King Of Limbo

Chapter 72 - 72: The Festival And The Beast 1

Night had now fallen over Galos City but it remained as lively as usual due to two events, the arrival of the returning students and the search for the beast responsible for the recent attacks.

"Today be very noisy ey?" Inside Hilda's tavern, Hilda herself asked this question aloud as she served some drinks to someof her most usual customers... Jin who had somehow managed to drag Jagu along.

"Mhm, everyone's excited that the returning students have arrived... well almost everyone, most commoners are afraid they'll be bullied by the senior aristocrats." Jin pointed out as he showed a smile with his eyes firmly fixated on the booze Hilda brought him.

"Aye, I feel sorry for the welps, they'll surely have a hard time. Have em c'mere if they're ever feeling down. No aristocrat dares act pompous in-front of Hilda!" She proudly declared while puffing out her chest before walking away, Jin just laughed and raised his jug to her while nodding. Jagu on the other hand seemed hesitant to drink.

"Relax big guy, we've already purchased the venue and we'll collect the key tomorrow. So we're free till that know it all girl prepares everything else." Jin explained while sliding his body towards Jagu.

"This free time should be used to train!" Jagu growled and cast the bottle aside, causing Jin to sigh. "Ok we'll train tomorrow and the day after that, think about it this way, once Aron's plan is fully in motion... we won't have to drink at all!" Jin warned as if they'd suffer a fate worse than death.

Jagu pondered for a bit before succumbing to Jin's honeyed words and picking up a bottle. "Haha that's the spirit, Hilda! Fifteen more bottles please."

While Jagu and Jin were enjoying themselves within the tavern, the streets of Galos City were filled with wandering students enjoying what looked to be a welcoming festival. Among them was Reginald and Aela who had been tailing Aron.

Aron who wore the same attire he did earlier the same day minus his cloak was seemingly just walking around enjoying the festivals alone. Occasionally he'd stop at certain stalls and even purchase a snack but never stayed in the same place too long.

Soon he decided to stop at a stall that seemed to be preparing some unique smelling meat. "Excuse me, what kind of meat is this?" Aron, who was drawn in by the smell, asked the large muscular old man behind the stall in a casual manner. "Good nose you have there, this meat came from a Tier eleven mana beast. I know what you're thinking, most people wouldn't dare cook mana beast meat as it's too tough, unsavory and sometimes poisonous."

"But that's what makes this stall so special, not only do we cook it but I guarantee it tastes better than any normal meat you've ever tried." The muscular old man flexed his muscles confidently as he revealed this fact to Aron who gave him a skeptical glance.

As far as Argos's records were concerned, cooking the meat of a mana beast is uncommon. Although those dedicated enough have developed techniques to fully bring out the essence, taste and nutrition the meat holds. Aron's father was one such individual who was skilled at it, he himself however never quite got the hang of it.

"I'd like to try some." Aron showed his interest, bringing a smile to the man's face. Despite looking confident, Aron was actually his first customer. Not many were daring enough to try beast meat. "One Vildahar Deer kabob coming up!" The man exclaimed happily, preparing the order.

"Make that two please." Before the old man could begin, a low gentle yet powerful voice spoke. The old man turned and found the source to be a beautiful apathetic blonde haired woman clad in armor. Not only him but many passerby's stopped to look at this woman.

"Juliet! Please don't rush off!" A familiar voice called out to the woman before coming to a halt near the stall. "Aron..." The source of the voice calling out was none other than Henry who froze upon seeing Henry.

Before more words could be exchanged, Esmeralda, Emilia and Sebastian appeared behind Henry. They too froze upon seeing Aron.


"Is the meat good? I have never tried such a delicacy." The awkward silence that befell the stall was broken by Juliet who turned to Aron and asked casually. "When done right, yes, however this will be my first time sampling some here." Aron replied to Juliet in a casual manner as well while nodding.

Henry and the others behind didn't know how to react to this, each encounter they've had with Aron suggests they're enemies yet here she was casually conversing about meat with him.

"Why are you here?" Esmeralda spoke to Aron in a cold tone causing him to raise a brow towards her as if bewildered by the question. "Is there a reason I, a student, shouldn't be able to enjoy the festivities? Or do you perhaps mean you don't want me here?" As Aron asked the latter question, his voice grew cold too and his eyes became slightly dim. In that moment the air around the stall seemed to have become thin.

Unbeknownst to everyone present, the foreign beast wills in Aron's body were reacting madly. To him it sounded like numerous voices echoing in his mind nonstop, "Kill, Slaughter, Feast,Massacre...." These voices raged within his mind declaring their intent but on the surface Aron looked as calm as he always did.

"Actually I'll have one too! Sorry about that, she's in a bad mood you know? That time of the month and all." Surprisingly the one to diffuse the situation was Sebastian who came near Aron and patted his shoulder while giving an apology.

"No need to apologize, she's free to express whatever views and thoughts she holds, who am I to tell her otherwise." Not wanting to cause a scene at such an open area, Aron subdued his urges and gave an understanding response despite his expression remaining uncaring. Sebastian and Henry both internally sighed in relief that the situation would end there.

"No she should. It is unbecoming of her to demand you shouldn't be here simply to satisfy her own shortcomings. Wins and losses are what help us grow. If she's unhappy about what transpired in the past then she shouldn't have been so weak." These harsh words were spoken by the apathetic girl who seemed to have had no interest in the discussions. Her words surprised everyone present aside from Aron who showed her a cold gaze and turned away.

Esmeralda could mutter no response, her heart beat began to race. Her eyes began to look at the many people present watching the scene, their whispers began feeling like loud voices within her mind, judging her, mocking her and belittling her.

Her once stern expression now looked panicky as her eyes darted around the scene. Without uttering a response, She turned and hurriedly left the scene. "Ez!" Emilia was the first to react and rushed after her followed by Henry, leaving only Sebastian, Juliet and Aron near the stall.

"Should I have not said that? I apologize for ruining the festivities. I have been told I'm incapable of 'reading the situation'" Juliet muttered nonchalantly despite her face not looking remorseful at all, Sebastian could only chuckle nervously at this and shake his head. "Nonsense, you haven't said anything wrong. Like I said, it's just that time of the month." Sébastien said, causing Juliet to give a small nod.

"I see, then it makes sense. I am glad that is the case." Juliet said but once again her face didn't match the words she said at all, she simply turned back to watch the man prepare the meat.

"My companions menstrual cycle aside, may I ask a question that's been plaguing my mind?" Juliet turned to Aron and inquired to which he nodded.

"During the Journey, in the cave we had met. Within the room with the old beasts, there had been fresh signs of a battle, however the footprints weren't many which suggested it didn't last long. Two sets of footprints belonged to humans and the other to a man beast, I assume those were your companions. They were far apart from each other which suggested two teamed up to fight one of those creatures while another faced it head on."

"The footprints belonging to the one who fought one by himself were firm and precise. When I attempted to mimic the moves it led me into a position where I was forced to counter the creature and force its own weapon against it, it was only then that we were able to achieve victory, all while you calmly watched at the side of the wall."

"Another thing I was curious about was the trap that caught us right outside the treasure chamber. We hadn't done anything peculiar enough to activate a formation which would only mean someone set it off. The possibility of it having been created by whoever made the chamber was possible but after the trap vanished and the others left to pursue you, I re entered the chamber with two servants and repeated the process, once outside again, the trap didn't activate."

"It's unlikely a trap would be set to activate only twice and cease to do so thereafter which could only mean it was drawn by you or at the very least controlled by you via some mechanism. Is my deduction accurate?" Juliet asked Aron without turning to face him causing him to show a small smirk.

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