King Of Limbo

Chapter 277 275: Fear Aron Part 1

A great silence took over in the camp as Brutas's screams no longer echoed in all directions. At some point, he just passed out from the sheer amount of pain he was feeling.

But anyone smart enough could tell he was dying and very quickly at that. The wounds themselves weren't too life threatening but he was losing far too much blood.

When Amarr finally stepped away with parts of his body in hand, she half expected the humans to rush to his aid. However, not a single one moved.

Why would they? After what they just witnessed, many were unwilling to even speak ill of Aron. But more importantly, only a few were skilled enough to implement healing techniques on Brutas.

However, none of them moved either. Scarlett and Aela watched like it wasn't their business whilst Xavier and Reginald followed suit, being neutral to the matter but not wanting to antagonize Aron.

Then there was Ezmeralda and Sebastian, two of his long-time friends with whom he grew up and associated with since an early age. Despite having such a history with him, they too didn't move.

What Aron had said was true, Brutas was now a burden. If they were to expend energy trying to save him then they risked losing Victoria, who was not only stronger but also had less serious injuries.

The choice to make was clear in their minds, so much so that the two only looked at each other with eyes bearing guilt and helpless as they stayed in their current position.

Contrary to what Aron had thought, it seemed no one was even willing to try saving him. He was abandoned immediately and death was slowly creeping up.

This wasn't what he thought would happen but he didn't care, whether alive and crippled or dead, it didn't matter. He was just that insignicant.

"Let's go." Aron was now ready to leave after sensing Jagu was about to arrive.

His usual cast followed him with the addition of the three Drakarian captives. However, one person stayed behind and didn't show any intention of moving. Jin.

He soon made it clear by calling out to Aron. "I won't be going with you. If I leave too then many will die. I can't allow my race to go extinct."

Jin spoke in a tone of unsurety. It was clear that his reasons for staying weren't something he could just reveal to others. Even still, Aron wasn't surprised.

He was aware that Jin's drive for vengeance came from the aristocrats. But with them practically a thing of the past now, his vision had become clearer.

As a human, for the sake of his own future, he couldn't allow his entire race to keep dying. Thankfully Aron didn't care enough to either help or destroy them. If such a situation were to occur, which side would be on?

"I understand." Was Aron's answer as he continued to walk away. Having numbers was always an advantage in Limbo, even if they were dead weight, they had uses.
He felt it would be possible for Jin and Claudia to bring about organization. At that point, he could come take over whenever he wanted to, his strength near matchless.

Being such a young Koliean, Aron's rate of growth was far too rapid and unpredictable. It made the tiering system that Argos used to describe many things nearly useless for him.

For humans and beasts, it was much clearer. 1-5 was low, 6-10 was medium and 11-15 was high in simple terms.

Aron though, was only at the seventh, sub rank didn't matter to him. As long as he was on the same tier as a creature, it didn't matter if it was A rank. He knew he could beat it.

What boggled his mind though is the exact mechanism through which he grew stronger. For humans, it all had to do with practice and learning. The better their control of mana, the higher tier. The limit they could reach was dependent solely on the region they were in, whether it had a low, mid or high mana concentration.

As for beasts, the environmental conditions for growth were the same as humans. But unlike humans, Beasts would grow stronger simply by being in a region. How skillful they were depended on their intelligence and proficiency.

No such boundaries existed for the anomaly that was Aron. He experienced growth through both ways, leading to a freakish growth rate and abundance in power.


Meanwhile, to the far south.

A vast green and brown landscape could be observed from the skies above. With this vast land, what could only be described as a ruined city could be spotted at the center. That was Osar's destination.
The architecture of the fallen city was the same type one would see in some of the better cities of Ettenheim, Pesia. As for that particular city, it bore a strong resemblance to the Galosacademy.

Osar swiftly landed by the broken gate and yelled out. "I Osar of the Northern Drakar have come to make peace with the Valley Rodes! I bring one of the olden ones, your enemy, as a show of goodwill!"

A brief moment of silence followed that made Osar grow quite anxious. But soon figures appeared on the beaten down but still standing walls.

In the next moment, some drew spears while others took out bow and arrows laced with a green substance at the tip then aimed for Osar and the unconscious Lorserv.

"Leave Drakar! Your kind are not welcome in these walls…"

Another figure appeared but this time at the gate and slowly approached Osar before stopping a few meters away, spear in hand also.

The Valley Rodes as Osar called them, were a race of bipedal ungulates. Like most Komi, they had large statutures, varying from 2.2 meters to 2.3 meters in height.

All the ones present at the scene, had dark or light brown skin tones and wore fine polished armor of unique design.

Most bore a strong facial resemblance to humans except for the fact that they possessed horns and had glowing eyes.

The one that had approached Osar was a fair skinned male who looked to have an especially great vendetta towards the Drakar.

The hostility being shown to Osar wasn't something that surprised him due to the history between the two Komi races. In fact, he was lucky not be outright attacked.

Although the only reason for that was likely fear on their part as well on starting a conflict between the two powers.

Thankfully though, before the situation could deteriorate, another valley rode rushed to the scene and whispered something into the long ear of the one standing by the entrance.

"What?!" It immediately became apparent that the male wasn't at all pleased with what he heard. But it seemed he didn't have a choice.

With a click of the tongue, the male Valley Rode gestured Osar to follow. "Come, the chieftainess wants to speak with you. But I warn you, if you do so much as cause her to frown, I shall kill you where you stand."

Osar could tell with a glance that he was far stronger than the male putting on airs in front of him. But he held himself back from responding rudely or arrogantly. Right now, it was he who wanted their help, he couldn't risk having this chance go to waste.

Before long he was being led towards the residence of the chieftainess and he couldn't help but look around at the buildings around.

The city was never in that terrible of a shape to begin with so it wasn't hard for them to restore many into a usable condition. Many streets were packed with Valley rode's just going about their daily lives.

Having come from a different form of living himself, it was a very strange sight. But to any Pesian, they would see this as normal, except for the lack of any form of trade.

The valley rode's lived as one. If food was in short supply, then the entire community would suffer. The concept of rich and poor was nonexistent there, just like in most Komi societies.

Soon they arrived at one of the largest and most intact buildings in the entire city.

No guards were stationed in front of it, which showed just how much trust existed in that particular race. They didn't see their own kind as threats, hence only the walls surrounding the city were guarded heavily and patrolled regularly.

But since Osar was of another race, an enemy one at that, he had to be escorted by numerous armed valley rode's who were concerned for the safety of their chieftainess.

The building's two large entrance doors were already opened so the group just walked in casually and arrived in a large open hall.

Inside this hall, they were many lush mats on different places of the floor. This were used to both sit on and sleep on by the valley rode's that resided within that building.

Yes, unlike many races that gave their superior certain privileges. The chieftainess still shared a place of residence with other female valley rode's of great importance.

Her mat was situated at the far end of the room and she could be seen sitting there with a calm demeanor. She didn't particularly stand out either, having a face like any other valley strode but with green hair and glowing amber eyes. She was wearing a simple green half top and a matching skirt. No jewelry or crown was present on her.

The position she carried was instead shown by a marking on her forehead. Immediately she saw Osar being brought it, her gaze focused on Lorserv before she frowned deeply.

The source of this content is n/ov/elbin[./]net'

"Explain yourself clearly, why does the race of violence visit us?"

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