King Of Limbo

168 Chapter 168

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"Let's end this shall we." Lady Rose muttered as if tired of all the useless dribble being said.

With a flick of her wrist, her scouter came flying through the entrance at an astounding speed before coming up to hover around the third floor, right at the central open area where it could be viewed from all sides. "I present to you my evidence."

With a snap of her fingers her scouter began to display the scene that occurred between Arkus Vonstein and Aron in a lecture hall of the Galos Academy.

The image was being shown in a point of view outside the window but it was still fairly clear enough to see and hear just what had transpired.

In the end, it was clear that Arkus purposefully committed suicide to implicate Aron.

"This can't be right! This must be forgery!?" One of the closer friends of Arkus yelled out in disapproval of the evidence presented.

But alas this was useless. "As far as I can tell there is no forgery behind this, however if you have evidence that can prove otherwise then I'll be inclined to listen." Rih Lamarck casually replied in a calm tone as if unbothered by the turn of events.

What the Vonstein's had hoped would work in their favor turned out to become their biggest obstacle, causing the trial to take a drastic turn.

"It seems no further evidence will be brought so based on what's been given so far I judge Aron of Galos Academy to be innocent of all charges! If any are opposed to this then present your evidence now or let the case end here for good!" Rih Lamarck declared in a loud thunderous voice that reverberated throughout the Parle. He was an extremely straightforward man and so no reason to waste time.

For trials in Ettenheim, once a verdict was reached it could not be withdrawn even if new solid evidence was brought to the table. This was why trials normally took long to take place but this time around, those accusing Aron rushed things in order to lessen the chance of having anything solid brought up in Aron's favor.

For it to backfire so greatly was something they found truly frustrating.

"No! I can't accept this! I won't!" An individual on the second floor baring a crazed expression refused to settle for this verdict and jumped off from the floor before launching an attack towards Aron.

However he wasn't the only one, numerous individuals in the crowd on the ground floor also launched projectile types of mana attacks and techniques.

Lady Uva was too slow to react and by the time she got ready to act numerous bloody holes could be seen on Aron's figure along with some limbs and chunks of flesh missing... it truly was a gruesome sight.

"Restrain them!" Rih Lamarck ordered but before the parties responsible could be captured they each took their own lives without hesitation.
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The direct members of the Vonstein family present on the third floor couldn't help but show pleased expressions at this sight.

Lady Uva wanted to quickly rush over but was stopped by Lady Rose raising her hand and gesturing her to pause. "Just wait."

Lady Uva couldn't understand the meaning behind this and wanted to question Rose but in that very moment a thin mist began to emanate from the bloody corpse laying on the ground below right at the center of the Vonstein crest.

"He's healing?! After all that?" Belle couldn't help but express her surprise towards this as she stood up to observe the scene more clearly.

Similar to her Anastasia was also perplexed as to how anyone could still move after all that. "How is that possible..." She muttered but Juliet shook her head. "Look closer."

Anastasia was puzzled by this and did as Juliet asked before having her eyes widen. "That's..."

"Gregor Vonstein!!" Numerous individuals yelled out in unison from shock and surprise. The longer the mist emanated from the body the more it resembled Gregor Vonstein, but then how?

In that moment everyone turned to look in the direction of the lone seat Gregor Vonstein had originally occupied... only to see a smirking Aron casually enjoying the scene.

[ Death Stalker Aspect: ShapeShift ]

Surprise wasn't enough of a word to describe what the majority of people in the Parle currently felt.

"Mur... murderer!" This time around the yell of outrage came from the third floor, among some of branch family members. The main family members aside from Gregor didn't attend as this wasn't something they felt they needed to witness in person.

Before the angry group could express their rage towards the matter Lady Uva extended her hand in their direction.

[ World Art: Suppression ]

In an instant everyone lacking sufficient strength felt the weight of their bodies grow extremely heavy, to a point where they could barely move their lips.

After this happened Aron couldn't help but snicker loudly and stand up from his seat.

"It's quite amusing for someone who walked into my cell claiming to torture information out of me would have the roles reversed and even be killed by a scheme set up by his own people. This is the beauty of poetic justice."

"In my time as Gregor Vonstein I've uncovered quite the controversial information, if you wish to trail me again then you best be ready for the world to know about all your rather unique goals and ambitions. As a safeguard Lady Rose and Lady Uva will publicize this information should anything happen to me." Aron spoke in a cold and calm tone as if confident in the current situation. He was clearly blackmailing them in the open no less. Lady Uva was clueless as to what he secrets he was talking about but she didn't voice it.
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It wasn't hard to see he was using her as a shield. It was bad enough Aron knew their secrets but most felt he could be dealt with, however who could handle Lady Rose and Lady Uva? The Vonsteins were currently backed into a very unpleasant situation.

[ Enough! I Ursula Vonstein decree that this matter shall end here and now. Any who dare oppose this shall face the consequences according to city laws! ]

A vicious and clearly enraged voice resounded within the entire Parle, coming from no specific direction.

'I've spent nearly a week as Gregor Vonstein who had nearly unrestrained access to their most prized and scandalous secrets. So either they try taking my life and risk falling alongside me or let the matter die.' Aron thought while wearing a victorious grin on his face.

With that decree made, Lady Uva ceased using the unique art and the majority of people could now move their limbs again and speak.

"Since the case has ended here and both parties have reached an agreement, I declare this Parle adjourned." Rih Lamarck announced with indifference but deep down he couldn't help but be surprised at how things turned out.

The Vonstein family just lost one of their core members in such a humiliating manner and now they had no choice but to accept it and yield.

The numerous aristocrats gathered didn't know how to feel about all this especially now that even Ursula had spoken, someone they didn't dare go against.

Some cried at the loss of Gregor while others couldn't hide their anger no matter how hard they tried.

Aron ignored the vicious gazes he was receiving and proceeded to walk over to seats where the Galos Academy officials had sat. "Hmm, seems the academy isn't happy to see me in one piece." Aron commented as a good number of the professors and inquisitors showed signs of hostility towards him.

How couldn't they? Those who part took in the scheme would surely suffer the consequences once a proper investigation was carried out. Worst of all it seemed he held some heavy leverage against the Vonstein family so they lost their backing as well, leaving them nowhere to flee if things turned bad.

Even Belle who had been calm and composed at first looked rather pale from disbelief. She couldn't help but recall the conversation she had with Gregor at the detention center, seeing as how that was in fact Aron, he now knew what part she played in all this. 'This is bad... very bad.'

She felt her heart race the longer she thought about it. Aron glanced in her direction and could smell the slight scent of fear she began to give off.

"I'm honored you all could come and seek justice against those who dared try and stain the academy name. I'll return to the academy in a few days as I still have some matters to settle so please go on ahead without me." Aron displayed a charming smile as he said this but after the events that just transpired his smile looked more scary than charming, they could only look to Lady Uva to reply on their behalf.

"Right, we may discuss this in length once you return so one airship shall remain to bring you back. I also feel the need to apologize for all this on behalf of the academy, had you not made your own preparations your life may have been lost due to my negligence." Lady Uva had her own questions but she didn't insist on him returning especially since she felt quite guilty for not being much help at all.

,m "That works just fine." Aron's smile faded as quickly as it came before he turned to walk away. Before he could leave however Lady Rose came by his side and prepared to leave as well. "I'll remain as well should anything occur."

The two didn't wait for a reply and simply began to walk away from the seats leaving numerous individuals speechless as the day of the trial turned into a day of mourning for the Vonstein family.

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