King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 179: 11 questions

Schwarzenegger is hesitant to face such an invitation. On the one hand, he knows that it is definitely beneficial to work with Director Miracle. On the other hand, countless facts have proved this in the past few years. On the other hand, he has already been in his wife's It is recommended to start to plan to reduce the number of filming yourself. As for why, do not need much.

Although Adrian wasn't clear, he still guessed a little. Naturally, people made a tour of xìng and stepped up his strength. He believed that even if Schwarzenegg couldn't think of it, his wife, Jīng Ming, would think of it. Although Schwarzenegger is a Republican, while the Cowells and Ron Rees are more inclined to Democrats-this is California after all-it is not uncommon for large group companies to place bets on both sides, at best is the amount How much of a problem.

Schwarzenegger's promise at night didn't matter much. You must know that the script of the "Death Squad" has passed the first draft, and it still needs to be revised. However, several major settings were finally determined. First, Stallone, Schwarzenegger, and Willis were the founders of the mercenary regiment. They were called "Big Three", and they had a sturdy soldier. Accept various commissions worldwide.

For these sturdy soldiers, Adrian already has a lot of suitable candidates. Shange Yunton and Doffer Longer are still well-known. They are still in the 1992 Remake of the Warrior. If you pass, Steven Siegel is even more unnecessary. Although it is currently better than Willis and others, it can also be regarded as a well-known action star. His role can be small, but it can't be absent and it can't be unimportant. .

If you include those types of action stars, Travolta and Cage can be shortlisted. At the same time, Connelly or Bruce South can also be invited to guest intelligence personnel from other countries. By the way, you can also bring those rookies. Jushi Johnson has already begun to get involved in movies, Van Diesel has just shown his head, and Jet Lee has also targeted Hollywood.

"Wait and see, there will be a lot of people who like it." Adrian, who compiled the information on "Death Squad," said so completely and completely modified a movie to create a brand, which is why he was so enthusiastic.

"It's tiring enough, although I can't feel it when I work, but once I stop, the feeling of tiredness involuntarily springs up." Adrian yawned, cuddling on the big tuǐ with a sense of abundance xìng.

"Why, workaholics can get tired too?" Monica asked jokingly while massaging her forehead with her fingers.

"My dear, a workaholic is also a human." Adrian shook his fingers, comfortably.

"What about madness?" Monica asked with a smile.

"Of course it's not a human." He sat up suddenly, dragged Monica into his arms and pretended to be a fierce and evil-looking man, holding his hands and going to her ǐng high breast.

"Well, Ed, the food is going to be cooked." Monica knocked him out strangely, then got up and went to the kitchen.

Adrian shrugged, and stood up and followed to the mén mouth of the kitchen, leaning on the mén box and watching Monica standing on the cooking table with the food. Although wearing a simple shirt and tube skirt, and still wearing an apron, still can't hide the beautiful curve. Grinning slightly, Adrian walked behind her, holding her waist and taking a deep breath from her neck. ??????

"Do not disturb me," Monica warned half-warned.

"Rest assured, I will never disturb you," Adrian closed her eyes and sniffed her hair. "But, tomorrow morning, I want you to stand here and cook for me in an apron only."

"Why tomorrow morning instead of now?" Monica said angrily.

"If you want, you can do it now." Adrian Haha laughed wěn on her ear beads, and raised her hand on the waist to half a minute.

Monica turned around immediately, and gave him a "grumpy" glance at him, suddenly reached out to unlock the apron, followed, and in front of him, threw the shirt to the ground, then Wen ōng, skirt, * And stockings.

"I'm satisfied now." Monica, who had put on her apron again, tǐng tǐōng breast, she deliberately tightened the apron a lot, and the deep trench was clearly visible.

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Adrian nodded earnestly. What dissatisfaction with Monica, who was so empathetic?

"Just watch, don't touch!" Monica warned again, turning to leave his spine to him.

Adrian had no other moves this time, admiring her beautiful back curve with his eyes, and then he asked again, "Yes, Monica, have you seen the script I sent them?"

"Seeed it," Monica replied without looking back.

"How do you feel?" Adrian continued.

Monica stopped her movements, and then moved again after a long while: "It's real, very ... resonating, beautiful nv people always seem to ... being peeped ..."

"So do you think you can play this nv?" Although he heard something, Adrian didn't care.

"Of course, I don't think there is anyone better than me, but Ed—" Monica turned around and looked at him with complex eyes. "Are you sure you want me to act?"

"No one is more suitable than you, Monica," Adrian laughed. "Don't worry, I will make and direct this movie. I have a sense."

He reached up and raised her chin: "You belong to me, Monica."

