King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Very simple i forgot

Chapter 279 is very simple, I forgot

"Well, Lily, it's too late, and it's time to sleep. ==." Adrian said as he hugged the little guy in his pajamas to chuáng, although she was still yelling, but yawned too. One hit.

"Come with me for a while, Dad." Lili, lying on chuáng, begged her father and begged, blinking a pitiful look.

& o Her head, Adrian took the huge Winnie the Pooh doll and put it beside her: "Well, but only for a while, and I will not tell you a story."

"Why?" The little guy who just grinned broke his face again.

"Because you don't want to listen at all, when I was in the bathroom, Aunt Charlize and I were soaked all over the body." Adrian squeezed her little pink face, "You promised before taking a shower Ever, don't splash me with water. "

The little girl rolled her eyes, suddenly she lifted up and said with a straightened mouth, "I didn't agree."

"No ..." Adrian was just about to say something, and suddenly he paused again, remembering that Lily was really right. When he asked her, Charlize came in, and then went to the bathroom. The little girl wanted to say no Promise is also reasonable.

Looking at his father's depressed face, Lily giggled, and she was very pleased. Adrian glared at her, stretched out her hands and squeezed on her little face again, and then began to "repair" her. The little girl laughed and resisted with her hands and feet, and the father and her nv bothered for a while. Count to stop.

"Okay, it's too late to sleep," Adrian said after pulling the quilt to nv again.

"Dad, do I really want to leave you when I grow up?" Although Lily had consumed the last ng of force from Lily, she asked with bare eyes.

"Fool, independence doesn't mean to leave, you will always be my n Drian with a smile on her forehead wěn wěn," Go to bed obediently. "

"I want to hear your lullaby ..." Lili's eyelids had dropped, but her hand was still holding her father's corner.

"Okay." Adrian shook his head with a smile, then turned off the light and hummed softly in the dark.

The simple but gentle tone returned to dàng in the room, and soon let nv enter dreamland. After putting her hand in the quilt and covering her, Adrian went out lightly.

Outside, Charlize just came out of the bathroom and was wiping her hair. Before bathing Lily, the little girl poured water on her, and finally got wet from head to toe. The clothes she wore were very thin, and her bumpy figure became obvious after being wet. The two points of ng were especially yòu people, so that Adrian had a good appreciation.

Probably aware of his vision, Charlize snorted softly, and Kate glanced at the magazine looked up at him. Adrian shrugged, then went to the bathroom and rinsed briefly.

"Okay, now we can sit down and talk about the business?" After he came out, he sat between the two NVs and asked with a smile, and at the same time, held their shoulders left and right, a little more satisfied in his tone. the meaning of.

Who knows that Charlize didn't want to talk at this time: "Let's forget it, I'm obviously not here. Your interest in catching me is far greater than the interest in talking about business."

"How can you talk like that, Charlie, can't you just talk about business after joking?" Adrian deliberately looked surprised.

& ing Good. Kate came in at this time, and the timing was just right. He had to make Adrian feel a "collusion" in his mind, but he was immediately attracted by the cover of the magazine Kate handed over.

The sun came in from the side. Under the tone of Jin Sè, the man supported the slightly deviated head with one hand, his gaze was as if nothing could escape his control. It was the issue of Vanity Fair with Adrian as the cover. ". \\ 首 首 \\\\

"Ha, has the latest issue been out?" Adrian, who was intrigued, began to read it, and at the same time, he noticed that Kate's expression seemed to be smiling.

Although he was a little puzzled, he continued to read it. The interview was well done. Everything was described according to what he said on the day. There was nothing beyond that. Leibovitz's photos were also inconceivable. I used four copies, but each one gave a different feeling. If it wasn't for clothes or makeup, I might think it was four different people.

But after going through the interview and seeing the next page, Adrian immediately understood why Kate gave that expression. This is a group portrait. "Vanity Fair" sometimes uses group portraits as covers, but more often as chā pages. Although Leibovitz likes to take single photos, her group portraits are also very good.

There are seven nv people in the picture, wearing different dresses or standing or sitting. Of course, the most important thing is, from left to right, Julia Roberts, Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Blanchett, and Katherine Zeta Jones and ... Naomi Watts

If it is just the first six NV people, then it can be interpreted as something else, but after the addition of Naomi, everyone knows the theme of this chā page: a photo of the miracle nv Langs.

After all, among the first six nvs, although Julia became the first nv actor to enter the 20 million club because of the 20 million pay for the "Notting Hill" producer, the gap between the latter and her was not the same. Bigger, Blanchett is already an Oscar film, needless to say, Gwennis and Zeta Jones are also considered top-tier nv actors, while Monica and Sophie represent Italy and France respectively. Image.

