King Of Limbo

321 Chapter 320: Every Problem Has A Solution Part 2

The group's journey back to edges of the aethelian territory was one without problems and they soon arrived, settling as they had done before.

But this time, everyone was a bit on edge because of Aron's words. Still, despite this, immediately upon reaching, Aron already began to put a plan into action.

"Jin, Jagu," he called out in a low tone as the duo was about to go out and patrol their surrounding area, bringing them to a halt before he added, "Find a secluded area and begin practicing what I had shown you prior, Jin can use his mist technique to provide cover. I'll be joining you two after I collect my thoughts."

The duo wasn't expecting this set of instructions but neither had issues with them. Because from Aron's tone, it was clear that he was about to put them through some training or at least provide more techniques, either was a welcome option.

"Sure thing, come on big guy." Jin patted Jagu by the shoulder and walked off first. Jagu then gave a nod toward Aron before leaving as well.

Once the duo left, Rose looked at Aron curiously, wondering what he was planning.

Without meeting her gaze, he walked over to a lone tree and sat under it. "I need your help deducing something," he suddenly revealed, causing Rose to raise a brow as she approached.

At this time Evanora was not too far away, throwing pebbles in the nearby stream, enamored by their ability to skip.

Rose came near Aron but remained standing, even then his massive figure nearly matched her height despite being seated.

Slightly eager to know what Aron wanted, she asked, "what is it that you wish to deduce?"

After a brief silence, Aron shocked her with his answer, "an origin art to transverse through Limbo worlds."

She was stunned by this revelation, not because it was impossible but, she wouldn't even know where to begin construction of such an art.

It's challenging nature however only made her mind begin working on the possibility of the matter. "Is that possible at our current stage? We lack resources, knowledge and so much more."

Without holding back, she immediately listed how much they were lacking in requirements to pursue such a lofty endeavor.

Aron though, nodded without hesitation. "It is, I've been thinking it over the entire walk here, think about it," Aron paused, raising his head slightly to gaze up at the dark cloudy skies that spanned the region as he continued to speak.

"Although I'm yet to personally witness it, I've read many entries of knowledge that spoke of creatures and beings able to freely through Limbo and origin worlds with their bodies alone. Did it come natural in their evolution as their tiers rose up? Perhaps. But I've come to learn that it's not impossible to mimic the traits of other races through origin arts." Aron argued, presenting his own foundation on the matter, and causing Rose to frown in thought and consideration.

Soon she gave a subtle but unsure nod, "it's possibility isn't the issue. As I've said before we lack the means to test your theories at the moment."

Once again, Aron disagreed and shook his head. "You're too dependent on having the right tools Rose. As residents of Limbo, we lack what origin worlds have, we do not have the luxury to easily pursue evolution. Rather we must struggle for it, and make do with what we have, the same applies here."

Rose could see she wasn't going to convince Aron otherwise so she chose to follow along for now and asked, "then how do you propose we accomplish this task?"

Aron showed a small smile upon hearing her resignation and intent to listen.

"One step at a time, for now, we need to understand what we have to work with. Information wise, Rorthik will continue to provide useful knowledge through the Neglardia but I doubt it will be enough. So, whilst I work with him, I need you to learn what you can from Lufair or Solair. From what I can tell, they are currently competing for candidacy of King or Queen. And wherever a heirachy exists…"

"…plots and schemes are naturally to arise." Rose finished and nodded along, seeing where he was going with his idea. "I did notice a very clear difference in opinions between the two, Lufair seems to despise outsiders whereas Solair is open to it but only to benefit herself."

Aron agreed to this observation, "yes, they don't really do a good job of hiding it. No matter the case, I need you to investigate them both and find a breaking point, one we can use to draw one to our side."

"And what comes after?" Rose could see a few routes such a plan would take, but Aron's was far more different than she was expecting.

"Rorthik dies and the one we ally with inherits their race's gift, a mana demon. By then however, I would have already taken measures to ensure they aren't a threat. We'd practically have free reign to learn what we need from the Neglardia, and a few resources to begin our main point of research."

From words alone, Aron's plan was nothing short of ambitious and risky, but the same could be said about his schemes back in Pesia so Rose didn't voice her concerns on the risks the plan presented.