"Yeah, I'm your sī person thing, I'm your little pet, I'm your xìng ..." Even if the last word didn't come out, look at Monica's mouth shape and know what it is, though, she His tone was full of crickets, and his twinkling eyes also carried a mocking god.

"I don't know why it's so urgent, I just finished dubbing" The Matrix ", and I have to start preparing for a new movie before I have a good rest," she complained again.

"Because I promised you." Adrian ran his fingers across her face. "Remember? Now is the time, otherwise why should I direct it myself?"

"You are?" Monica opened her eyes wide, and the spoon she had just picked up fell back into the soup pot.

"Yes, I should give you the honor that belongs to you," Adrian nodded surely. "Don't worry, the filming will start in the second half of next year at the latest, and it will be released the following year. You can use this Try to figure it out for a while. "

As soon as the words fell, Monica had rushed forward to wrap around his neck and gave him a fiery wěn, so the movement was lingering for a while and the two separated. ??????

"Although it is very good, but this reward is not enough." Adrian mō said chún dissatisfied.

"So what else do you want?" A little gasping, Monica asked in a provocative tone.

"For example, how about sitting on my body and feeding me when you have prepared dinner?" Adrian Mo said with a smile on his chin.

As soon as I asked for something, Monica thought of her current outfit, and soon realized that she couldn't help but stabbed him severely: "Oh, inferior embryo!"

Wan gave him a big white eye and turned to continue to work, while Adrian laughed.

Not to mention the flirtation between Adrian and Monica, after completing the dubbing of several leading actors, the final stage of "The Matrix" is over half, but the completion of the other half is still a long way off. Drian was always busy with something else. Isn't Monica's new movie, as he said, this film will not be released until the second half of next year, so there is no need to rush to prepare. And the movie was decided by Adrian more than a year ago, and the details of many scripts were modified on and off.

So now I'm busy with other movies, such as the end of "Apocalypse" is nearing its end, publicity has been on the agenda, no accident, it must be released on the Christmas-New Year file. The same is true of "Los Angeles Secrets". If it is not for Adrian to ask jīng to seek jīng, to fully express the Los Angeles atmosphere of the 1950s, the uncertainty of Thanksgiving may be released.

Adrian had to ask questions one by one about the internal preview of the two films, the publicity methods, the repercussions and so on. The former does not need to be, the charm of Michael Berggabruckheimer's golden combination has been proved in "Fighting Island", plus the unstoppable Don Simpson adjusting the position of onlookers, this The future of this movie is very promising.

Liv also seems to have reconciled with her father, and no less has appeared in the company, but the actual situation ...

"Yeah, he is my father, after all, I should give him a chance. However, giving a chance does not mean that he can point to my life!" Liv was lying on the edge of the pool. He also raised his fist and waved, "Know that my mother told him, what did he do when I was dating you? Oh, Liv, how can you be with that huāhuā boy!"

She deliberately lowered her voice and learned her father's hoarse mén.

"Your father is right, Liv, I am indeed a huāhuā boy, aren't I?" Adrian, who was sitting in a chair, shrugged.

"So what, who am I dating is my business!" Liv snorted heavily. "If he can patiently guide me like you, maybe I will consider his opinion, but want to force What do I do, no mén! "

Then she gave a proud smile again: "Oh, Ed, you really should be on the scene at that time. When I told my dad, I knew you had a lot of nv people, but I didn't care, how good his face was. "

Adrian haha ​​laughed and shook his head unwillingly, which was exactly what he wanted to see, didn't he?

"Well, Ed, come here and try again. If you can catch up with me, I will give you a surprise!" Liv sank into the swimming pool afterwards, and then swam to the other side like a mermaid flexibly.

Facing this kind of challenge, Adrian was always very interesting, so he stood up and performed two moves, visually inspected Liv's speed and distance, and then dived into the water.

These are some trivia about "Apocalyptic". In short, the strong director and producer, plus Willis has not yet aged, and the popularity decline is not large, and the company agreed that it would be welcome.

"Luocheng Confidential" is not so lucky. After the internal preview, it was divided into two factions. People who are optimistic think that the film has completely taken out the taste of which era, and the puzzles are full of details, and the characters are full. The people who are not optimistic think that the era of movies belonging to this style has passed, and the box office is pinned on nostalgia. The above is not a wise idea, and the puzzle is too simple. The answer can be deduced only by thinking carefully, and the action scene is not fierce, and it is difficult for people to like it.

Adrian isn't bothering about these, and he is now less and less commenting on non-self-directed films, although these are all approved or requested by him. After all, his achievements are there. As long as he speaks out, even the biggest disputes will be immediately subsided. This is a good thing in some respects, but it is not a good thing in some respects. If these arguments are lacking in a company, , Then the vitality will gradually disappear.

