King Of Limbo

297 Chapter 296: Not As It Seems Part 4

As Aron and Rose hurried back to the area they had set up camp, their footsteps echoed with urgency. Aron's mind was consumed with thoughts of what could have transpired during their absence, and his instincts told him that time was of the essence. He turned to Rose, his voice urgent.

"Rose, send your scouter ahead," Aron instructed, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "We need to get an idea of what exactly is happening before we arrive."

Rose nodded, her fingers swiftly manipulating the movements and speed of her scouter. She sent it whizzing through the air, its frame rapidly soared ahead. Aron's heart raced as they continued their swift pace, waiting anxiously for the scouter's return.

Soon enough, the scouter zoomed back towards them, and Rose reduced its speed expertly. She activated the crystal helm, revealing a display that projected the scene it had witnessed. Aron's eyes widened at the sight that greeted them—the image of four unknown women engaged in a fierce battle with their group.

The women appeared wild and untamed, their tall and toned figures exuding a sense of primal power. Aron recognized them immediately. "Beast mongers," he muttered under his breath.

Rose, unfamiliar with the term, turned to Aron, curiosity evident in her eyes. "What's this beast monger?" she asked, hoping for an explanation.

Aron glanced at Rose, his expression filled with concern. "We don't have time to discuss it now," he replied, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to hurry back and deal with the situation. You'll understand soon enough."

The urgency in Aron's voice left no room for further questions. Rose nodded, her determination resolute. They quickened their pace, Aron driven by the need to find answers and reclaim control over the chaotic situation that awaited them.

As they arrived at the camp, the scene before them sent a jolt of alarm through their veins. Jin, battered and bruised, sat near a tree, nursing his wounds. Mrah and Khalel stood by his side, their expressions filled with concern. But there was no sign of Jagu, Claudia, or Scarlett.

Aron walked over to Jin's side, his voice steady even in this situation. "What happened? Where are the others?"

Jin winced as he attempted to sit up straighter. "We were ambushed," he explained, his voice strained. "Those women... they came out of nowhere and attacked us. They were... strong, even my charms were no match for them." He added with a weak grin.

Aron's eyes narrowed, his mind processing the information. The arrival of the beast mongers and the disappearance of their companions were no mere coincidence. But how exactly did this all fit? He wondered.

"We need to regroup and plan our next move," Aron said, his voice determined. "But first, tend to your wounds."

Mrah and Khalel exchanged worried glances, their eyes filled with a mix of determination and fear. They had endured so much already, and now the appearance of the beast mongers only added to their burden.

Aron stepped away and left them to tend to Jin while he went to speak with Rose.

He turned to Rose, his eyes reflecting both determination and concern. "Rose, I need you to send another scouter ahead," he said, his voice firm. "We have to track where those beast mongers went, I doubt they made much effort hiding their traces."

Rose nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. She retrieved sent out one scouter and left another hovering beside them. "I'll do my best I suppose," she replied, her voice steady. "Though if they destroy my device, I'll hold you accountable."

With the scouter prepared, it soared above the treetops, moving swiftly to trace the path of the beast mongers. Aron and Rose watched intently, their focus on the images relayed back to the scouter beside them.

As the scouter ventured deeper into the forest, the scene it captured became more unique and intriguing. Simple, primal homes built into the trees created a vast network, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. It was clear that the beast mongers had established a hidden base within the heart of the forest.

Aron's eyes narrowed as he studied the images. "I didn't expect there to be so many of them, it's rare for communities to form in Limbo, let alone to this extent" he remarked, his voice filled with surprise. "This changes our approach."

Rose glanced at Aron, concern etched on her face. "Should I investigate further?" she asked, her voice tinged with caution.

Aron shook his head, his expression resolute. "No, it's too risky," he replied firmly. "We don't know the full extent of their strength or what they're capable of. We need a plan before we make any moves."

Rose nodded, understanding the need for caution. "So, what then, do you suggest?" she asked, her voice eager to see how Aron would approach this.

Aron sighed, his gaze fixed on the scouter's display. "We have no choice but to avoid direct confrontation," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "Not only are they beast mongers, but they're Kolieans like me. It's very likely that they are beings far stronger than any of us in that settlement."

Rose's eyes widened slightly, her mind racing to comprehend the implications. "That is indeed problematic, is there no other way?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "If they are your people, then surely you must know their weaknesses."

