King Of Limbo

Chapter 287 285: Aron Vs The Komi Of The South Part 1

After Aron received word from T'kar about the southern race's decision, he was forced to work even harder to complete the formation.

However, time was not on his side. It didn't take long for a Drakar who had been assigned to scout to rush to the wall on which he stood. The Drakar was out of breath upon arrival, but it didn't hesitate to deliver the worrying news.

"They're coming…"

Even before the scout arrived, Aron had a feeling that the news it would bring was not good. But hearing the words caused him to frown. 'Dammit, we're so close…'

The formation was nearing completion but the time needed was still too much. He looked at the scout in the corner of his eye without showing the worries he had and asked. "Is it army?"

Nodding its head immediately, the Drakar confirmed the worst-case scenario. "It was like the entire southern Komi had gathered. The three leading races are the Collosi, Zatar and Phets, the leaders are charging ahead… it won't be long till they arrive."

Aron gave a subtle nod and sent the scout away with new instructions. "Leave and call Greile and Amarr."

The scout said nothing and took to the skies, while Aron turned his head and observed the settlement behind him. It was far from prospering but both he and Rose worked hard to make it an instrument they could use. From the people, to the knowledge, the resources and many more things present.

By choosing to retreat, he could preserve some of these things, but if he chose to stay, he could lose it all, perhaps leaving with only his life.  To him, either choice was a great loss. However…

Whatever thoughts lurking in his mind as he stared at the ruined city were cut short as the sound of flapping wings caught his attention and caused him to turn around and meet with Amarr and Greile who were already told of the situation by the scout.

They too had their own fears, that this overlord of theirs may just sacrifice their lives in order to preserve his own. Yes, he was incredibly strong, but this was an entire coalition of races they'd be facing, one that had great diversity in attacks and greatly outnumbered them.

A frontal attack was suicide, they knew this and felt he did too. But they were powerless to resist, the fate of their race truly rested in his hands.

As those worrisome thoughts plagued their mind, Aron surprised them with his next instructions.

"It won't be long before the southern races appear so finish what I instructed as quickly as you can. I will be going ahead to delay them as best I can."

Madness, absolute madness. This what Greile and Amarr thought of Aron's idea, but they weren't so bold as to say this aloud. Whether they liked it or not, without Aron, it was obvious the other races would defeat them now that they had been so greatly weakened. They needed him, so they naturally appealed.

"But it's an entire army… if you-."
Aron cut them off before they could try to convince him, he knew they had their own reasons for not wanting him to leave, but he had little choice.

"I won't allow what I've built to fall to another's hand. They'll need to push me to my very limits to even make me consider doing so. You just focus on your tasks, the time I use to delay them better not be wasted."

He spoke in grave tone with an undertone of anger, a feeling that arose whenever something got in the way of his efforts. He hadn't submitted before so why start now?
With those last words, Aron jumped from the wall in a burst of speed and began charging south through the vast open valley, just as the rain got heavier.

Meanwhile, further south, three very fast figures were covering immense ground, much further ahead of the rest of the Southern Komi Army.

They were the leaders of the three most dominant races in the south, the Collosi, Zatar and Phets.

Lgar, the leader of the Collosi, was a towering figure that stood over 3 meters tall, slighter taller than even Aron. His thick, gray skin was covered in scars and calluses, a testament to the many battles he had fought and won. His eyes were deep-set and fierce, gleaming with a primal energy that seemed to emanate from his very being. He wore a set of primitive, animal hide clothing that hung off his massive frame, and his fists were like boulders, capable of delivering crushing blows.

Mon, the leader of the Zatar, had the appearance of a giant humanoid eagle. His wings were broad and powerful, and his feathers shimmered in the rain, casting off a faint iridescence. His talons were sharp and curved, and his beak was as hard as steel. He was lithe and agile, capable of darting through the air with the speed of a falcon. His eyes were keen and sharp, and he seemed to be always on the lookout for any potential threats as he flew above the other two leaders.

Kasil, the leader Phets, resembled a ram demon. His horns were long and twisted, and his eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. His fur was as black as pitch, and his muscular body was covered in intricate tattoos that seemed to writhe and twist in the rain. His feet were cloven and powerful, capable of delivering devastating kicks that could shatter bone. His roar was like thunder, and it sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors.

Before long, all three came to a stop as they encountered a lone figure approaching right in the open valley. It was evident the figure had seen them because he soon came to an abrupt stop as well but didn't run. This figure was of course Aron.

Aron stood in the center of the open valley, his corroded silver armor gleaming in the pouring rain. He knew he was outnumbered, but he was confident in his abilities. He flexed his hands, ready to fight the three leaders who soon stood before him, just a few meters away.

No words were exchanged, both sides just looked at one another with the intent to kill.

The first opponent, Lgar, charged at Aron with a roar, his ten-foot frame moving with surprising agility. Aron met him head-on, dodging the first punch and countering with a powerful uppercut that sent Lgar stumbling back. But Lgar was quick to recover, his superhuman strength allowing him to withstand Aron's blows and retaliate with powerful punches of his own.

The two fighters circled each other, rain pouring down on their faces. Lgar's rhino-like features made him look even more menacing, and Aron knew he had to be careful. He feinted with his left hand, then unleashed a devastating right hook that landed squarely on Lgar's jaw. The Collosi stumbled back, but his tenacity was unbreakable. He charged back, his massive fists slamming into Aron's chest with the force of a battering ram.

