King Of Limbo

300 Chapter 299: The Hunter Turned Prey Part 3

Skar stared at Jor Harald, his eyes wide with disbelief and a mix of emotions swirling within him. He had always wondered about the fate of his lost child, but he never expected to find him in the form of Aron, the powerful warrior who had challenged their settlement. He swallowed hard, his voice shaky as he addressed the Jor.

"Is what you say true?" Skar asked, his voice filled with a mix of hope and trepidation.

Jor Harald nodded solemnly, his gaze never leaving Aron. "Yes, Skar. Aron is indeed my son," he confirmed, his voice holding a hint of sorrow and longing. "The child I thought I had lost has grown into a formidable warrior."

Skar's eyes shifted from Harald to Aron, his expression a mix of awe and disbelief. Despite the drastic change in appearance, Harald could recognize his son's unique mana signature anywhere. It was a testament to the bond between a parent and child that transcended time and physical appearances.

Emotion welled up within Harald as he looked at Aron, his eyes betraying a hint of teary warmth. Words failed him for a moment, the weight of their separation hanging heavily in the air. It had been so long, and Harald found it difficult to articulate his feelings after all the lost time.

Skar, sensing the heavy silence, broke into a wide smile. "Well, it seems this is all just a big misunderstanding," he interjected, his voice filled with relief and joy. "Today, we have something more to celebrate than just a great hunt."

Harald nodded, his voice soft as he spoke. "Indeed, Skar. We have much to catch up on, but first, take your son and return to the settlement. Inform the women to prepare a feast. Today, I rejoice in the reunion of my family."

Skar grinned, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "You can count on me, Jor Harald," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll make this a feast to remember."

As Skar turned to leave, Aron called out to Rose, his voice carrying a mix of relief and anticipation. The scouter appeared nearby, and Aron wasted no time in relaying his message.

"Rose, come down with Jin and the others," Aron instructed, his voice filled with assurance. "It's safe now. Though we have some unexpected company."

Rose, who had been observing the events unfold through her scouter, was still processing the astonishing news. She didn't ask any questions and simply nodded in acknowledgment. The scouter hovered away, leaving Aron and his father alone in the clearing.

An awkward silence hung between them for a while, each one unsure of how to bridge the gap that had formed since their separation. Harald was the first to break the silence, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and nostalgia.

"You've grown, cub," Harald remarked, his words carrying a touch of pride. "I can see the strength radiating from you."

Aron mirrored the sentiment, his gaze meeting his father's. "The same can be said about you, Father," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and curiosity. "I never thought I'd live to see the day where you gained wisdom."

Another silence followed as they stood there, the weight of their shared history palpable in the air. Aron couldn't help but feel a flood of questions welling up within him, and he knew his father likely felt the same.

"I have so many questions," Aron admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Harald nodded, his imposing figure momentarily softened by a fatherly and caring tone. "And I, too, have questions," he confessed. "But let us save them for when we're back at the settlement. There, we can speak freely and catch up on all that has transpired."

Aron had no reason to refuse. He simply nodded in agreement, and they both fell into a comfortable silence as they awaited Rose and the others, their reunion just beginning to unfold.

The scouter hummed softly as it descended from the sky, carrying Rose and soon the rest of Aron's companions. It didn't take long for them to arrive, with Rose leading the way and Evanora by her side, followed closely by Jin and the others. As they approached the clearing, they couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight before them.

There, standing side by side, were the towering figures of Aron and his father, Harald, their impressive frames casting a formidable presence in the forest. The contrast was striking, like two giants lingering amidst the trees.

Harald's gaze shifted towards the approaching group, his eyes flashing with a mixture of recognition and hostility when he met the gaze of Evanora. He seemed on the verge of attacking her instantly, but he restrained himself upon seeing Aron ready to confront him. The tension in the air was palpable.

Aron wasted no time and addressed his father, his voice firm. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his eyes locked onto Harald's.

Harald's expression hardened, his voice filled with a mixture of warning and concern. "That girl isn't who you think she is," he revealed, his words heavy with gravity. "She houses a vile beast within her."

Aron's gaze didn't waver, and he responded calmly, "I know. Evanora tamed it, and in turn, I tamed her."

