also smiled.

"Sub-Air, I have already expected that you will be a blockbuster"

A royalty elder immediately said.

"Congratulations to the nine emperors, no, now it should be called Prince."

The seven emperors came forward to toast a cup.

Even the rest of the emperor must also express his opinion to the Nine Emperors.

Maybe, in the future, the nine emperors, the other emperors, want to mix in the royal family, but also have to look at his face.

In addition to the Nine Emperors, this celebration is the busiest of the forces that support him, as well as the members of the Nine Emperors who won the title of Prince.

At this time, some representatives of Shijia, happy to close their mouths, busy dealing with many forces.

The rise of the Shijia is already doomed.

"Shi brother, your performance in the trial of the Prince can make me wait for the ultimate."

A big force genius, and Shi Yulei greeted with enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Lan Gongfu, where Su Qingling is located, is also walking with many government representatives.

There are many people who mention the marital status of Su Qingling.

Although Zhao Feng has just entered the mainland, his reputation is not good, and there are only a handful of people who know each other.

But at this time, there are still countless powerful forces and take the initiative to make good friends.

After all, anyone can see that the Nine Emperors can win the position of the Prince because of the help of Zhao Feng.

And Zhao Feng’s own strength is also a shock to heaven, and he has more power to run his own business.

"Zhao Feng, I really have yours."

Xin smiled and walked.

"Good luck"

Zhao Feng smiled and avoided some people who did not know, and went to Xin.

"Zhao Xiong, you are too modest"

Xin has no need to shake his head.

This time, the four emperors can be said to have completely lost in Zhao Feng’s hands and lost to the last sixteen dragon guards.

There is a certain study on the method of Xin Wei, but it is not sure to erase the transmission array method without damaging the dragon.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s idea of ​​collecting the luck of the dragon has been implemented at the beginning.

It can be seen that it is far-sighted.

"Xin brother laughed."

Zhao Feng did not deny it.

In fact, Zhao Feng is also ignorant of the law.

However, his ability to solve - this problem can be solved perfectly.

As long as the transmission matrix method is determined, and the decomposition capability is used to destroy the structure of the array, the array method naturally cannot operate.

For some of the strategists, it is a trivial matter for Zhao Feng.

"Zhao Feng, congratulations."

The iron in a red robe walked slowly away from the sky.

Although the four emperors supported by the iron family lost because of Zhao Feng.

But Zhao Feng’s performance is enough to make them pay attention.

The original intention of the Iron House was that when the Prince’s trial ended, Zhao Feng was forced to return to the Iron House, but now he took the initiative to come to congratulate him.

"Zhao Feng, this time, you are shining."

Nan Feng Wang also smiled and congratulated.

Originally, he only intended to return Zhao Feng to a human condition. He did not expect that the Nine Emperors actually won the position of Prince.

This made Nan Fengwang feel that his human condition has not been paid off yet, and he owed one.

After dealing with many people, Zhao Feng came to the side of the Haiyan Pavilion.

"Taiwanese elders"

Bi Qingyue is delighted.

Originally, Haiyan Pavilion was the power of Samsung, plus the victory of the nine emperors.

The sea smoke pavilion has almost become the area of ​​the border sea, the undisputed overlord.

Coupled with the refuge of the dynasty Longyun, Bi Qingyue believes that she can make the Haiyan Pavilion faster and reach Zhao Feng’s expectations.

"After the celebration, you will go back first."

In the mainland, Zhao Feng still has some things that cannot be left.

Although there is a trace of loss in Biqingyue, it even shows a gentle smile.

Zhao Feng probably asked about the Haiyan Pavilion and the development of the assassination.

At the same time, he took most of the resources and handed it to Bi Qingyue.

The assassination forces have just started, and the foundation of the Haiyan Pavilion is not comparable to some ancient sects. If you want to develop rapidly, you must have huge resources.

This is exactly why Zhao Feng did not strengthen the blood in the Tianji City.

"In addition, go back and collect information about the owner of the reincarnation, and pass it to me."

Zhao Feng suddenly said.

in the corner.

"Chen, don't be discouraged, you are too young, experience, naturally not comparable to your emperor."

The majestic man comforted the thirteen princes.

"I just don't want to be reconciled. Why is the Nine Emperor winning the position of the Prince?"

Thirteen emperors whispered.

"Oh, he did win the position of the Prince, but if he can sit still, he will not know."

The majestic man showed a hint of sorrow and voice.

The thirteen princes looked at him and looked at his uncle.

"The position of the Prince is not so easy to sit."

The majestic man has deep eyes.

In fact, it is true.

This year, the Holy Emperor, abdication, and five years.

During this time, it is the inspection period of the Prince. If there is any serious mistake in the prince, it will naturally have an impact.