Aron felt his ribs creaking under the impact, but he refused to back down. He ducked under Lgar's next attack, then delivered a lightning-fast kick to the Collosi's kneecap. Lgar grunted in pain, but he didn't slow down. He kept coming at Aron with a relentless fury, his massive fists pummeling the air around him.

Aron felt his anger rising, and he decided to take the fight to the next level. He surged forward, closing the gap between him and Lgar in an instant. The two fighters locked arms, their muscles bulging with the effort. Aron felt Lgar's breath hot on his face, and he knew he had to end the fight quickly. He summoned all his strength, then headbutted Lgar with all his might.

The Collosi stumbled back, dazed and disoriented. Aron used the opportunity to strike, delivering a crushing blow to Lgar's stomach. The Collosi doubled over, then collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

As Aron turned to face his next opponent, he saw Mon swooping down from above, his sharp talons ready to tear into Aron's flesh. Aron dodged to the side just in time, narrowly avoiding Mon's attack. But Mon was relentless, darting around the battlefield with lightning speed, using his aerial advantage to stay out of Aron's reach.

Aron knew he had to find a way to bring Mon down to his level. He charged forward, then delivered a powerful punch to the Zatar's stomach. Mon grunted in pain, then took to the air again. Aron followed him, jumping high into the air and delivering a flying kick that connected with Mon's chest.

The Zatar fell to the ground with a thud, but he didn't stay down for long. He got back up, then charged at Aron with his razor-sharp talons extended. Aron parried the attack using his armor, then grabbed Mon's arm and twisted it with all his might.

Mon screeched in pain, then took to the air again. Aron watched him, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that the Zatar was fast and agile, but he also knew that he was vulnerable when he landed. He bided his time, then launched himself at Mon with a powerful uppercut.

The blow connected, and Mon fell to the ground, dazed and disoriented. Aron moved in for the kill, his fists striking with lightning-fast speed.

Mon tried to defend himself, but Aron was relentless. His fists struck Mon's wings and chest with deadly precision, each blow causing the Zatar to flinch in pain. Mon knew he had to fight back, but his attacks were clumsy and weak, his strength no match for Aron's.

Aron continued to pummel Mon, raining down blow after blow until the Zatar was left lying on the ground, battered and bruised. Aron stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion, as Mon struggled to get back up.

But before Mon could stand, Kasil charged at Aron with a bellow, his powerful horns aimed straight at Aron's chest. Aron spun to the side, narrowly avoiding Kasil's attack, then delivered a powerful punch to the Phet's side.

Kasil grunted in pain, then countered with a powerful kick that sent Aron flying through the air. Aron landed hard on the ground, his body skidding to a stop in the mud. He felt the impact reverberate through his body, but he refused to stay down. He got back up, his eyes blazing with fury.

Kasil charged at him again, his powerful hooves pounding the ground. Aron dodged to the side, then delivered a powerful uppercut that connected with Kasil's chin. The Phet stumbled back, then charged at Aron again, his horns aimed straight for Aron's heart.

Aron sidestepped Kasil's attack, then delivered a powerful blow to the Phet's back. Kasil stumbled forward, then turned to face Aron with a snarl. He charged at Aron once more, his hooves pounding the ground with fury.

Aron met him head-on, his fists striking Kasil's horns with a deafening clang. Sparks flew as the two combatants clashed, each trying to gain the upper hand. Kasil's hooves slammed into the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the mud. But Aron refused to back down, his muscles bulging with the effort.

Finally, with a mighty roar, Aron delivered a crushing blow to Kasil's midsection. The Phet collapsed to the ground, unconscious, as Aron stood over him, victorious.

The rain continued to pour down, but Aron barely noticed. He was breathing heavily, his body covered in mud and sweat, as he surveyed the battlefield. Three opponents had come at him, but he had emerged victorious. The look on his face showed little satisfaction, because from the start, he had complete confidence in himself.

At the same level, nobody was his opponent!

With a triumphant roar, Aron turned and walked away, his corroded silver armor gleaming in the rain. The valley was quiet once more, the only sounds the patter of raindrops on the ground and the soft snoring of the defeated Komi.

But this was far from over, he could feel the ground trembling as a huge army approached not to far. Even he didn't have the confidence to emerge victorious from such a clash. He needed to return and ensure the formation was complete, trying to finish off the three leaders would only end badly because desperate opponents were far more vicious.

As Aron walked away, the beast men struggled to their feet, refusing to submit. They watched as Aron disappeared into the rain, their eyes filled with defiance.

"We will not give up so easily," Lgar, the Collosi, growled. "He may have won this battle, but we approach not alone."

Mon, the Zatar, nodded in agreement. "He may be powerful, but he is not invincible," he said. "Let's see if he can stop the force of the combined races."

Kasil, the Phets, looked around at his comrades. "We cannot let him live, if allowed to grow stronger, our future will be grim," he said.

The Komi stood together, united in their determination. They knew the risks of defying Aron, but they also knew that they could not let him continue to dominate their land.

"We will not give up," Lgar said, his voice ringing out across the valley. "We will fight until our dying breaths, and we will never surrender, do you hear us tulsa!"

The rain continued to pour down, but the Komi did not move. They stood their ground, waiting for the other forces to reach them. And as they watched Aron disappear into the distance, they knew that their battle was far from over.

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