King Of Limbo

Chapter 83 - True Self - Part 2

The sun soon set and darkness covered the city of Galos. However, unlike most nights, this one was unusually quiet...

The streets lacked the usual commotion and liveliness despite the vast number of people roaming it.

This kind of atmosphere didn't go unnoticed to Aron who was currently in his bedroom looking out of the window. 'I don't like this... could it be Belle or Rose?' Aron questioned himself before clicking his tongue in irritation and turning away from the window.

'It's about time we left anyway.' Aron turned to the floor and picked up the battle axe he had gotten earlier, this type had a major difference; it had dim blue runes carved into the blade. He only glanced at it momentarily before strapping it to his back and heading downstairs where he found Evanora waiting by the door with her arms hugging her legs.

"Is it time?" she asked in soft yet sleepy voice and Aron nodded. "Yes, but you go without me, I need to take care of something first, then I'll meet you there," he instructed briefly before exiting the home and disappearing into the night. 

"Evanora understands," she muttered before standing up and patting the dust off her behind. After she left the manor, she looked left and right for a moment before scratching her head in confusion. "Which way...?"

Meanwhile at an even larger and more grand mansion, a figure good be seen laying on her bed deep in thought as she simply stared at the ceiling. 'Just what is his end goal?... I need to find a way to free myself no matter what,' Anastasia thought to herself with a frown as she thought of possible solutions.

"Something on your mind?" However, a familiar voice broke her out of her daze and caused her to get up abruptly. "You... what are you doing here?"

"Who? Me? Can't I visit my most valuable asset?" The voice belonged to Aron who responded in a somewhat mocking tone. He sat on a window seal and looked at Anastasia with a small smirk, his usual emotionless self was nowhere to be seen and yet she still couldn't read through him.

"So I'm just a tool for you to use?" Anastasia asked or rather stated without hiding the displeasure in her voice. At this point, Aron's smirk faded and his expression became rather neutral as he nodded at her words without hesitation. "They are worse fates."

His words made Anastasia feel uneasy, although he didn't say it in a threatening manner, anyone smart and enough could clearly perceive the message. "The hate you have for me is rather vicious, even when you lay there alone at night you think of ways to break free and make me suffer, right?" Aron continued, but Anastasia neither refused or accepted his statement.

"What makes you say that?" she asked while doing her best to also hide her emotions but her eyes still remained rather vicious. "Because I'd most likely do the same. It's only natural for ambitious people to seek freedom," Aron replied rather casually, but Anastasia remained silent.

'The best way to to avoid digging a deeper hole for myself is by not talking unnecessarily, unless forced, I have no reason to reply to regular questions,' Anastasia thought, her eyes remained fixated on Aron. 

She absolutely loathed how easily he could read through her. Predicting her actions from the very moment they met which led her to being forced to sign a contract she could run away from. 

Just like how Aron no longer suppressed his mentions, she too decided to take a gamble and be somewhat defiant towards him. This was her way of studying Aron, at the very least she believed he wouldn't outright kill her or her friends for this reason.

Seeing as she was unwilling to reply to topics outside what was necessary, Aron prepared to leave when suddenly a loud knocking resounded on the door.

His gaze moved to the door along with Anastasia's but she soon returned it to him as if expecting him to leave. Aron, however, remained seated on the window seal and just kept looking at the door.

"Who's there?" Anastasia asked with clear displeasure in her voice while glancing at Aron from the corner of her eye to see any reactions. 

'Is she still upset with us?' On the other side of the door stood a young man with his arms crossed and brows furrowed as he gazed at the closed door. "Sorry to disturb you, it's Brutas..." he introduced himself a bit hesitantly and waited for her to respond.

"What do you want?" she asked coldly but deep down hoped he would leave and not say more. "I wanted to talk..." Brutas replied in a surprisingly gentle tone.

"Now isn't a good time." Anastasia glanced at Aron once again in the corner of her eye but saw him now smiling slightly. 

He suddenly stood from the window seal and moved closer to her. Her body became slightly stiff at the sight of him approaching but she didn't retreat. 

"Don't mind me, let's hear what he has to say." Once near the edge of the bed where Anastasia say, Aron whispered this into her ear. She wanted to turn and reject him but his expression was cold; with just a glance, her courage seemed to have dissolved as she worried not for her safety but her friend's.

"I'm not decent at the moment, so can you speak from there? There should be no servants on this floor," Anastasia replied to Brutas in her normal and gave an excuse for him to not enter. 

Brutas, who stood on the other side, cleared his throat as he heard her say that so casually before speaking once more. " worries, as long you're willing to listen..."

"It's about Lady Belle's offer, she said she understands that we heirs wouldn't want to serve under her so she's saying we should form our own faction and ally with her. So far, everyone has agreed to forming a faction except you, Sebastian, and Juliet," Brutas explained and on the surface Anastasia looked unmoved but, in truth, she was just vigilant towards the man beside her.

"I see, well, I'm currently not interested in forming or joining a faction." Anastasia didn't even consider it for a moment as she answered, causing Brutas who was on the other side to a dejected expression.

"I wasn't supposed to say anything, but I don't want you missing out, Anastasia. Lady Belle told us it's possible there's a ruin in the northern region, I'm sure you know how big of a deal this could be for all of us. However, she also told us Aron formed a faction and could also be after it once the news becomes public.I personally don't think it's possible but she insists it would be a shame on the entire community if we let a commoner discover it…" Brutas clenched his fists and the anger could he heard in his tone as he said Aron's name.

Aron however maintained his smile as if amused by the news before turning to Anastasia, waiting to see what she'd say to him.

"That doesn't change anything for me, I'm not interested. As for Aron... please let go of your grudge Brutas, for my sake." Brutas didn't even think about her rejection towards miss Belle's offer when he heard the softness in her voice as she asked him to let go of his grudges. 

A complex look appeared on his face and he clenched his teeth unable to respond immediately. It was only after a short moment of silence did he decide to speak again. "I'll pass on your response to Lady Belle. As for Aron... he's ruined my image, I've become a joke to even commoners... I can only imagine what my family must think of me right now. I can't let what he has done pass, it's deeper than just grudge. How I handle this could determine my entire future so I'm sorry... I won't be sparing him. Goodnight" Brutas replied solemnly before the sounds of his footsteps leaving could be heard.

Anastasia kept her head down while her hands clenched the fabric of the night gown she wore. "He's not thinking straight..." this was all she could mutter without even raising her head.

"Having ill intentions towards me isn't enough to get me to act and bring unnecessary trouble to myself. However should someone want to kill me, well... I can only make an example of them." Aron spoke while still maintaining a small smile on his face, Anastasia raised her head slowly and saw his expression. 

"I'll find a way to stop him, he won't interfere with your plans I'll make sure of it." Anastasia did her best to hide the emotions she was presently feeling. 

"You'll actively work to keep your friends away from me then? Interesting. To protect them, you'll willingly betray them. I love to see such resolve, well then I look forward to seeing your results." Aron snickered before turning and leaving the room through the window, leaving Anastasia with a visible frown on her face.

"I hate you...."

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