King Of Limbo

Chapter 275 273: It’s Not Over Part 4

While Aron was gathering information, Lorserv who had finally reached his destination after fleeing nonstop for many kilometers in his pitiful state.

The area he arrived at was a grassy highland that couldn't even compare to the Drakarian mountain range. However it did possess many holes in its structure that made it resemble a giant ant hill.

Once Lorserv could see some of his kind flying in the skies, some relief was felt. This entire time he had kept going through sheer worry that Aron was in pursuit.

He found his kind driving and even killing the Komi that resided within that highland.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that surprise was shown by many Drakar when Lorserv approached. Some were cautious and thought him to be an enemy because they had never seen any of their olden ones.


Before he approached any further, he could see the skeptical glances being thrown in his direction and understandably so. Many had only seen Mikaa, and that was only recently too.

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They didn't want to just assume so they remained on guard. However, once his roar escaped his dry mouth, all doubt faded and many Drakar took submissive forms or distanced themselves from him.

Others just retreated to their newfound dens to guard their young and eggs.

Thankfully Osar soon appeared from a den located at the very top of the highland. Once he saw Lorserv, anxiety grew… but then he realized that Lorserv was in terrible shape.

However he didn't take any risks and welcomed Lorserv while showing concern.

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

Lorserv felt like he was being mocked. He didn't answer until the two arrived in an unoccupied den. "Do I look okay!?"

To say Lorserv was angry would be an understatement. He gripped Osar by his thick neck and threw him towards a wall with all his strength… which wasn't much anymore.

Osar only stepped back slightly, this him realize that Lorserv was indeed very weak. Upon seeing this, Osar showed a grin and struck back.

"Arck!!" Lorserv's eyes widened and were bloodshot from anger and pain as Osar struck a fist into his gut.

"Y…-ou dare." He felt like he couldn't breathe properly and he fell to his knees while grasping his stomach. His intimidating eyes focused on the grinning Osar who he wanted to tear limb from limb.

At that moment, Greile and Galar flew in and were surprised by what they saw. Lorserv saw hope in them and attempted to call a bluff.

"Once the others find me gone, you will pay for this. It's not too late for you two, choose a side wise- ah!!"

As he tried to gain their support, Osar casually kicked him in the face and looked down at him while shaking his head side to side. "Your threats are nothing, you are nothing. Your power over us ends today…"
Osar slowly approached the worried Lorserv and began striking his face repeatedly. Galar seemed the most concerned with what he was watching but he wasn't stupid enough to speak against Osar.

It didn't take long for Lorserv to fall unconscious, only then did the fat red scaled Drakar speak up. "Is he dead…?"

"No, he still breathes for now." Osar revealed with some displeasure in his voice.

Greile frowned at this and argued. "Why? If we allow him to heal then the consequences could be disastrous for my our kind."

Galar saw the point in her words and so did Osar truthfully, but he had his reasons.

"I plan to travel south with him and speak to the southern races. The tulsa are a dangerous race and they will seek blood for what we have done. Our best hope is to join the territory of the southern races."

Both Greile widened their eyes at his idea as if it were the worst one, he could possibly mention. This time it was Galar who spoke his mind. "That is madness, if we're talking about danger then the southern races are worse than the tulsa! Do not forget it was because of us refusing to share dominion over this territory that they decided to move south. You're mad if you believe they will help us."

Osar sighed as he could understand their arguments which were very valid, but his mind was set and he had already thought this plan through. Lorserv coming here alone and weak only made much easier to carry out.

"I know of the dangers, thus I will go alone, if I don't return quickly then assume the worst and lead our people elsewhere. The best I can do is put the blame for our actions in the past on the olden ones and ask that they allow us in. If they remain unmoved, then I will mention the threat of the tulsa, even they can't ignore a new race that defeated their long time enemy with ease."

Greile lowered her head in thought when Osar explained himself much more clearly. She couldn't argue because his plan was indeed worth trying. "I agree, it's worth a go."

As for Galar, he was fine with it since his own life wasn't being endangered by the plan. "Me too."
With both in agreement, the decision was now unanimous and Osar immediately set off.

Meanwhile back at the camps made in the forest north of the Drakarian mountains, Claudia was returning to the group after her conversation with Aron came to an end.

Scarlett looked at her with a brow raised and asked. "You look awfully happy, did something interesting happen between you two?"

When Scarlett said that, everyone turned their gazes to Claudia who indeed had a weak smile on her face and a shine to her eyes. Why? They didn't know, but they wanted to know, especially Xavier who practically jumped to his feet.

"What happened? I mean, is there good news?" after seeing the reaction from the others to his sudden burst, he quickly realized he was coming on to strong and so he altered the meaning of his words.

After he did so, the others equally became curious if it was indeed good news that concerned them all. Claudia stopped herself from smiling more at that point and cleared her throat before nodding. "He says we should be much safer in this region and that he is making progress mapping it out."


Scarlett frowned and just clicked her tongue and folded her arms. "Fine, keep your secrets."

The others found it very hard to believe that what she said was all that happened, but they had no right to pry and didn't ask more. Xavier found this hard to swallow.

As for Aron, he had also left his area and went over to Rose's, where she seated with notebook in hand below a tree alone.

"You're back, did all go well?" She didn't shift her gaze from her notebook as she asked this of Aron while he scanned around for the aloof Evanora.

As if predicting this, she continued on to say. "If you're looking for your little so-called genius, I sent her away to bathe, I needed a break from her mind-numbing dullness."

Aron didn't argue with that point and just approached her and leaned his back against the tree but remained standing. "Did you learn anything of use from the Drakar?"

Rose didn't answer with words and instead just handed over her notebook to him with a certain page open from where he could start.

He retrieved the book and immediately began reading the information she managed to collect so far, which to his surprise… wasn't much.

The most useful piece of information was perhaps that numerous races of organized Komi could be found in the south of the land mass they were currently on.

But Rose soon frowned and sighed. "You're paying attention to the wrong things. Look at the point I circled."

Following her tip, he turned his gaze to the line that read. "Tulsa once dominated the entire land."

To that, Aron furrowed his brows but wasn't really surprised. "Well for hybrids like them to exist, it's obvious humans were native here… or perhaps still are, on another continent. Unless you have your own thoughts on the matter."

Rose readily agreed and then started to explain why she circled that particular point.

"My theory is, those humans who once thrived here, moved to Pesia long ago and established themselves there. I wonder though why we haven't seen a single sign of a ruined civilization of any kind."

As Aron heard her explain, he didn't immediately dismiss it but he wasn't particularly interested in either. That is until she said…

"Think about it, in Pesia we got lucky and found an already functioning device but here? If we don't crack how they established travel between worlds, then we may be stuck here. If the genius minds behind that device originated from here, then there has to be some sort of clue. Be it verbal or written knowledge. If lucky, we may even encounter knowledge far beyond us."

The excitement in Rose's voice was particularly clear and passionate at that moment. But her smile soon faded and she asked something that had been lingering in her mind.

"Knowledge… it was never your goal, was it?" Her tone was cold and Aron could tell this carried some huge importance to her."

"Does that matter?"

Aron's avoidance of the question had Rose stand up and face him.

"If we are to continue being partners, then I think its best we both at least reveal our goals. I care little for your secrets but if I can't even understand what truly drives you, then…"

She didn't finish her sentence as she felt Aron could already guess what she wanted to say. He also sighed and looked down at her and nodded.

"Fine, you'd find out eventually."

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