King Of Limbo

Chapter 310 309: A Hollow Goodbye

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Aron's time with the Koliean beast mongers lasted what felt like ages. Even as most feel into slumber, marking day's end in the ever cloudy limbo, he remained ridding himself of all the Luna in his body.

The actual process itself had very little to do with sexual intercourse, as he soon came to understand during his time with the oldest of women present.

It was simply the same way he was able to forcefully take Sol mana from beasts, they too were able to take it from him, even more easily when released freely.

The only side effect being the urges that came during this process. One would exhibit one of their most primal of urges during such an event, the most common being anger, which brought intent to kill and the less common being intercourse, which sated one's desires and left them lacking in energy.

What made Aron so unique was his extraordinary body which didn't tire unless he pushed himself to his absolute limit, like when fighting the the entire Southern Komi.

His sheer raw power could only be described as monstrous and it proved to be a challenge throughout the process of taking away his Luna mana, but come time when the sleep cycle of most ended, the hut Aron and the women occupied had gone silent.

Aron currently sat within the hut at its center, completely naked with numerous females laying around him, all either asleep or just unconscious.

His gaze was focused not on them but himself, his eyes lingering on his hands as he examined the changes in his body.

'I feel lighter, I can breathe more easily and the burden on my mind has lessened.' He thought to himself, quick to know the changes his body underwent.

While he was examining his figure, Harald walked in and paused at the sight before him. Although his gaze only remained fixated on his son, Aron, whom he gave a warm smile upon seeing him look well. "Good, it seems it all went well. How do you feel?"

Aron raised his head toward his father and stood up first, feeling out his limbs by stretching them slightly. Only then did he nod at Harald and answer, "My body feels like my own once again."

Harald smiled at this answer and tossed a bundle of clothing he was holding over toward Aron. "As it should. Do you understand now? If the rest of the Kingdom of Kol allowed its females to become beast mongers, we would balance each other out and grow to greater heights."

Aron easily caught the clothing, not bothering to examine it either, he didn't really care so long as he could move adequately in them.
It was style of clothing he hadn't expected to see in the settlement of all places. Composed of a dark, worn out shirt, dark brown pants and brown and black boots.

Such a style was more in tune with what one could expect to find in an established world like Pesia and not limbo, especially a remote makeshift settlement.

Still, he didn't question his father on these insignificant matters, instead his mind lingered on what his father mentioned about Kol. "What do you mean? Mother's society doesn't allow their females to become beast mongers?" He inquired while quickly dressing up.

His father showed a bitter expression and nodded his head. "They believe the beast monger path is inferior to that of the pure pursuit of understanding mana. As of now, no beast mongers exist in the kingdom of Kol anymore, many left to establish their own settlements. But as you can see, even that is under jeopardy."

Aron listened carefully and after fully dressing up, he walked over to his father and spoke. "Then why not change that yourself? Unless you mean to say they have beings stronger than even you?" Aron asked with his head tilted, not really seeing the problem the same way his father did.

Harald could only sigh as he shook his head. "War would lead to the loss of many valuable lives Aron, in the end it wouldn't be worth it, but thus far it's not looking like I have much choice."

Hearing this, Aron's steely gaze met Harald's as he shook his head. "There's always more than one choice, these were your words. I cannot judge your journey thus far because you are stronger than me, but this path you're on father, it will lead to your downfall, and you should know this."

A weary smile crept up on Harold's face. Aron's words may have seemed harsh but to Harald, this was just his son's blunt nature, which he appreciated.

"I'm aware of the risks Aron, I always have been. But now that I've seen you're alive and beyond well, my mind is at peace. It's made me ponder some things…" he cryptically said.

"What things?" Aron asked, his curiosity slightly peaked. However Harald shook his head and didn't reveal anything, "That is for me to know. Come, your companions have been awaiting you for quite some time, the dark haired one looked especially impatient after I explained what you were doing. Is she… your mate?"

Aron sighed and walked past his father while shaking his head. "Just think of her as a necessary evil. I'm sure that's what I am to her as well." I think you should take a look at

Harald just shook his head while smiling and followed him from behind. "Wow, you're even colder than your mother," he joked.

Aron no longer entertained his father's humor and just walked over to the bottom of the central hut, where Rose, Jagu, Evanora and Jin stood in wait.

Seeing that Claudia and the others weren't there, he turned his gaze to Rose, not even needing to ask as she explained the moment he came to a stop. "Your father agreed to let the others stay here and perhaps learn more about Limbo or grow somewhat more useful. They're only going to be a burden going forward."

Aron's gaze moved over Jagu and Jin who gave slight nods in agreement. Evanora just stood there aloofly and raised her thumb upward.

He was already planning to have the others stay, but he didn't expect to find that Rose and the others already settled the matter.

'I suppose they've began to partially understand how I think.' He thought to himself, acknowledging the rather strange bond his group shared and the level of understanding they began to have towards one another.

This lead him to further acknowledge their capabilities, hoping this level of progress could continue.

Even an individual as selfish as him understood the need of capable and strong companions… provided one had contingencies prepared.

On the surface, Aron just nodded toward the group and turned to face his father, saying, "I'll be on my way then." He said flatly and was ready to leave but his father stopped him in his tracks by placing his hand on Aron's shoulder.

"Wait," he urged, causing Aron to look back but not turn around fully.

He watched as his father lifted his other hand and called out, "Jormun."

Aron immediately felt the ground under him rumble as an axe came flying into his father's outstretched hand.

As it made contact with Harald's palm, a light shockwave spread beneath everyone's feet, only coming to a stop when Harald clasped the axe's handle firmly.

He looked at Aron and smiled before handing over the axe, "Here, my parting gift to you. May it continue to be bathed in the blood of beasts and foe."

Aron retrieved the axe and felt his entire hand tremble ever so slightly, the glyphs and runes on the axe that glowed blue in Harald's hand began to change color, taking on a grey misty hue.

The axe felt odd in Aron's hand, with a glance he could tell it was specially made for his father's build and strength, as even it's weight was immense, making it a weapon he couldn't fully use in his current state.

Regardless of how his father attained such a piece, Aron accepted, not bothering to ask, knowing full well his father would have already told him if he wanted to.

"It will father, I just hope yours does the same." Aron nodded toward his father, and his father just smiled weary and nodded back.

With no more words exchanged, Aron turned around and hung the axe off his belt, walking away with his companions in toll.

Harald just watched in silence until they could no longer be seen. Even then, he looked into the distance, his thoughts and feelings a mystery.

Above him, in the hut's outer area, Claudia also stood in thought, gazing in the direction Aron had gone in. 'You could've said goodbye at least.'

Freya came from behind Claudia and put her large hand on Claudia's shoulder, before advising. "In Limbo, love is a near nonexistent sight. Almost all who fall under its spell die miserable deaths or live even more miserable lives. I hope my words help you see reality for what it is."

Claudia kept silent and just continued to look in the direction a moment longer before sighing and shaking her head. "Why did it have to be him?"

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