So just their words, there will be various interpretations, but Naomi is different. Although she became famous because of "Mulholland Road" last year, her popularity is far less than the top six, so she added her Come in and look for common ground, then there is only one title of "miracle nv Lang".

"I knew that these magazines were ultimately unreliable." Adrian sighed and said with some sneer.

Obviously, Vanity Fair has been planning this for a long time. To know that Monica and Sophie are now living in Orange County with big belly, how could they have time to take pictures of them? Besides, their lower abdomen is flat on page chā. So this picture will only be taken before they got pregnant last year, and it is likely that they were taken in the past by two or three invitations, and then combined with ps, otherwise they will not tell him about it, so " The Vanity Fair interview is probably already prepared.

Adrian is not disgusted with this, anyway, some things will be known to the public sooner or later, only Lily has nothing to do with it, but it looks like there will be two more little ones born in a few months, maybe there will be more in the future, so no It takes too much care. It's just that Vanity Fair is a bit stingy. It seems that it takes u time for Claude to talk to Newhouse Group, but the most important thing at this moment is not this.

"Why, you want to join in too?" Adrian laughed and picked up the chā page and thundered.

Kate snorted softly, but didn't talk about her head. Adrian didn't care. She took a sip around her neck. After getting along for so many years, Lily was almost five years old. It was time to accept her. Accepted, all the manifestations now are just pretentious gestures, how could he take it seriously.

"Well, let's talk about something tomorrow. I want to go back to rest." Charlize was very acquainted with Kate.

"It's time to rest." Adrian immediately stood up, which surprised the two NVs. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't let go without pretending to be rogue or overbearing. How did it change today? Is it different?

But when they got up, they immediately realized that the guy hadn't changed at all, and Adrian held them again and again and again and again, "Okay, let's go to the bedroom together."

Needless to say, he knew what kind of thoughts were turning in his head. Charlise raised his eyebrows and said nothing, Kate glared at him: "Don't you ..."

But before it was finished, I was interrupted by Adrian's sigh: "If Sarah is here too, I really miss the good time that night."

Although Charlize was still a casual expression, Kate's face became involuntarily red. Basically, she and Adrian and Charlize did not count a lot of 3p, and 4p was only that night, so occasionally Still a little embarrassed. But Adrian couldn't let go of her, not to mention her unusual shyness made her forefinger move, so the trio went into the bedroom together.

"Also ... let's forget ... Lily ... here ..." Kate, soothed by Adrian's hand stretched into her pajamas, wanted to struggle again, but her mouth was blocked.

"Don't you understand yet, Kate?" Charlize gasped and lingered with her, with an excited **** between her eyebrows. "As long as this guy decides, don't think he changes his mind."

"But ... but ..." Kate shook her head, panting as well, but didn't know what to say.

"Don't, but I bet, if it wasn't for Liv's relationship with us, this guy would definitely deceive her too." Charlize wěn lived with Kate again, and then took her to chuáng.

After a bit of heat, she immediately pressed her underneath, and then turned back to winch Adrian who was standing next to chuáng to watch a show. Adrian laughed suddenly, and immediately untied his clothes. before. If it ’s usually cold and indifferent, Charlie is a cold narcissus only when he ’s under fire. Then, when she flies together, she is the rose of the demon yàn ’s full bloom, which is hard to say. He prefers Charlize in that state, but it doesn't matter, she belongs to him.

The weekend passed quickly, and the crew of The Lord of the Rings started again. Kate took the nv for another two days and then left. She also had a movie to shoot. It was clear that Charlize also returned to Los Angeles with all the things, just as they came together, which disappointed many people who like to discuss the director's gossip. But Liv was very happy. Before that, Adrian was with Kate and Charlize. Even when dining and playing together, his mind was biased towards them a little bit. Now, he belongs to her again.

Liv was formally known to Sarah and Kate and Charlize, so the relationship was relatively ordinary, but she liked Lily, and Lily liked her too.

The next two weeks were filmed in the studio. The most important thing is the role of the guard ring team from quarrel to establishment. The novel's description of Ravendale cannot find a suitable place in New Zealand. The beautiful scenery can only be drawn by an artist and then synthesized in post-production. For this reason Adrian hired several excellent painters to draw, and also invited Aaron Lear and John Howe, who were chā paintings for the Lord of the Rings novels, as consultants.

During this time, the latest issue of Vanity Fair also attracted a lot of attention, especially the group photo of the miracle nv Lang immediately behind the interview once again let many tabloids play gossip ng God began to make up various stories, many ordinary people also began The story of the miracle director and the miracle nv Lang was discussed with great interest, and Adrian's "huāhuā son" name also began to spread further among them.

