King of Pirates

Chapter 056

The kingdom’s migratory fleet, what happened to the pirates, what the outcome of the battle was, and whether the soldiers behaved as expected, Valpo did not know at this time.

After the results, the Daltons will naturally report in person.

In the whole country, only some old people who did not want to leave at this time, and the medical department personnel who remained on the third column hill.

The palace was also empty, except for a few maids and precious metals that were enough for him to use for three months.

“At the latest, the day after tomorrow, those rats who want to pick up leaks should pop up!”

The Great Migration will be plundered by pirates, which Valpo can meet, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to seek the help of the navy. I just didn’t expect that there would be so many pirate groups united.

This also shows how many people’s eyes are red by the wealth of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

After the people migrate, there must be something that cannot be taken away. Among them, the most valuable is naturally the Magnetic Drum Palace.

As a building that has been passed down for hundreds of years, both sculptures and relief decorations in the Kingdom of Magnetic Drum are extravagant, full of history and artistic atmosphere.

Although it is not as good as the various treasures and countless Baileys that were transported away, it is also no less than a feast for the pirates who are not qualified to participate in the plundering fleet!

Best of all, this delicious piece of cake, no guards yet! As long as you solve the competitors in the same industry, it is enough to make multiple pirate groups earn a lot of money and a mouth full of oil!

As a king, it is indeed a bit humiliating to personally deal with these cockroaches in the gutter, but there are still too few strong people who can be used.

The high-level strength is Weibull alone, and Dalton they are the combat power from colonel to brigadier general, after all, the cultivation time is too short.

Time is the most important factor in growth, as long as there is enough time, anything will change qualitatively, and Valpo is confident that he will wait until the day when Dalton will qualitatively change.

Trying to gather his spiritual strength, he said to the maid who was shaking around him, but still insisted: “Let all the people who are still in the kingdom gather in the palace, it is no longer safe outside, wait for this time, let them go back.” ”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The little maid tried to maintain etiquette, but when she left, she still swayed step by step, showing her cute appearance.

Valpo also did not care about her faux pas, after all, with the physique of an ordinary person, he was able to maintain such a close distance from himself, and he had not lost consciousness, which could already be called amazing.

What’s more valuable is that the little maid has a face that can be called the peak of the kingdom’s beauty, which is why she can stay by Valpo’s side.

Looking in the direction the little maid left, he touched his chin.

“Under such a weak body, they can still keep their minds clear, and their willpower is far stronger than Dalton’s. It is the aborigines of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and loyalty is naturally not a problem. It’s hard to say about talent, but with the power to swallow fruit, talent doesn’t need to be a thing. ”

Valpo is thinking about manpower again.

Now a small country with only 200,000 citizens has an embarrassment that no one can use, not to mention that in the next ten years, the magnetic drum kingdom will expand to a population of 10 million.

At that time, I was afraid that relying only on these people now, I couldn’t even protect a city.

Valpo was immersed in his consciousness, where there were two large photophores and sixty or seventy scattered small photophores.

The Great Light Group was synthesized by stripping off his talent when he devoured the spiritual power of those pirates.

He called it ‘mid-effect talent’.

The remaining small photophores of different sizes and scattered were named ‘weak talents’ and ‘inferior talents’ respectively.

More than thirty ‘inferior talents’ can be combined into one ‘weak talent’, and more than fifty ‘weak talents’ can be fused into ‘medium talents’.

Valpo relied on Bobby Vancu to divide talent into four levels.

The inferior talent is the pirate captain who has good strength and has made a certain reputation, but has no room for improvement. The weak talent is a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions and can have a place in the limited sea area.

The medium-efficiency talent is a pirate who can become the hegemony of a small sea area, and the bounty is about 300 million.

Bobby’s counterpart is ‘strong talent’. With a gifted body, or a certain specialty, he can become a strongman with first-class strength in the Seven Martial Seas!

The four emperors and generals are naturally ‘extremely effective talents’, and being able to reach the top of the world is the existence of ‘monsters’ in themselves!

Of course, reality is not a game after all, and it is impossible to distinguish between high and low talent strictly according to his division.

After all, Bobby Vanku, that guy, who has the qualifications to become Qiwu Hai, only became a cowardly killer in the end.

For example, the former Valpo’s subordinates, who have the ‘ultimate talent’, are naturally the guy from Weibull. Born with unparalleled strength, even the armed color is a natural awakening, which shows that his talent is terrifying.

And the three of Dalton can only be regarded as ‘medium-efficiency talents’, and growing to the level of ordinary vice admirals will come to an end.

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