On the other side, the Nine Emperor came to the Holy Emperor.

"Sub-Air, your performance this time, very good"

Today, the Holy Emperor smiled.

Nearby, many uncles are also smiling.

The celebration continued until the second night.

At this point, the Nine Emperors finally can go back to rest for a while.

"His Royal Highness, I have to live in your house for a few days."

Zhao Feng laughed.

"Zhao Xiong, where are you going?"

Asked the Nine Emperor.

He did not mind Zhao Feng living in him, but he clearly saw that Zhao Feng had something to do.

"Some things to do"

Zhao Feng did not answer clearly.

Thirteen emperors, for the time being can not kill.

On the other side, Zhao Yufei, he is not likely to see.

Moreover, there is news of the owner of the reincarnation, which needs to be checked.

Instead, I can ask the old eagle. Although the eagle has withdrawn from the celestial net, it should be able to move some of the relationships.

"Tomorrow, the father should be rewarded for you, and Zhao brother should not be absent."

The Nine Emperor knew that Zhao Feng had refused the recommendation of the Earl of Nanfeng.

But this time the Holy Emperor personally rewarded, at least to be present.

At the same time, the Nine Emperor took out a golden token.

With this token, Zhao Feng can enter and leave the palace at any time.

"Thank you"

Zhao Feng took the token.

After all, the palace, not everyone can enter.

"His Royal Highness"

In front of the Great Hall of the Nine Emperors, the Qi Guanjia immediately came out to meet.

Zhao Feng glanced at the housekeeper, but his left eye suddenly came a beat.


A cold cold front appeared from the hands of the housekeeper.

call out

A translucent black dagger directly stabbed the chest of the Nine Emperor.

"Qi Guan, you?"

The nine emperors looked horrified.

At this point, he is too late to guard.

Moreover, the sneak attack of the Qi Guanjia is as fast as the wind and thunder, accompanied by a wave of sinful light concealed by the evil spirits.

Even if it is a frontal defense, the Nine Emperors are sure to die.

Qi Guanjia showed a sinister and cruel smile, as if he had already succeeded in assassination.

The next moment

Zhao Feng and the figure of the Nine Emperor, disappeared in a flash of silver.

"this is?"

Qi Guanjia was defeated and looked horrified.

"The ability to shuttle through the space!"

Qi Guanjia’s voice is low.


The Qi Guanjia turned directly and turned into a shadow light, which was integrated into the night and quickly evacuated.

Jiuhuangzifu, Zhao Feng and Jiuhuangzi suddenly appeared in the room where Zhao Feng had retired.

"Zhao Feng, is this the ability of the lost world?"

The heart of the Nine Emperor jumped and looked at Zhao Feng and took a breath.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng’s secondary artifact at the crucial time saved his life. This should be Zhao Feng’s retreat here, leaving space coordinates.

However, how can the Qi Guanjia assassinate him? No, that’s not a housekeeper.

"Nine emperors, you stay here, I will go see"

Zhao Feng left a word and flew out.

Before the hands of the housekeeper, Zhao Feng was aware that the true Qi Guanjia was afraid that he had already been killed.

He was very surprised. Who is this, with such courage, dare to enter the palace to stab, and the assassination is still the Nine Emperor, or the Prince.

Zhao Feng first thought of the thirteen emperors, and did not rule out the thirteen emperors impulsively, making such stupid things.

"And, this person's strength is very strong"

Zhao Feng quickly shuttled through the palace. When he was just transferred away, he placed a oracle mark on his body.

But at this time, Zhao Feng can only probably sense a position.

Prove that the assassin has already noticed and used the means to suppress Zhao Feng’s gods.

"I didn't expect that he actually had this ability and was negligent."

‘Qi Guanjia, his face is gloomy and hateful, his body shape is rapidly drifting in the maze, and some patrol guards are hard to detect.


Zhao Feng directly chased according to the induction of the gods mark.

"Who, within the palace, forbidden flight"

Patrol guards, suddenly shouted.


Zhao Feng is running his gods, and an amazing volatility fluctuates in the ‘housekeeper’s, fluctuating within the soul.

At this point, the patrol guards immediately noticed the same, and they all knew Zhao Feng.



Suddenly, in the palace, all the patrol guards were alarmed.

"Damn, this kid"

The face of the housekeeper was distorted, and a black face covered with scales was faintly visible.

"I can't escape"

Qi Guanjia’s face was desperate and tragic, and suddenly stopped his body shape.

"Let's die together, the little kid who is nosy"

Qi Guanjia’s voice was low and hateful, and he retreated to Zhao Feng.


Qi Guanjia's body shape flickered, and immediately came to Zhao Feng, dark and transparent dagger, ignoring the space resistance, directly to Zhao Feng.

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