King of Hollywood

Chapter 139: prompt

Chapter 139 Tips

After the premiere, Adrian left with Kate. Although he provided the outline of the script, most of the content was completed by the company's screenwriter, and he played a role of supervision at most. So in the subtitles at the back of the movie, his name is listed at the end of all screenwriters, so there is no need to attend the subsequent press conference.

This version of "Ghost Horse Elf" differs from the version in his memory in many places. Of course, this difference is about the control of the lens language. It is normal for such a deviation to occur, even if it is produced by the same director. The same movie can't be exactly the same-except for Adrian.

Even so, there is no need to worry too much, Brad Seebornen still holds the main line well. Laughter continued throughout the show, and Caspar gave up the chance of resurrection to Katie's father. Although he got the opportunity to become a boy and Katie successfully date, but the plot changed back after midnight and also made a lot of emotions. People sighed endlessly.

In addition, the image of Caspar and the three ghosts is quite attractive. The crew spent millions of dollars to cleverly move the animated image into the movie, which not only retains the flavor in the animation but also does not make people feel obscure. , Especially the ghost image after the death of several live actors is quite interesting. So when the movie was finished and the lights in the hall turned on, there was a warm applause.

The film has also been quite recognized in the eyes of the media. "Empire" claims that "this is the best movie for the whole family to watch since entering the summer vacation"; and "Hollywood Report" also believes that "this is Brad One of the most humorous and tender works, Disney's family-friendly movies are always very attractive. If you want to have a happy weekend with the whole family, this movie is a good choice. "

Although film critic Jon Riley commented on the acting skills of the actors, it was not too harsh: "Everyone has fulfilled his role, but the eye-catching is Karpas, a ghost, smart and interesting, It's exactly the same as animation. Fortunately, Sarah Michelle Gellar, who plays daughter Katie, is also quite bright, smart and a little gloomy, otherwise the real actor loses to computer animation is too bad. "

For this review, Adrian is more recognized, in his opinion Sarah's performance in the film is more brilliant than the original Christina Rich? Perhaps this view is somewhat subjective, but what about it?

In short, after the movie was released, it was very popular. This is because this PG-level movie has nothing to quarrel and dig. It is also related to Disney's image and publicity strategy. After all, this type of film is their signature. Therefore, in the first week of release, "Ghost Horse Elf" occupied the top of the North American box office rankings with 22 million box office, and depending on the momentum, it is likely to lead for a period of time.

Seeing this, Adrian also turned his attention to other aspects, and began to prepare to return to London to start the post-production of Howard Manor, but the day before he left, a sudden news made him have to postpone the trip. Although it was already expected to happen, Adrian still couldn't help sighing after receiving the news. This guy was really anxious. Fortunately, he had already prepared it and he should throw out his hole cards.


Spielberg flipped through the documents in his hands, frowned a bit deeper, lost it impatiently, and found it on the table. I flipped through it for two or three minutes, and changed more than ten copies of the documents and materials in his hand. Many were thrown to the ground, but he still could not find what he wanted.

After snorting in annoyance, Spielberg gave up the materials on his desk, walked to the bookcase, and started to turn up again. After all, this time after he lost a few files, he finally found the material that was full of black and white images.

After exhaling for a long time, he turned around and he couldn't help but realize that his simple and bright office had been occupied by scattered materials.

Raising his hands with a bit of a bitter smile, Spielberg put the information he found on the coffee table next to him, then began to pack up, and then several times sighed and covered his forehead. He has always been an informal person. The office is often messed up, and the secretary cleans up every time. So it ’s no less difficult for him to sort out the scattered information. Let him fly out of the window.

"Hell, Steven, you can really do that. You can't even do such trivial things now." Spielberg took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and murmured while rubbing with the corners of his clothes.

Then the speaker on the table rang: "Mr. Steven, Mr. Adrian is here."

After a while, Spielberg responded and walked over and pressed the communication button: "Thank you, Melissa, please come in, and please pour us two cups of coffee."

After glancing around, he didn't bother to clean up those things, anyway, all the materials needed were on his desk-although they were also scattered. So picking up the first file found, Spielberg sat back in his chair.

