King Of Limbo

Chapter 11 - 11: New Knowledge

Some time had passed since the group gathered outside the tavern heard any loud noise coming from it. The once confident adventurers began to wear looks of worry on their faces as they worried for their comrades.

"Um, should we go inside to see what's happened? It's too quiet." One average looking adventurer asked with a look of concern on his face but one of the older looking adventurers at the front shook his head without hesitation.

"Of course not, this towns best adventurers remained in there. If they've lost then what can any of you newbies do?" The older man's words were harsh but true. All the adventurers gathered outside looked young and inexperienced.

As for the guards, they were few in number and weaker than most adventurers. Due to the town rarely getting any threats, the guards also had little combat experience and were fearful of going inside. In the end, no one dared to and they simply continued looking on trying to guess what was happening.

Meanwhile inside the tavern, a pale woman with tears running down her face clenched her trembling hands as she looked at the figure in front of her with fearful eyes.

"I-I've answered all your questions..." Rilda muttered in a shaky voice but the figure in front of her remained stoic.

"That you have Rilda, but I can't have you telling anyone what I asked you now can I?" Aron's tone was casual and calm as he asked this, but the message behind his question was plain to see.

"No! Please! Someone help!" Rilda's eyes widened and she began to panic. Unable to move from her position due to her crushed legs, she could only shout for help.

Back outside the tavern, her desperate cry for help was heard by the many people outside. Many wore worried expressions as they began glancing at each other but no one seemed like they would go forward.

"What's wrong with you guards?! Aren't you going to do anything?!" Young Thyrus left his mother's side and approached the guards who stood at the front before asking angrily.

"Listen boy, I know your friends are in there but this matter isn't simple...go back to your mother" The older looking adventurer defended the guards with his words and waved the boy away.

"No, it is simple. You're all just cowards!" Thyrus declared before rushing past the guards and the old adventurer.

"Thyrus no!" Thyrus's mother widened her eyes in shock at this and immediately tried to go after her son but was stopped by the old adventurer.

"Let me go! Thyrus come back!" The woman exclaimed as Thyrus went into the tavern.

"Don't worry I'll go get hi-" One of the guard's wanted to quickly reassure the woman but his words were cut short by what occurred next.

Soon after Thyrus walked into the tavern, the door was broken as his body was sent flying through it. His body landed a few feet away from the old adventurer, the guards and his own mother.

"*cough*...H-he killed everyone" The young boy muttered weakly as he held his chest and coughed blood onto the ground.

"Thyrus!" Thyrus's mother looked deathly pale as she saw this. She immediately moved to go hold her wounded son as tears run down her face.

Before anyone else could react, Aron walked out from the tavern through the now damaged entrance.

"Does anyone else want to try killing me?" Aron came to a halt after walking a few feet away from the tavern and then asked in a casual manner.

"..." Of all the people present, no one dared to answer Aron's question. All except one...

"You...You're a monster..." Thyrus muttered weakly as he tried his best to best to stand.

His words made everyone present show a look of worry on their faces, most especially his mother who held him even tighter scared that his words offended the mysterious man in front of them.

"Hm...I suppose I am" Aron admitted in plainly before walking away from the group of people towards the town's southern exit.

The remaining adventurers and other bystanders simply watched as Aron walked away without uttering another word. Little did they know that Rilda's information was the only reason he no longer saw a point in killing them all.

A day later, Aron was casually relaxing in a secluded pond surrounded by nature many kilometers from the town he left. He rested his arms on the edges of the pond and had his head tilted back and eyes closed as he used the information he got to plan his next move.

Aron had learned a lot of useful information from Rilda. For starters, he already knew that the world as a whole was known as Pesia but aside from that he had no proper knowledge about the world, this is where Rilda came in.

From her he learned that Pesia was made of numerous continents both and small. Her knowledge was lacking so he had her focus on information concerning the continent he was currently on, Drotzi.

Drotzi was the second largest continent in all of Pesia and was home to the Ettenheim Empire and the Lachester Kingdom. Much of the continent was under the rule of Ettenheim while the Kingdom Of Lachester ruled only a portion of the continent to the east.

Aside from his location Aron now a rough idea of the state of things in Pesia and the major kingdoms and empires.

Rilda had mentioned quite a few but she mainly had knowledge concerning 6. Ettenheim Empire, Lachester Kingdom, Aethel Empire, Velddra Empire, The Clans Of Komi and lastly the Aldra. To Aron, any power that's strong enough to be known even in remote regions was worth learning a bit more about.

The Ettenheim Empire was the most well known nation in all of Pesia for the simple fact that they had conquered more nations under them than any other power. If a nation showed weakness, Ettenheim would never be far behind.

Outside the Drotzi Continent however, other forces reigned supreme.

To the far east of Drotzi were the Komi Islands. A Continent composed of numerous individual Islands. The Komi Islands were the home to Pesia's Komi race. A race composed of half-human, half-animal beings. Little is known about the Komi except that their power is respected by even Ettenheim.

To the near west of Drotzi was the continent of Aethela, home to the Aethela and Velddra Kingdoms.

Aethela was the kingdom of elves, whilst Velddra was home to the dwarves. Although the kingdoms were separate, they were under the rule of the same Queen. Once again, Rilda new nothing more aside from common knowledge on the topic.

Lastly was the continent of Aldra. A continent she knew close to nothing about. The only knowledge she had came from the rumors about that continent. About a kingdom more powerful than even the Ettenheim.

'I can gather the information later on if necessary. They'd be no point knowing this knowledge if I can just find my way back to Limbo. As for the kingdom I'm's basically home to the weak, crimes and corruption should common here. Authoritative figures will most likely not even bother investigating the incident yesterday.'

As Aron thought so, he felt a sudden jolt surge through his body out of nowhere. What followed was his muscles beginning to tense up as his veins became more and more visible. His canines became sharper and longer while his body began as a whole began to grow larger.

'Not this again...' Aron thought to himself as he quickly got out of the pond. Once on dry land, Aron fell to the ground on all fours as his body began to tremble.

Ever since coming to Pesia, Aron began experiencing these changes at random times. The first time being when he first appeared in Pesia which then lead him to massacring any beasts and creatures he had come across at the time.

The second time was soon after he left the town and now marked the third. The changes he was experiencing were the results of all the mana crystals Argos had him absorb. Although a good amount were Luna crystals, it was never an issue as Argos had always helped prevent him from losing control. But without him...

'Dammit...' Aron closed one of his hands into a fist before punching the ground with tremendous force.

The result was a furious shockwave that covered a very large radius. After Aron performed this action, his breathing began to grow slightly calmer.

The large amount of luna mana within him was equivalent to him having to mentally endure the presence of multiple beast wills fighting against him.

'Damn mana...' Aron muttered before a surge of energy ran through his body. This energy was different however because rather than making the situation worse, his changes slowly began to revert until he fully returned to normal.

Once back to normal, Aron released an exhausted sigh before laying on the grassy ground.

'The faster I get to Lachester's Capital, the faster I can hopefully be rid of this excess mana and focus on finding a way to Limbo. If I can't find an experienced mage then there's the temporary alternative.' Aron showed a displeased look as he contemplated this but remained laying on the ground with his eyes now closed.

After laying down for a while longer, Aron let out a relaxed sigh before getting back into the pond to quickly wash himself.. Afterwards he got dressed and prepared to left the region.

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