King Of Limbo

Chapter 65 - 65: Stance

After Aron agreed to hear Belle out, she personally walked with him and Evanora into the academy while giving a short tour in the process. However, neither Evanora nor Aron showed any interest in her little sideshow.

Once they entered the main building, Aron noticed the lack of students which caused him to raise a brow. Belle caught on to this and showed a smile before speaking. "First years are always the first to be brought into the academy. The other years arrive a week later unless under special circumstances." Her alluring, cheerful voice was more than happy to answer any questions he had or at least that's how it seemed.

Aron simply nodded as he had nothing to add to her response. Belle continued to try and strike up conversations multiple times concerning Aron and his background, but all the questions were met with simple vague answers.

'I guess he's not as loose lipped as the men here,' Belle thought to herself ceasing to ask questions. A short while later, the trio arrived at a grand looking tower that was attached to the main Galos Academy building.

It's height however surpassed that of the main building and its outer structure was coated in gold. Whether this carried a deeper purpose or was merely for show, Aron couldn't tell.

Standing at the entrance of the tower were two fairly young-looking individuals, a man and a woman. The man was average height and body, he had medium length black hair neatly combed in a formal fashion. By human standards he could be considered quite attractive despite the frown he wore. His attire was very similar to what most noble men would wear, quality leather boots and pants with a plain shirt and stylish overcoat that usually carried their family's emblem.

Unlike the man, the woman had anything but a noble air around her; at first glance one would even think she was a bandit of sorts. Her attire on its own was simple enough, tight fitting leather pants that showed off her slender figure along with a light armored top that left her hands exposed. Around her neck was a snow-white fur accessory of sorts that had a white, short, cape that covered only one shoulder up to her lower rear.

The outfit alone wasn't all that eye catching but the woman was another story. She had platinum blonde hair that was braided and decorated in a traditional northern style manner. Her brows were neat and elegant, making her hazel eyes look all the fiercer along with some painted symbolic blue lines just below either eye. What's more, her exposed arms were covered in rune like black tattoos with two wolf silhouettes near the shoulder.

Aron couldn't help but be drawn to them out of curiosity. As they got closer, Belle showed these two individuals a smile and spoke. "The tower on its own is quite secure, you could go train or study," she advised with a smile to which the woman showed a smile in return, her lip ring only adding to her charm. The man, however, simply narrowed his eyes in irritation.

"It was Aela's idea that we waste our time here," the young man explained bluntly which caused the woman addressed as Aela to frown and shoot him a hateful glance. "It is your honor to be able to guard Lady Belle's tower, Reginald! So watch the way you speak," she retorted, her earlier friendly demeanor all but vanished.

"It's quite alright but can we not fight in front of the guests, this is my first impression after all," she suggested with a smile, but both Aela and Reginald showed looks of worry as if she had scolded them.

"Please forgive their manners, this is Reginald and Aela. They are rank three third years who are vying for recruitment into my faction, I only accept the best of the best though, so they are still in a trial period." Aron took note and nodded his head, wondering what she meant by faction.

He, however, chose not to voice his curiosity and instead introduced himself and then Evanora. Aela and Reginald were shocked to learn that they were both commoners, but this shock paled once they learned Aron and Evanora were in the top three of this year's Journey. One that included multiple heirs from the top families.

'That explains why she's brought them here, normally students would need to work their hearts out before getting noticed by a professor, let alone the Grand Mage,' Reginald thought while clenching his fist in jealousy, how could he not?

It was clear he worked hard for two long years and yet he hadn't even been fully inducted into Belle's faction. Yet this unknown commoner was being invited into her personal tower during his first day as a student so of course he felt jealousy.

Him and Aela hadn't watched the broadcast because it wasn't cast within the academy itself, so they were unaware of who placed in what position.

Aela's thoughts on Aron and Evanora were simply neutral. If Belle thought highly of them then she chose to trust her judgement, despite also feeling a tad bit envious.

After the introductions were done, everyone made their way into the tower before heading into a luxurious lounge like area. Despite having only two sofas and a table, this room was overly decorated in art with Belle in them herself along with sculptures and other miscellaneous decorations.

Aron was starting to see a pattern with this woman as she gestured for him and Evanora to sit on the sofa opposite the one she sat on. Aela and Reginald were on either side of Belle's sofa like a pair of guards and remained silent.

Before they began to talk, Belle snapped her fingers and an assortment of snacks appeared on the table along with three hot cups of tea. She showed a smile and stretched out to get one before finally speaking. "Please, help yourself," she offered, causing Evanora to tug at Aron's shirt, it was clear what she wanted, so he gave her a nod but he himself did not partake.

"So, what was it you wanted to speak about?" Aron went right to the topic causing Belle to smile, Aela on the side couldn't help but frown as she found him to be rude towards Belle. "Straight to the matter at hand, I like a man who has his priorities in check." Belle chuckled as she elegantly drank from her cup while keeping her long, beautiful legs crossed.

"I don't like to mince words; it would be a waste of both our time." Belle showed a small smile at Aron's reasoning before nodding in agreement. "True. Then I'll get straight to the point, I want you both to join my faction. You'd have access to the best resources for growth, private lessons and guidance from myself, a high weekly allowance and my protection both within and outside of the academy from not just me but my family."

Belle wasted no effort as she stated her offer, it brought both Aela to Reginald in shock as they both knew only the very best in her faction received that sort of treatment. The envy and jealousy in both their hearts couldn't help but rise, Aron however remained unimpressed while Evanora only focused on her snacks.

"And what duties come with such benefits?" Aron ignored the benefits and directly went to what she'd expected from them. After all, there was no such thing as a free meal.

"You'd both need to swear an oath of loyalty to me and as for your duties they'd vary, but most are just performing tasks that align with your given skill set. As for those who perform adequately, I'm open to taking requests," she explained simply and looked at them both with an alluring smile.

"Your offer is quite generous but I enjoy my freedom and independence, so I'll have to decline your offer," Aron said without hesitation causing Belle's smile to fade as if in disbelief.

No? Someone had told her no? It was as if she needed time to process that answer making it clear that she was the type that usually got her way like other top families. What was no? Especially from a commoner.

"How dare you decline!? Who do you think you are?!" A voice of anger erupted in the room, but it came not from Belle but Aela who looked at Aron with pure hate. Reginald, much like Belle, was just surprised he refused so plainly and was still processing what could make him deny such an offer.

"I declined because I had the option to, it was an offer after all, but it doesn't interest me. Simple as that," Aron replied and stood up along with Evanora causing Belle to focus on her. "Do you also decline? This offer is something no one else can give you, the benefits would put you on par with many high-ranking nobles and I can fully bring out your potential as your personal teacher," Belle added with a serious tone, Aela and Reginald were consumed with shock. Belle? As a personal teacher? A Grand Mage with royal blood in her veins, who wouldn't want this?

Evanora, however, tugged Aron's shirt and looked at him as if seeking an answer to which he shook his head. She then turned to Belle and gave her answer.

"Evanora says no, too."

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