"Hello, Steven ..." Adrian was clearly surprised when he came in with his briefcase.

"Sorry, Ed," Spielberg gestured. "As you can see, it's a little messy here because I'm doing the final preparations."

"It doesn't matter, sometimes I do the same in the office." Adrian smiled, walked to the desk and sat down, picking up the documents scattered on the floor and neatly putting them on the other desk. On the side.

Spielberg looked at the young man in front of him with a slightly complicated look. As before, he made a good first impression. But even today he still doesn't like him very much, he is overly utilitarian, and he is anxious to do things. He always wants to make the best things in the shortest time, and his private life is not so good.

In Hollywood, there are some things that are not secret, or even if the parties haven't said it, enough information can be used to determine what happened. Of course, these things are all you have to do. Take it out and talk about it. Besides, Drew Barrymore was his goddaughter anyway.

But from another aspect, Spielberg admired him very much, dared to think and think, his head was full of unexpected ideas, and every time he did a good job, the work won both word of mouth and box office. Not everyone can win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival at the age of 24, and even Spielberg hasn't.

"Then we won't be so shy," Adrian coughed, interrupting Spielberg's thoughts. "If I remember correctly, the late stages of Jurassic Park are not complete. Right? Why are you in a hurry to start a new movie? "

Spielberg smiled slightly. "How is your new movie? Many people are waiting to see the jokes, especially the British."

"Well ..." Adrian gave a haha, with a little helplessness and self-deprecating in his expression. It seemed that few people asked him this time. But he returned quickly and understood what Spielberg wanted to say

"It's different, Steven. I always prepare for the next movie after the previous movie is finished." Adrian shook his head, disapproving his idea.

Spielberg shrugged, and suddenly asked other questions: "Why would you want to bring Howard Manor to the big screen, Ed? You have never directed this type of film before, have you?"

"Because ... I think I should do it." Adrian hesitated, and finally sighed.

"Don't worry, I have given all my post work to Lucas. As one of the people who knows me best, he understands what I want. He will also be contacted when I need to make a decision." Spear Berg sighed and sighed, "I've waited too long."

"I see," tapped his fingers back and forth on the desk, and Adrian said, "So, is there anything else? It just doesn't seem like I need to come over for the money?"

Spielberg nodded: "Yes, I believe you have seen the script. As the best writer in Hollywood, maybe you can provide some advice?"

"Hollywood's best screenwriter? This is not dare to be deceived." Adrian smiled, didn't take it to heart, and his expression did not seem to be fake. "Well, I don't have much advice on the script, you have done very well Alright, especially the liquidation of Krakow's Jewish quarter-yes, I remember you said, plan to use black and white film to make this movie? "

"Yes, I don't think I can show that heavy feeling with color film." Spielberg said, watching him without blinking.

Adrian, as if he hadn't seen it, took the heavy script out of his briefcase, and after reading a few pages, he said, "I have no opinion. You are the director. Naturally, you have the final say. But To be honest, how do you plan to arrange Schindler's change? There must be a more logical statement or a shocking lens, otherwise it is easy to lack convincing. "

"I know ~ ~ I specifically arranged here to see those people shot dead, especially with many children among them, and I plan to give those children here ... some close-up shots." After nodding, he hesitated before saying, "But I still think something is missing."

"That's ..." Adrian moaned his chin, and suddenly asked what he thought a few seconds later: "Well, when I was collecting relevant information, I had seen a book called" Girl in Red " : A biography of "An Autobiography", authored by Romama Ligoka, was one of the survivors of the concentration camp at first, and seems to have a relationship with Roman Rolandsky? "

"Really?" Spielberg looked puzzled, not understanding what Adrian wanted to say.

"I think, maybe you can set it up like this. When Schindler witnessed the massacre in person, he saw a little girl in a red dress shuttle through the crowd, and finally hid in a house and crawled under the bed under the sound of gunfire. Stopped the ears. The bright red sting hurt Schindler's eyes, and then he began to change until one day, when the Nazis dug out the dead people's bodies for incineration, he saw it again on the wooden cart carrying the bodies Do you understand the dazzling bright red, Steven's only bright red in black and white, very symbolic bright red? "

[Niu Wen without advertising novel dedication]

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