Harald's eyes shifted to the aloof figure of Evanora, who looked at him with a blank expression. He commented on her size without emotion and then turned to Rose, seeking an explanation. "What does 'tamed' mean?" Evanora asked, her voice devoid of curiosity.

Rose sighed, deciding not to answer Evanora's question. Instead, she looked at Aron's father with curiosity, wanting to gauge his reaction. Harald met her gaze before his attention returned to Aron, and he posed another question, his tone laced with curiosity and suspicion. "Did you also tame this creature born of mana?" he asked.

Rose expressed surprise at Harald's comment, causing Aron to look at her, his expression unreadable. He revealed that they were merely working together in a mutually beneficial relationship.

Harald chuckled at his son's response. "That sounds like something your mother would say," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I always knew you'd grow to be attracted to women of a similar nature."

Rose couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Aron getting teased, but feeling slightly left out, Evanora commented on how Aron had stared at Rose's behind in the past, her tone devoid of emotion.

Harald laughed heartily, his booming voice filling the clearing. "Ah, I also always knew you would grow to prefer and appreciate busty women, good cub" he jested, causing Jin, who stood behind, to nod in agreement. "Can't blame him, a good behind is all it takes to make me happy."

Jin's playful comment earned glares from Mrah and Khalel, who exchanged annoyed glances. 

Aron, ever composed, decided to steer the conversation back on track. "Enough, let's focus," he said, his voice commanding. "We have matters to attend to. We should start moving."

Harald led the way, his towering figure easily clearing a path through the dense forest. His long strides covered the ground effortlessly, and his presence commanded attention. The group followed behind in silence, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and the melodies of nature.

Rose couldn't help but switch her glances between Aron and his father. Harald's earlier comment had taken her by surprise, stirring a curiosity within her. Even Aron seemed unaware of her true nature, but she couldn't bring herself to ask Harald how he knew. It was clear that he had lived a long life, filled with experiences and knowledge, this showed as thus far he was the only native of Limbo who understood the Pesian language, while Aron's understanding of the world was shaped by his own desire to survive and grow stronger.

Their journey continued, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at the settlement. However, instead of the lively celebrations Aron had anticipated, they were met with commotion and unrest. Harald furrowed his brows, sensing that something was amiss.

He spotted Skar lingering just outside the crowd and approached him, his voice filled with concern. "Skar, what's going on?" Harald asked, his eyes scanning the chaotic scene.

Skar's expression was grim as he responded. "Jor Harald, another beast monger settlement in the far north was laid to waste," he revealed. "The survivors are seeking refuge here, pleading for our help. Their Jor perished in battle, and his young son has been begging for an audience with you."

Aron, curious as ever, interjected with a question. "Who attacked them?" he asked, his voice filled with intrigue.

Harald's face darkened, his voice heavy with sorrow and anger. "It was your mother," he replied, his words tinged with bitterness. "She and her people were responsible for the attack and so many more before this one."

Harald's revelation hung in the air, casting a somber mood over the group. Aron's expression remained stoic, his emotions concealed behind a veil of resolve. He nodded at his father's words, accepting the truth that his mother had turned against their kind.

Harald turned his attention back to Skar, his voice firm. "Skar, take Aron to the group captured earlier at that clearing," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Ensure their safety and wait for me there."

Skar nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He guided Aron through the bustling crowd, making their way towards a cluster of temporary holding cells. As they approached, the sight before them was harsh.

The captives, many in number, were huddled together, their expressions a mix of fear, confusion, and hope upon seeing Aron's arrival. Their wrists were bound with crude restraints, marking them as prisoners. The young ones among them clung to their elders, seeking solace and reassurance.

Skar addressed the guards standing watch, his voice commanding. "Release those three over there," he ordered, his words carrying the weight of authority. "They are under Jor Harald's protection now."

The guards exchanged uncertain glances but obeyed the order, untying the restraints that bound the captives. Aron wasted no time in stepping forward, his presence emanating strength and reassurance.

Claudia was the most pleased to see Aron's figure, she showed a strengthened look as if she had been expecting him to come. Jagu, despite his poor state, also looked relieved to see Aron and the others well.

As for Scarlett, she just looked happy enough to be released. Following their release, Aron updated the group as to what transpired so far.

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