"In short, you want us, a group of five, to completely take over a race that has stood for generations in native Limbo? Your plans and expectations of me are getting bolder, let's hope for everyone's sake you're right." She sighed before basically agreeing to it.

At the same time, Jagu and Jin had found themselves an isolated area that met their requirements for practice.

It was smaller than they hoped but given the density of much of the surrounding woodland, it was unlikely that they could find anywhere else.

Jin observed the mossy grass beneath his feet and felt it out, as if testing the terrain. Jagu on the other hand was simply alert in case of anything out of the ordinary.

One thing limbo had taught them well was to be extremely cautious wherever one went.

Sensing no danger though, Jagu took the initiative to break the silence, "do you think he's already figured it out?"

Jagu's deep howl like voice reached Jin's ears and caused him to pause his actions before turning to face the large Komi, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hard to say, I used to think I was pretty good at reading people, but I think that's reserved for humans. I can never seem to guess what's going through that guys mind. Back in Pesia, I went along with every crazy plan of his because I had no qualms dying for the sake of pursing revenge, yet not once did it feel like we failed."

Jin wore a complex look on his face when he looked back to their time back in Pesia. Even Jagu, who was perhaps only second in lack of social understanding behind the aloof Evanora, understood what Jin meant.

"My people believe that there is no success without failure, what matters is to survive and keep struggling until we reach our potential." Jagu replied, even surprising Jin with his words of wisdom, though himself already knew of a similar quote.

Jin could only laugh and agree, "I suppose you're right. And if we fail, I can only blame myself for choosing wrongly right?"

"Right." Jagu confirmed, "I will have no regrets dying by the hands of a stronger foe, my people see it as a great claim, yet, recently, I find myself unwilling to accept death so easily."

Jin was about to respond, but at that moment Jagu's ears perked up and he turned around to see Aron approaching, having gotten incredibly close without alerting the two.

He had their conversation towards its end and chose to add to it, "If you're unwilling to die, it means you have the resolve to defy odds and continue living. But if you fear death, then you've already unknowingly accepted that it will one day claim you."

Aron's words made Jagu look at him oddly, "but everyone dies someday, even the greatest of warriors." He argued.

Aron's footsteps drew closer as he finally entered the area and shook his head.

"In Pesia, many didn't think it possible for such a world to exist, yet here we are. In some worlds and regions, it is even said there is a lack of understanding towards mana. What is and isn't possible always comes down to exploring the unknown. If I am to die, then I do so seeking eternal life and understanding, reaching were no being has before, because a life without meaning is no life at all."

Jagu felt deeply moved by Aron's true thoughts on the pursuit of the unknown. It painted a clearer picture as to what this being in front of them sought to achieve with the tenacity to often face jarring odds.

Even Jin couldn't help but admire Aron's philosophy on life. If one were to ignore the means Aron sometimes employed, they would see that underneath all that, was a being with dreams and ambitions like any other, the only difference being the lack of fear to pursue said ambitions… doing whatever it took to accomplish them.

Seeing both of them go silent, Aron felt he was getting off point and now focused on the matters at hand.

"Nevertheless, our focus now is finding a way of transversal through regions and worlds. Unfortunately we cannot explore this option without first ensuring all mounds of known potential knowledge have been explored in this region." Aron revealed taking a pause and looking back in the direction he had come from, where one could see the large Neglardia towering over the woodland.

"The tree?" Jim asked in an unsure tone but Aron nodded. "Yes, so before anything can be accomplished Rose and I plan on gaining control over it, however, while doing so, we cannot rule out the potential of the northern Kolieans intervening, which brings us to your roles in this."

"We aren't strong enough to fight your kind… even with the new methods you provided." Jagu unwillingly bur truthfully answered, but Aron shows no pity for his words.

Instead answering harshly, "You will never make progress if you always doubt yourself. I know it's impossible to make you two match the strength of the entire northern Kolieans in the little time we have."

"So then what's the plan?" Jin asked, now very curious as to what their approach would be.

"Simple, I'm going to teach you both how to effectively kill a Koliean, regardless of strength."

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