Aron nodded, acknowledging Rose's idea. "Normally, that would be the case," he agreed, his voice tinged with a touch of resignation. "But I am a unique case among my people. I have evolved differently, and there's no guarantee that what works against me, does against other Kolieans or beast mongers."

Rose furrowed her brow, contemplating the implications of Aron's words. "I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not," she replied honestly, her voice filled with uncertainty.

At that moment, Evanora, feeling left out, entered the conversation. "Evanora is also different," she interjected, her voice firm but distant. "Evanora thinks we should ask them their"

Aron's eyes shifted to Evanora, his interest piqued. "Since we can't rely on my knowledge of their weaknesses, then we need to find another source to provide that information," he proposed. "In other words, capture a member of that settlement."

Rose folded her arms at the suggestion but didn't go against it. "Doesn't that beat the entire purpose of avoiding direct confrontation?" she asked.

Aron considered the idea their best bet and getting actual information. At the very least it was less dangerous than an outright attack. "As much as I hate to admit it, it's our only viable option," he said, his voice measured. "If we want a better understanding of the situation and find a way to neutralize the threat, we need to know their weaknesses and more. Capturing one of may give us that information."

Rose hesitated, but she couldn't deny the logic in Aron's words. "Alright," she agreed, albeit reluctantly. "But how do we go about it? They're likely to be on high alert, are they not?"

Aron looked around at their surroundings, realizing the urgency of their situation. "First, we need to move," he decided, his voice firm. "We're likely in their territory, hence the attack, so staying here would put us at a disadvantage. We should head back to the mountain range we just left. I highly doubt they move out that far given the lack of vegetation, water and prey there."

With their plan in mind, Aron and Rose informed Jin of the circumstances and their decision to relocate. Jin, though weakened from the previous encounter, nodded in agreement, trusting Aron's judgment.

As they made their way back to the mountain range, Aron's mind was already focused on their next step. He found a suitable cave nestled within the rugged terrain, its entrance concealed by thick vegetation. Aron set to work, drawing intricate runic formations on the ground and walls, infusing them with his own magic.

The cave became their temporary den, a sanctuary hidden from prying eyes. The runic formations would provide a measure of protection and concealment, ensuring their safety. 

Rose watched as Aron meticulously crafted the runic formations, her admiration for his skills growing. 

As the silence settled around them, curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking the question that had been nagging at her.

"Hey, Aron," Rose began, her voice soft and elegant. "You mentioned earlier that you're a unique case among your people. I can't help but wonder as to why that is?"

Aron paused his work, looking up at Rose with a mix of caution and contemplation. He had anticipated this question would come sooner or later, but he knew that revealing the truth would only raise more questions and concerns. However, Rose was smart enough, so in time she would piece together what makes him special, especially having spent this much time together.

"It's hard to put into words, but simply put, I am a better version of my kind,'" Aron finally revealed, his voice carrying a tinge of anger. "Be it strength, knowledge or raw power, I have no equal at my age, with few who can rival me at the adult level."

Rose listened intently, captivated by Aron's revelation. She had witnessed his incredible magical prowess in their battles, but now she understood that there was something much deeper at play.

"But there's more to it," Aron continued, his expression turning serious. "Beast mongers grow by stealing mana from beasts and making it their own. Most beast mongers would go mad if they tried fighting more than 4 to 5 beast wills inside them. Me, I have thousands, fighting for control over my body in each and every passing moment."

Rose's eyes sparkled with fascination, her mind racing to comprehend the extent of Aron's capabilities. She felt a mix of awe and concern, realizing the weight of responsibility he must bear.

"That's truly remarkable," Rose exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. "But it must also come with its fair share of challenges. How do you manage such power?"

Aron sighed, his gaze briefly shifting to the runic formations he had etched onto the cave walls. "It's a constant struggle, to be honest," he confessed, his voice tinged with a touch of weariness. "The power is intoxicating, and it's easy to lose oneself in it. But I've learned to control and channel it through discipline and focus. It's not always easy, and sometimes the temptation to let go is strong, but I have to remind myself of the potential consequences."

Rose nodded, her expression filled with understanding. She had witnessed firsthand the immense power Aron possessed, and now she had a glimpse into the inner workings of that power. 

"You've been carrying this burden alone for so long," Rose remarked softly, her voice filled with some empathy. 

Aron nodded but showed little emotion, "And I'll continue to do so. The same way you carry yours." He replied while looking over at Rose's hands, or to be precise, her gloves.

Rose lowered her head and looked at her own hands with a complex gaze. "Such a lonely existence, you and I."

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