You know, Hollywood actors and directors have n’t been with several people, so the public is very cold about whoever presses the “huāhuā” name. But Adrian's list is not the same. The most representative actor in the United States xìng, the representatives of Italy and France in Hollywood, the new Oscar, the "lù silk" surviving from the Titanic and showing fifty The classic Nv Lang in the Los Angeles style, and the thrilling Nv Lang in "Muhran Road".

If the miracle director really had a close relationship with them, then he really deserves the title of huāhuā son. Of course, neither the media nor the public will know that the truth of the matter is much more than that.

Although many people's interests are in gossip, this is not to say that this interview was unnoticed. After all, this is the most detailed report on Adrian's experiences in the past two or three years. Many people who follow the director of Miracle will read it. Then, two very interesting things happened, the protest of the Matrix movie and the sadness of the Lord of the Rings book.

The meaning of & í goes without saying, Adrian has confirmed in the interview that he is filming the movie version of "The Lord of the Rings", also introduced many specific circumstances, and intends to complete the filming of the trilogy within one year, and then every year The release of one. The miracle director's strength is there. He has produced a lot of sè movies, and there are all kinds of subjects. No one thinks that he is not suitable for directing and producing The Lord of the Rings.

But what does it look like? Can it be recognized by the vast majority of people? This is very worrying. You have to know that there are countless books in this set of novels, and it has also affected many fantasy novels. Although it is good to shoot well, it is worth rejoicing, but if you do n’t shoot well, you may smash the director's signboard.

& í's protest was mainly due to their dissatisfaction with Adrian's "love" for The Lord of the Rings. The cool and mysterious and philosophical thinking shown after the release of "The Matrix" has made the film loved by countless science fiction mies, and even sold a lot of novels. Although this caused spoilers, it also caused the film mís The discussion plot is more heated, so look forward to the sequel.

Well, even though "The Lord of the Rings" is great and amazing, why can't "The Matrix" finish the trilogy at one time, and then release one by one? To say that "The Lord of the Rings" is a trilogy novel, isn't "The Matrix" also a trilogy novel? Why shoot "The Lord of the Rings" first, and then let the film mí wait for a long time before shooting "The Matrix"?

& í's dissatisfaction makes sense, so what exactly does Adrian think?

"It's very simple, I forgot," he replied, and then a group of people stared at him with big eyes.

"That ... what do you forget?" Silver finally turned out to be an early bird.

"It literally means that." Adrian spread his hands, "I forgot to shoot all the trilogy all at once."

After a short while, I don't know who laughed out first, and then everyone started laughing. The director of the miracle was even confused, which was really funny. In this regard, Adrian shrugged helplessly. All he said was the truth. The stereotyped thinking made him ignore this point. He just wanted to complete the two back chapters of The Matrix at one time but forgot to Because of his appearance, there is now a trilogy of novels.

But it also reminded him that he is not almighty, don't be too proud and proud, and keep calm and onlooker mentality is the key to building his empire.

However, the outside explanation cannot be said this way, not because of fear of shame, but because it is not convincing. Since the production of "The Lord of the Rings" can be thought of once xìng filming, wouldn't it be possible to produce "The Matrix"? Who should I lie to? So explaining this way will only be counterproductive, but in the face of the turbulent influence of mí, he will have to appease him, and he has to find another excuse to think about it.

"The reason why the two later chapters of" The Matrix "will delay the production time is ~ ~ because some changes will be made to the plot. When writing the novel, it was not considered too much, so appropriate adjustments are inevitable. Yes, I ’m sorry, I hope everyone can wait. ”This is a statement posted by Adrian on the official website of The Matrix.

After confirming that this is really the director ’s statement, most of the film mí, although not reconciled, was slightly relieved, which shows that the director will not leave the Matrix, and will definitely make a sequel in person. But the bigger doubt or curiosity is "green" sè "? Could it be that the trilogy of The Matrix novel itself was done by a miracle director?

As a result, the publishing company under the media began to be disturbed by the continuous sāo. Finally, after communicating with Adrian in New Zealand, the publishing company immediately acknowledged that the director of the miracle was the trilogy of The Matrix. Original author. After getting this answer, the movie fans cheered, which further affirmed that the miracle director will not give up this series.

The media also came together like sharks smelling blood. Director Miracle has written novels before? This is definitely worth digging. Although he is not in Los Angeles now, don't worry, it has been confirmed that Adrian is about to attend the premiere of "Death Squad" at the end of April. Remember the URL if you like the mighty "King of Hollywood"

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