King Of Limbo

Chapter 61 - 61: The Entrance Ceremony

The day many considered to be the big day had began like any other ordinary day to Aron who was seated on his bed in a meditative pose with a thin mist emanating from his body.

He slowly opened his eyes and turned to his window where the morning light was penetrating. Seeing that the day had begun he took a deep breath and the mist emanating from him had ceased.

He wasted no time freshening up and getting ready before setting off along with Evanora. As soon as they left the property and made their way to the lower business district, they could see a great deal of people roaming the streets, all heading in the same direction.

The stores were closed and people's moods were elated as they began discussing the Entrance ceremony which would be held at the City's largest plaza.

As they got closer to the plaza, people began to walk more orderly thanks to stewards put in place. Invitation holders were given first priority whilst regular contestants second priority and last residents who could watch the spectacle as it was going to be projected to numerous. It was, after all, a historic moment for the commoners and nobles alike.

"I see the others." Evanora said plainly before pointing to her front where Jagu and Jin could be seen along with other familiar faces, Anastasia and her friends.

Aron only glanced at them for a moment before a steward led him and Evanora to the front most seats that were exclusive to invitation holders. Everyone else had been standing behind the furthest seat at the back.

"I didn't take you for the type to be late." Jin joked as he saw Aron who snickered and shrugged his shoulders in response. "I'm starting to wonder what sort of mental image you have of me." Aron replied with a small smile before taking one of the two unoccupied seats next to Jin while Evanora sat next to Aron.

"I definitely have high expectations for you, Jagu, even more. It's been entertaining watching him fend off nobles to save you two a seat." Jin, who looked a bit tipsy couldn't help but chuckle loudly, causing the many others seated around him to give irritated looks. "I just didn't want strangers near me." Jagu growled and snorted in irritation only causing Jin to tease him more.

"I'm more amazed you came here drunk." Aron pointed out, causing Jin to shrug innocently as he took out a small leather pouch and took a sip from it. "This isn't alcohol, it's water and I'm not drunk I just happen to be sick." Jin let out a satisfied sigh before wiping his mouth and returning the pouch into his robe, getting many disgusted looks in the process.

"Look at them, absolutely sickening." said Esmeralda who was seated with her group minus at the next collection of seats just a few meters away, also at the front row like Aron his people. "Let it go Esmeralda, remember we agreed. No more association and provocation with him or do you want things between you and my younger sister to get worse?" Henry asked, causing Esmeralda to look at another set of seats where Anastasia next to no one familiar.

Soon the many chatting contestants were brought to silence as the large pillar at the center of plaza lit up brightly and caught everyone's attention.

The light only continued to grow brighter making many unable to no longer even bear staring at it. At its climax, the light completely engulfed the entire plaza before suddenly fading in an instant.

Once it did so, four figures could be seen sitting on four of the five grand seats near the pillar at the center. Each person had a heavy aura of mana around them which made it hard for most to breathe properly just by being in their presence.

The contestants began to murmur and whisper trying to guess who these figures were. Some nobles however were simply silent and avoided making eye contact with the figures.

"Seems she decided not to come." One the newly appeared figure's turned to her right where there was an empty seat before sighing. The figure who spoke was an old woman with a calm appearance, having long white hair with highlighted purple tips and black gentle eyes.

"She's always doing her research, despite her position she doesn't really care for Academy affairs. Tch, what a waste of talent." Another old individual responded to the woman while shaking his head in disappointment. Unlike the woman beside him, the old man wore a very serious expression on his wrinkled face, his white brows furrowed and his mouth hidden under his great white beard and long mustache.

"I apologize, Lady Uva and Lord Treiss. I'll have a talk with her after the ceremony." An adult who looked to be in his mid to late twenties replied while scratching his black hair in irritation.

"Now is not the time to discuss that. Let us just proceed with the ceremony." A young looking woman that looked barely out of her teen years suggested before standing up causing all attention to focus on her. Be it her beautiful long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes or her luxurious yet revealing outfit that left little to the imagination. One simply couldn't help but stare at this woman, especially men.

"Greetings to all of you who made it through the journey. Before going further, most of you are unaware of who we are so allow me to enlighten you." The woman's voice was gentle and alluring as she said these words. Every part of her made men desire her and women envy her, she was very much aware of this as she showed a small smile before carrying on.

"To my right, allow me to introduce Grand Mage Yohan Lovitz. For some of you talented enough, you may have been chosen to be in his class. He's one of only three Grand Mages in the academy, myself Aurora Ettenheim being one as well."

"Then to his right you have the legendary mage Lord Treiss Löwenstein Rosenberg and beside him you have Lady Uva, Galos Academy's founder and Arch-Mage." Lady Aurora announced in a respective manner before causing all gazes to shift from her and onto the silent old woman who showed a gentle smile and waved her hand while the old man beside her mother only humphed.

After the introduction, many people began to whisper and murmur after realizing something important.

"She doesn't have a last name..."

"Wouldn't that mean she's...?"

These are just one of the many questions along these lines were discussed before the arch mage herself laughed gently causing everyone present to fall silent. "Yes, it is as you all think. I, the arch-mage am but a simple commoner with no great bloodline whatsoever."

This revelation caused many present to erupt in confusion, asking each other questions and expressing their shock. "Now, now, is it so hard to believe? Most of the nobles here are only the third or fourth generation of their families. Your Grandparents and great grandparents were commoners as well so don't think for one second that you are special." Despite the gentleness in her voice, her words were blunt.

"We grew up poor and trained hard to get to where we are today whereas you all have accomplished nothing. Names here mean nothing and you're all equal in my eyes, yes you who may come from a high class family are equal to a commoner with nothing to his or her name."

"If this is something you cannot accept then you're free to leave now. Once you are formally enrolled, behaving like you are important will lead to grave consequences." She said with a smile on her face.

Many remained silent at first before one noble raised his hand. The arch-mage gave him a nod and he stood up and cleared his throat before speaking.

"My name is Barnabas of the high class Thenholm family. I don't agree with us being equal to commoners. We've trained vigorously since a young age and received proper education whilst they've done nothing of the sort. At the very least shouldn't there be a hierarchy set Milady?" He asked, causing the arch mage to rub her chin.

"Do not worry, we do have a hierarchy present in Galos Academy. Ranks one through five, given to outstanding individuals so if you feel you're superior prove it with actions not words. It's why we hold the journey, to separate the truly superior from the common. If you're higher in rank than someone then by all means, flaunt your strength; if not then don't bother flaunting because you're the same regardless of family." The arch-mage explained in a gentle tone before Barnabas nodded in satisfaction.

"I had received a Silver invitation, does that mean I start of at a superior rank?" Barnabas asked to which the arch smiled and nodded. "Indeed it does, invitations are given to the most outstanding of individuals during the Journey, after briefing you momentarily we shall announce each of the invitation holders and their rank before announcing the top ten.." Arch-mage Uva stated with a smile on her face causing excitement to fill not only the hearts of contestants present but of individuals watching the projection in countless other regions.

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