King Of Limbo

Chapter 312 Chapter 311: Destination Part 2

Chapter 312  Chapter 311: Destination Part 2

The elderly Aethelian's display did not escape Aron's sense. As he and his group changed directions, he looked toward the largest tree in the woodland and furrowed his brows, but said nothing and carried on moving.

Meanwhile, at the same colossal tree that stood several hundred feet high, the Aethelian old man left his position at the peak and began to descend.

Despite his feeble looking appearance, he displayed great agility as he jumped from branch to branch at an alarming speed. His figure was coated in a soft bluish glow as if moved, making it clear he was augmenting his body using mana to support these moves he was doing.

Soon, his surroundings changed from thick branches and dense leaves to a bustling woodland utopia.

Similar to the beast monger settlement, it was built into and around the many trees. But unlike the beast monger settlement, the architecture was refined and made only from stoney material with forest itself undisturbed.

This settlement stretched all the way down the largest tree and several kilometers out. Numerous Aethelians could be seen wandering from branch to branch or settling upon the very large leaves.

The laughter of children and melodic voices of females singing could also be heard throughout. It was vibrant and wonderful sight, the type one wouldn't expect to see at all in Limbo.

As the Aethelians caught sight of the old man descending, no matter the age, everyone gave a respectful bow and muttered, "Bless the ancestor."

This didn't halt the old man's movements at all as his sights were set on the largest building present, practically a palace of fine design and sturdy build.

Said palace though had no guards or such around, with Aethelians walking about freely in smiles, even as the old man landed on the palace's grounds.

Inside the palace, an equally beautiful sight was present. A large hall welcomed any who walked in with a great many statues and artistic carvings on the walls.

It was also just as lively with many Aethelians present, singing, playing or soaking in a large circular pool of water in the hall's center.

Overseeing all this was a male and female settled upon two identical stone thrones just above a set of steps. On each step sat a young female singing or playing a simple instrument made of leaves.

This otherworldly sight of tranquility was soon brought to an end as the old man walked through the large doorless entrance and yelled, "Lufair!"

Hearing this voice and the tone of seriousness it carried, everyone present halted their activities and bowed respectively, muttering almost in union, "Bless the ancestor."
The only person who didn't utter those words was male Aethelian occupying one of the two thrones. He instead frowned and showed a bothered expression as he replied, "What do you seek grandfather?"

The old man looked both calm and agitated as his head constantly twitched at odd angles as he spoke in his erractic manner.

"Very bad, very bad. I came to warn the stubborn grandchild, you mustn't, no mustn't. You mustn't antagonize them." He revealed in an almost incomprehensible manner of speech.

The aethelian addressed as Lufair sighed. "His sanity wains more and more as time passes. Why not just die already and pass on the gift," Lufair thought while showing a bitter expression.

"Who is "them" grandfather? The Kolieans to the north? Or their bruttish counterparts scattered around? Tsk, it doesn't matter, like I told you before, our people will not intervene in their pointless squabbles and they in turn won't enter our territory, our agreement still stands," Lufair dismissively replied while waving the old man away.

The old man frowned at this and shook his stubborn. "Blind! Too blind! Did you not feel it? The raw power? Too much power! Yet so young, very dangerous, foolish grandchild. Listen to the warning!"

Once again, the old man spoke in a very hard to understand way. The surrounding aethelians looked at him in pity, but none showed disrespect like Lufair.

Before the exchange could go on, a male aethelian rushed into the hall, his face carrying great worry.

"Sire Lufair, we have trouble!" He announced while bowing toward the thrones.

Lufair didn't express any worry to this. "Speak!" he commanded while standing from his throne and descending the few steps below him.

Like most Aethelians, he had a very fair complexion and a tall slender frame. His eyes were a gorgeous blue that perfectly accentuated his long blonde hair.

He walked with an air of grace and arrogance, keeping his head high expression firm. Despite his clearly important position in the community, he dressed as simply as everyone else, different only through the unique thin tattoos on his arms and insignia on his forehead.

Everyone, be it male or female, looked at him with adoring eyes. The male who had come to report raised his head and looked moved by Lufair's actions, taking time to admire them before replying, "A watcher found an unknown group wandering in the outer areas of our territory. They are five in number, one Koliean, one Komi and three humans."

Hearing this, Lufair's brows arched as his frown deepened. "Are you sure? Sea Komi never come this far into land and humans in Limbo are extinct."

The expression on the male reporting looked panicked as he shook his head. "I didn't see for myself, but Sire Lufair can't be wrong, the watcher must've made a mistake," he quickly concluded, clearly one sidely.

However, at that time, the female who had been seated on the throne stood up as well and began walking over. She equally drew the eyes of many, also having long blonde hair and mystical blue eyes.

She however, walked with an air of wisdom and calm, her curveous figure moving in a refined and beautiful way as she came to stand beside Lufair.

Her arms also bared intricate tattoos, though hers were of a crimson hue.

"Maybe what the watcher saw is correct, do not forget the people who came from that so called Pesia. They mentioned they didn't come alone, with them were humans, Komi and Kolieans, perhaps they originate from that group." The female spoke logically, thinking back to when their settlement received many new Aethelians from a world known only as Pesia.

They were welcomed openly and their stories were heard but many thought they were just lies, Lufair included.

He frowned at the female and argued, "Don't feed nonsense Solair, they had no proof to their stories, they could have come from islands at sea for all we know. I accepted "Forgive me for speaking out, but I know that group…" A soft and melodic voice revealed, coming from the crowd seated near the hall's pool.

them as our people but I refuse to pollute our minds with these fantasies of world's that do not exist."

Solair's smile didn't leave her face as she replied, "You also lack proof that it doesn't exist, so your words are equally nonsense."

Lufair didn't appreciate this and looked ready to yell, but a fifth voice joined in the conversation.

"Forgive me for speaking out, but I know that group…" A soft and melodic voice revealed, coming from the crowd seated near the hall's pool.

This voice belonged to none other than Mirai, the former aethelian princess of Pesia.

Ever since they arrived in Limbo, it was her who acted as her people's leader and brought them into this Aethelian utopia in an otherwise forsaken world.

She had no trouble resignating her position to Lufair and Solair in exchange for a home. Thus, she and her people settled here and tried to make lives for themselves.

Given her role though, she was respected and allowed within the hall freely, alongside Sharla, who currently frowned hearing Mirai's words and whispered to her, "What are you doing? If it's really them then…"

Before Sharla could finish, Lufair interrupted, "Then what? Who are they and what significance do they hold?" he asked bluntly.

Sharla simply lowered her head and bit at her lip before revealing, "Then they shouldn't be allowed near the settlement, especially the Kolien, he-."

"Sharla!" Mirai angrily interrupted and corrected, "They are the ones who saved us when our world was collapsing, we owe Aron our lives."

Solair found this little scene interesting and soon commented, "If that is the case, then we should send a group to find out their intentions, if they aren't looking to cause trouble, why not invite them to exchange a few words?"

Upon hearing this idea, Lufair frowned and opposed, "You would bring outsiders into our home?"

It was at this point that the elderly man's eyes shone brightly, "yes, yes, invite the Koliean. I will go now, yes, I will."

This conclusion made an already displeased Lufair even more upset. "Grandfather, this doesn't concern you anymore."

"Nonsense!" the old man yelled. "He shall be invited, must be invited. Village has nothing of worth, too weak to be wanted, but to be so strong, must know a lot, of this other world, foolish stubborn grandchild, he will be invited!"

This time, the old man let loose some vicious fluctuations, making it known that his words were final.

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