Of course, he is still very optimistic about this movie. Although the two main characters have changed, and the edited version has many differences from the original version, he still works very hard in details, and the style of that era is well portrayed. Do not have Ruifan and Zeta Jones to perform more sè.

Zeta Jones does not need to be. She is almost a performer. She has a sense of beauty and beauty, and has a little bit of effort, good at dealing with different people. Although the beautiful nv star with black hair had few people in Hollywood at the time, she caught the kind of style that was completely different from blond, and was more yòu than Kim Basinger. As for Rui Fan, his acting ability is totally worthy of that little golden lion in Venice, interpreting Ed Méng's principle from a few rigid and original principles, and experiencing countless things to become flexible and flexible. It was a wise decision to save him back.

In addition, Kevin Spacey and Russell Crowe are also out, and now this "Los Angeles Confidential" will never lose to the original.

"It may be useful to see whoever of your brothers is better in the movie." Adrian once said to the brothers Jacques and Rui Fan, and then added some resentment: "Let Silver see See, it's stupid to give up in a movie. "

Silver Phoenix is ​​now 13 years old, and has a slammed head. It looks more like 15 years old. Although "Sixth Sense" made him famous, he once surpassed the elder brother Rui Fan for a short time. , But it doesn't look crooked. He is already a very handsome guy. I have to admit that the Phoenix family has a good appearance gene. The shape is good, and the acting skills are also very good. Not many acting movies are simply an awkward thing, but Silver wants to make a difference in music.

Although he did not completely abandon the film, at least he also participated in a lot of auditions recently, and the single just released in the summer vacation did not cause much response, but still worked tirelessly, really helpless.

"You can say hello if you need it, as long as it is your request, he will certainly do it." The two brothers who were overjoyed after hearing Adrian's words.

Adrian shrugged, he also knew this, probably because he rescued Rui Fan at the beginning, and Silver adored him, so if he needed it, the other party would definitely not quit, but the twisted melon is always not sweet Yes, isn't it?

If you think that there is nothing else to do with these two films, then you are totally wrong. There are several more movies just being shot, such as Sarah's "Legal Pretty".

After "Campus Storm", Adrian wanted Sarah to star in a medium-sized production and then take out this movie. Her image is very suitable for this movie. As long as her hair is dyed and dyed with gold, Already. However, by chance, after learning that the original nv protagonist of the Adrian alumnus can be considered, he was surprised after a long time and decided to put the film on the screen immediately, because the original nv protagonist chose and Joe Yi Water nv children the same way!

This is really too interesting. The storm with the wings of the butterfly really likes the unexpected. Before 1995, her resume was still fine. She still entered Stanford University, but suddenly in 1995, Leaving school and leaving. For no reason whatsoever, American universities are not paradise. After two years of quiet silence, she appeared on the cover of the magazine with the signing of "Loft".

The scale of "The Loft" is far more than "Huāhuā Son". If you put on the cover of "Huāhuā Son", it will often become a beautiful thing. Cindy Crawford will use the name of supermodel. On the cover of "The Loft", it is basically equivalent to being marked with the star of the chéng person. Although she has only taken some large-scale photo albums now, as long as she is old, it is a sure thing to release videotape.

Adrian was surprised that something had been adapted because she had no intention of buying the issue of "The Loft", which was the cover. The adjectives remained the same. The blonde and blue-eyed little sweet girl was very special in his eyes. Meaningful. However, he did not intend to pursue what major blows she had suffered, nor did she want to know how her relationship with her family was. There were many examples of nv students at famous universities as chéng nv stars, so the only thing he had to do was to change the " The movie "Legal Pretty" is on the agenda.

"It's very simple ~ ~ This movie is going to show the nv protagonist's appearance looks silly, but the nvxìng is still jīng bright and insistent on the inside. What do you think is wrong?" After the elevator, Adrian said to Sarah beside him.

"Actually, I'm not stupid enough, do I?" Sarah put out her tongue.

"This has nothing to do with appearance. The key is to look at acting skills. If you can perform that kind of feeling, then acting skills will definitely go up one level." Adrian smiled and wanted to reach out and touch her face, but now While in the company, someone would pass by from time to time on the aisle, so he couldn't help it.

Sarah couldn't help giggling a few times and secretly made a face.

"Okay, let's go to the office to pick up things first. Let's wait until we get in the car, okay?" Adrian gave her a funny look.

He only took two steps and he stopped suddenly. The lounge on the left was half covered with mén. From his point of view, he could just see a nv child sitting on the sofa in a daze, his face blanked, his sight completely out of focus. It's Scarlett Johnson!

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