King Of Limbo

Chapter 68 - 68: Recruitment Part 2

"Argh... what happened?" A drowsy Aela slowly raised her body from the cold ground and turned towards Reginald, curious as to what had occurred.

"I think he knew he was being followed and he set a trap for us. I only awoke a little while ago..." Reginald explained in his usual manner, Aela wouldn't even think he was lying so she slowly shook her head and stood up. "Dammit, we'll get him next time." Despite what had occurred, Aela wasn't the least bit demotivated in trying again.

"Right... we should go now." Reginald agreed and asked they leave the alleyway as it was almost past midnight now. Aela didn't protest with a suggestion and the two began to make their way out. Unbeknownst to Aela, Reginald patted the pocket of his coat nervously as he recalled Aron's words. 'Just do this and I shall consider us even. Simple is it not?'

Those words continued to repeat themselves in his mind as he left the alleyway with a feigned calm expression.

The coming days would prove to be uneventful or at least that's how it appeared on the surface.

Most students by now had selected the programs in which they wanted to learn, those lucky enough to catch the eye of professors would directly from them and would be at a greater advantage. 

Jagu had registered for a combatant course along with Jin whereas Aron and Evanora hadn't registered for any course. Most of their time was spent at his residence, he of course reading and Evanora doing what she did best, sleep and eat.

For the first time in a while, Aron's plans seemed to be moving accordingly. Jagu and Jin were carrying their tasks efficiently whilst Reginald had long since accomplished what Aron had asked of him. 

Just as he was seated in his study pondering over the next stage of his plan, a knock resounded on the door. 

"Enter." He instructed without turning away from his book and a moment later a hooded figure in a large cloak walked into the room cautiously. 

The figure approached Aron slightly before coming to a stop a few inches away from him. The figure then lowered the hood and revealed her beautiful self. Anastasia.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" Aron inquired in a casual manner as he closed his book and looked Anastasia straight in the eyes. 

She did her best to keep a calm expression on the surface but Aron's presence on its own was quite intimidating, those lifeless eyes of his made her feel like she could hide nothing from him. Such a feeling of helplessness... She utterly hated it.

"I came to deliver a report, isn't that what you asked of me?" After calming her nerves to some extent, she stated her reason for being there. Aron raised his brow in curiosity before giving a nod. "I suppose it was, so do tell what great information you have."

Aron's statement caused Anastasia to slightly lose her nerve, during their last meeting he had told her to visit only when necessary after all. She knew this too but after the stunt she performed during the entrance ceremony, she felt uneasy about what consequences would come of it.

The fact Aron made no moves nor did he call for her only made her even more uneasy, to the point of affecting her sleep. Unable to stand it any longer she chose to take the initiative to visit him and face the consequences for her actions but she didn't expect he'd give her this type of reception as if uncaring for what she did.

"Well there has been a recent number of unexplained murders in Galos City... the public is still unaware but I've told the cause is a mana beast. So I thought I should warn you..." Anastasia reported before trailing off as she saw Aron snicker at her statement. "Hoh? So am I to assume you cared so deeply for my well being that you risked coming here just to warn me?"

When Aron said this, Anastasia realized just how unbelievable her reasoning seemed. Still she had no other noteworthy piece of information so she could only lower her head, unable to respond to his retort. How could she? Was she just supposed to say she came to receive her punishment for her actions, something she wasn't even sure Aron cared for.

The longer she thought about it the more she felt foolish for coming there. Silence soon enveloped the room and she could feel her heart rate start to rise in anticipation. Soon the sounds of footsteps approaching her could be heard.

She felt a gentle touch on her chin, before her head was raised ever so slowly until her eyes locked with Aron's who now stood right in front of her. "Tell me the actual reason you're here." Was he asking? Was he commanding? His tone made it hard for Anastasia to know which it was but nevertheless she answered truthfully.

Explaining that she felt her actions at the entrance ceremony may have angered him. Upon hearing what she had to say, Aron showed a small smile while his hand slowly began to stroke her chin. "So you came here to clear that up and face the consequences, correct?" He asked to which she nodded lightly.

"Y-yes..." Her usual proud and stubborn aristocratic demeanor was nowhere to be seen. Her body was stiff just from thinking about the many possible things Aron could do as her punishment, be it to her or her friends.

"A shame then I won't be punishing you." Aron's reply suddenly caused her to look at him with bewildered eyes. "You won't?..." She asked in a low tone while trailing off as she didn't think he would just forgive her... and she was right.

"Yes I won't, why should I cancel a wrong you did? If you know you performed a wrong action then cancel it out with the right action of equal magnitude. Otherwise the consequences shall still come." Aron explained, causing the uneasiness to once again envelope Anastasia's entire figure.

"What right action do you want me to perform?" She asked with caution in her tone but Aron simply snickered before leaning in closer to her, his gaze locked onto her with their faces close to making contact. "You aren't a child, you carried out the wrong action without my input so you should carry out the right one in the same manner, don't you agree?"

Aron's question left no room for refusal as Anastasia lightly nodded in agreement without uttering a word. "Then we have nothing more to discuss, I'll be looking forward to your results." Aron soon pulled away from Anastasia and walked away from her before leaving the study entirely.

She stood there as if frozen in time for a good moment, taking the time to recompose herself. 'Calm yourself Anastasia, don't let him have his way so easily.' Once done she let out a sigh of relief before hurriedly exiting as well.

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