King Of Limbo

Chapter 267 265: Danger Approaches

While the Drakarian mountains were in an uproar, the forest north of them was calm.

The same forest that had just been the scene where numerous dark scaled Drakar flooded to hunt one person. With them now all gone, Rose and the others came out of hiding and began moving towards Aron.

It didn't take long for them to reunite since Aron was also moving quickly towards them.

Upon meeting, Jin immediately inquired as to what was going on. Because unlike the others, he had some concerns over which humans were being held by the Drakar.

Since no signs of Komi Jagu knew off were found as the group travelled through the region, he wasn't overly concerned about the current foe.

Meanwhile Evanora didn't even properly understand, thus no worry or concern was exhibited by her. As for Rose, her one and only true concern was Aron and his knowledge.

The only useful element the Drakar offered was that of being studied, however that alone wasn't enough to make her want to provoke and attack them.

Thus, she only listened with little interest as Aron responded to Jin's concerns on the situation.

"It seems other humans are attacking the Drakar. Osar, the leader of the dark scaled ones thinks they must be powerful or at least a threat since one of their strongest called all the Drakar to gather."

Jin's already anxious expression showed even more concern. "What's your stance on the matter? If you won't be acting, I will, even if I have to do so alone."

From the way Jin worded his question, it was clear that all decisions in the group were ultimately decided by Aron. However, his tone was anything but carefree, as was the usual for him.

Jin's intentions by following Aron were largely unclear. However, whatever they were, it was clear he would abandon them if Aron chose to leave the humans be.

"Nothing has changed. The Drakar reign supreme in this territory so if any of us want stability as we adjust and learn more about the region we are in, they need to be either crushed or pacified." As Aron said this, Jin felt some ease in his heart.

Aron then continued on to say. "Whatever is happening in the mountain range, it has the Drakar in panic…that makes now the best time to act."

The Drakar were indeed in a state of confusion. Without warning, they all had to leave their dens and eggs, in order to chase just three tulsa, the entire situation seemed ridiculous.

Aside from their leaders, most had only ever caught a glimpse of the so called olden ones who rarely left the central dwelling. Yet now, one such imposing figure, Mikaa, was present for all to see as he hovered above the mountains and observed the chase.

Beside Mikaa, hovered Galar, the chubby looking leader of the red scaled Drakar that occupied the eastern area of the Drakarian mountains.

The chubby Drakar normally showcased a haughty and proud demeanor, even in front of Osar, who was regarded to be the strongest among the leaders.

However, in the presence of an olden one, Galar looked as timid as prey.

The situation was made only worse because Mikaa had a look displeasure on his face that didn't fade from the time Galar arrived.
"Do you colony heads regard my call as a joke?" Without turning to face Galar, Mikaa expressed anger toward the fact Greile and Osar had yet to arrive.

Galar became more uncomfortable and cursed both Greile and Osar in his heart for putting him into such a situation.

Before the nervous Galar could answer though, Osar and Greile arrived on the scene. This made him ecstatic in his heart as he knew that the anger would now be directed towards the two.

Mikaa eyed the two newly arrived leaders with some disgust and disappointment before speaking. "Why do you only respond to my call now? Was there something you considered more important?"

Galar wore an ugly grin when he saw the two about to receive harsh treatment from Mikaa.

He expected them to lower their heads and beg for forgiveness any moment. Unfortunately, no such scene occurred because Osar not only maintained his head high, but also spoke in a casual tone that lacked fear.

"There was. Recently leader Greile's dwelling was victim to an attack in which all females except her lost their lives to a single tulsa, her and I tried to capture that powerful tulsa."


Mikaa couldn't help but show surprise at Osar's words, he was so taken aback that he  didn't even care for the disrespectful tone.

The first thing that he thought of now, was the scene he saw before leaving the central dwelling, where Rorguvv, a powerful olden one like himself, suffered an injury to a tulsa.

As for Galar, he felt like Osar was lying so as to avoid punishment, but he didn't dare speak up because of the expression Mikaa now wore. A look of genuine worry.

"What happened then? Did you capture or kill it?" Seeing as they were still in one piece, Mikaa didn't immediately panic and still had hope that he was just overthinking.

Sadly, Osar's words continued to reveal only bad news.

"No, I tried pursuing it with my best men, but it killed them like they were nothing. So instead, Greile and myself faced it together but then lost miserably. We don't know why it spared us, but we believe it has gone to gather more of its people now that it has learned where we Drakar stay and that it can kill us easily."

Although Osar wasn't instructed to, he took the liberty of instilling fear about Aron into the olden ones.

If it weren't for witnessing the power of a strong tulsa himself, Mikaa would have been doubtful of Osar's story. However, that wasn't the case, so Mikaa now had a genuine feeling of fear bubbling up within him.

"Grr, order the pursuit of those tulsa to stop. Instead have everyone patrol the mountain range until I say otherwise."

Without giving the group much clarity, Mikaa flew away towards the central dwelling with his mind in a mess. He had to inform the others immediately, before anything drastic befell them.

For Brutas, Ezmeralda and Sebastian, who were fleeing for their lives, the sudden dispersal of Drakar was a surprise to them.

However, rather than be elated at the fact, worry grew. They all feared that perhaps the dispersal was due to a plot or strategy they were planning to capture them.

As they run, they all remained overly alert since the Drakar still filled the skies.

Did they lose interest? Or did they perhaps set a trap ahead?

The group couldn't help but have such thoughts as they run desperately to preserve their lives.

"What's going on? Are they giving up?" Sebastian was the only one who voice his thoughts as he run while gasping for air.

Unlike Brutas and Ezmeralda, he wasn't an efficient arts or technique user, despite having some talent mana manipulation, as was the case with most children who grew up in an aristocratic household.

"Just shut up and run, will you? Whatever happens, as long as you can still run, do it."

Brutas yelled back with great irritation. What did it matter what was happening? All they could do was run.

Meanwhile, at the central dwelling.

Rorguvv, who was in a pitiful state, had drawn the attention of the two other Drakar that resided there, a male and female.

The female Drakar especially stood out because she perhaps resembled a human the most with the majority of her body having skin instead of scales.

Despite her large size, her naked figure was slender with a gray scaly area covering her erogenous zones. Her two most features though were perhaps the strange wing like crown atop her head and the razor-sharp blade like structures underneath her forearms.

Her eyes, which carried a fiery glow, looked to find amusement at the defeated Rorguvv.

"To lose to a tulsa, my how weak you've become." She released a sinister mocking laugh towards Rorguvv who glared at her furiously but didn't retort.

It was instead the other male Drakar who spoke up.

"Enough Amarr, this is serious."

Unlike Amarr, the Drakar named Loserv found this situation to be very grave.

Of all the Drakar within the dwelling, he possessed the most intimidating exterior look.

He possessed a grand pair of wings, long twin tails and a large stature like Rorguvv but lacked the same muscular mass. What made him particularly unnerving was his deformed looking face.

In simple terms, it resembled the skull of a tulsa, yet it was covered in thick scales, leading to quite the odd appearance that even fellow Drakar found repulsive.

His entire body had a similar look. From neck to toe, it looked like open flesh had scales grow above it. One could see almost all the definition of his muscles despite scales being present.

Amarr didn't even attempt to hide her disgust for him when he addressed her, although she also withheld a retort.

Before the conversation could carry on anymore, Mikaa arrived.

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