King Of Limbo

209 Chapter 209

The days began to move and more droves of people appeared outside the city of Galos in hopes of receiving protection from the plague that was currently unleashed upon their once peaceful lands.

The hordes of creatures held a strange pattern of movement and didn't just outright kill or destroy settlements. They mostly targeted regions with naturally high mana densities.

Their sheer numbers however caused the surrounding mana to drop in quality at a staggering pace and in the span of a few days a region would become absolutely barren and devoid of life before they proceeded to their next target.

These observations were made by many of the curious scholars who put knowledge above danger and went to observe the behavior of the horde so as to see if the information being passed around was true.

Unfortunately for the people of Pesia… it was.

Reports reached all notable figures of their findings and it was declared that at the pace the horde was moving, Pesia would become basically uninhabitable within a few weeks at most.

It truly was the end of the world…

Panic had grown and the once patient people began yelling and crying for help outside the walls so that the threat could be handled.

In response to this Lady Belle acted as the speaker of the academy and relayed knowledge to ease the worries of the panicked.

"Yes the rumors that our world is in danger are true, however… a solution has already been found and I ask that you calm down and trust in us. Wether you yell or scream makes no difference to what the creatures are doing." Belle spoke softly and gently, trying to capture the hearts of the people.

For most this worked and for others this didn't and they remained stubborn.

"Lies! You're not telling us everything! If you already have a plan then let us people into the city and you lot can stay out here!" A panicked older looking man suggested.

Under normal circumstances the people of Drotzi wouldn't dare speak to someone like Belle in this manner but the situation was very different now.

However Belle maintained her lovely smile and looked down onto the man. "If you know so much then you're free to go fight them. Galos City is under no obligation to serve you people, we are simply providing help. Since you fail to see this then let me give you a warning, failure to follow our rules in our territory will be punished."

Belle's tone switched from gentle to fierce in an instant. If the people weren't willing to listen to reason then she'd use fear to put them in line.

According to what she was told by Rose, it didn't matter how the people were brought as long they were near Galos City.

Following her words she effortlessly waved her hand in the man's direction and he was instantly flung high up by the wind before landing brutally on the ground and dying in an instant.

After this she turned and walked away, leaving fear in the hearts of many.

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After this day no complaints were received again and they could focus on dealing with the more powerful and unruly people coming to Galos City.

To be more precise the pillars and emperor himself who came at around the same time, with the only exception being the head the house Lamarck.

Their arrival wasn't without it's issues, not long after arriving the emperor along with the pillars all tried bringing up and introducing new measures.

Although they said they were simply suggestions it was clear they were trying to control Galos City.

With Lord Triess and Yohan also siding with their families over the academy the decisions began to implemented one after another.

Lady Uva was helpless in such a situation because force couldn't be used given the current circumstances.

The majority of professors, inquisitors and students were aristocrats so the odds were against her.

Now they waited patiently for Lady Rose and their heirs to bring the so called object that would save their world.


On the last day of that week, Aron the fleet of Aethelian stolen airships could be seen coming towards the city.

To the people outside it looked like just another important group going to take refuge but within the city this was big news as most knew the circumstances.

They were so eager that they immediately surrounded the docking area and waited for the airships to land.

Students and the like could only watch from afar whereas the top brass of both Ettenheim and the Academy stood at the very front.

At first glance it looked like a sort of welcoming but it was much farther from that.

Right now both parties were going to try to get their hands on whatever object could save Pesia, after all the one who controls it basically controls the fate of the world.

Lady Uva and the emperor Kritoph, behind them were the pillars and grand mages all looking at the coming airships with vigor.

The first airship to land closest to them was that of Lady Rose who had been leading the fleet.

Upon coming out of her airship alone she casually walked over to the group of individuals awaiting her before stopping only a few feet away and glancing around.

"Pesia's hero has arrived, we are very happy you've arrived well and safe Lady Rose. However time isn't with us, I must ask if the object that was mentioned in the reports safe? If so then please bring it out so Pesia's strongest can guard it." Emperor Kritoph was quick to come forward a bit and speak in a very domineering tone towards the cold woman in front of her.

"It's already being guarded so that won't be necessary." Lady replied in a low tone but her words were heard clearly by everyone, she was basically going against the emperor.

To common folk such a thing was incredible to see and it lead them to begin speaking in whispers regarding the matter.
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Soon the other airships began landing and one after another different individuals began to appear.

Aron being among them with Jagu behind him personally carrying a strange and large object with him.

Aron walked over to Lady Rose's side and looked at the man so many humans feared and respected as their leader but he couldn't bring himself to see it.

Upon seeing Aron and Jagu along with the other members, the emperor burst forth laughing hysterically. "This? This is who you have guarding an item that could save everyone? Children?" He spoke loud and mocked Lady Rose's words so as to make the public side with him.

This was a form of battle for humans, twisting words to suit oneself and gain approval of others. A cunning form of strength, however Aron would use this strength against the emperor.

"Yes, children more capable than your entire military force. Why should the people trust in a cowardly emperor who can't get a single thing done?" Aron asked in a domineering tone that didn't fall short of the emperor's.

His large stature and great figure only emphasized his look to others as he stared down at the shorter emperor as if superior.

However the one to speak was Issac Lovitz, his right hand man.

"Haha bold words, the young truly are strong hearted these days. You have indeed done a great duty in helping Lady Rose recover this device and you will be awarded but please don't overstep your bounds." He said calmly but Aron remained unmoved.

"I didn't help her, she helped me. This device was discovered on an independent expedition so it belongs to me. The thoughts of a senile old man on death's door are wasted on me. Furthermore…" Aron looked behind and gave a nod before one by one numerous Aethelians in chains walked out with the leading figure bringing surprise to the faces of all those who recognized her.

"The Aethelian Queen…." Issac muttered.

Aron grinned at nodded. "That's right…" he replied before looking towards the many people observing him in this moment.

"Listen well! According to the declaration prior to the war,I Aron Limbo who killed the Aethelian King and subdued the Aethelian queen along with her entire city have contributed the most in the war… hence I am Ettenheim's rightful emperor!" Aron announced this with great vigor and brought a surprised expression to the face of the emperor and Issac.

"The house of Rosenberg recognizes the new emperor…" An older looking woman suddenly announced while glancing worriedly in Anastasia's direction.

"The house of Hoffenheim recognizes the new emperor." Another older looking woman seconded after glancing at Esmeralda with a worried look.

"I Yohan Lovitz…"

"I Belle Ettenheim…"

"I Triess Rosenberg…"

One after another Pesia's strongest began to recognize Aron's ascension as if it was the most natural thing.

"What is the meaning of this?!" An angry and confused Kritoph asked.

Just how was this happening?


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