king of power

Chapter 1023 is not welcome

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It is said that it is such a big thing, such as such a big matter, of course, is certainly not possible by Chen Geng, and the procedure must go.

The F120 passenger plane is still in the ice city. There is still some work, Wang Dazhi is inseparable from the time, but this is not tight, this year's communication is convenient, in the conference call, Wang Dazhi prepares Chen Li's chairman to enter the gas turbine After told the group's executives, he said: "This short time, everyone first understand the development of domestic gas turbines, doing there is a number in your heart, and then the next time, there is also a good to be treated; if there is time, everyone is internally small Discussion How to go on the road of gas flying group in the gas turbine, as for the specific situation, wait for me to take care of the chairman and Chen Li, you will sit back and coordinate.

"You don't worry,"

Meng Haibo should have a sound, not very assured, "But 'West Gas East" This thing doesn't have? Does the country will start this project? "

"Yeah, the old king, 'West-China East," I started to shout in the first two years, and now there is no substantive action. Is this project true? "

"Such a big project, can really go to the horse during the century?"

"Lao Wang, although the gas turbine is improved on the basis of aviation engines, we have never done this thing, not only do not have technical reserves in this area, but our country's technology in gas turbines Very weak, in case the amount of money invested, but what should I do? "

......... The hearts of everyone are not very relieved, with a variety of questions.

Wang Dazhi didn't think that everyone is not right. Since it is discussing, it is definitely a difference in this matter, there are different views, and the final purpose is to let everyone agree, and listen to everyone's discussion. , Wang Dazhi said: "First of all, about the West-Yidong lost this project, even if you can rest assured, this project must be done. As for the reason, everyone knows that the economy in the eastern and southeast coast is a thousand miles away, Energy demand is getting worse, the gap of energy is getting bigger and bigger, such a large energy gap, can not rely on imports? Again, if you rely on imports, how much foreign exchange? Is there a lot of money to abroad Imported energy, it is better to think about the energy of the western region through the pipeline, so as the economy has developed, the West-China East Engineering is necessary to start.

In addition, I can tell everyone that the meaning of the Ministry is to make a joint inspection team to the European and American advanced gas turbine manufacturing enterprises, and it is estimated that there are two or three months of the delegation, then With the market change technology, the Ministry means that the foreign gas turbine manufacturing company is finally selected, and our group and department jointly funded a unit of units specializing in the production of gas turbines.

But you don't want to do anything to do with the market. He is ready to let our business flying group eat.

As for my worried, I have been invested in a lot of money, but I can't do things ... "

At a few thousand kilometers, Wang Dazhi is still an angry table: "Are you a pig? RB211 engine can make it, can't create a gas turbine on the basis of RB211 ?!

When I was so embarrassed by Wang Dazhi, a group of executives suddenly became a cold.

Also, in the case where it is already able to produce the RB211 engine, if it is guaranteed by funds and technologies, it is not necessary to make the manufacturing technology of gas turbines for several years. This is the relevant personnel in the process, for this Guy, I am right.

"I don't want you,"

Wang Dazhi's evil said: "Who caught the chain, don't blame Chen Dong to spend the post with him!

...................................................................................... Chen Dong introduced the development of our domestic gas turbines and the status quo.


Meng Haibo introduced from Chen Geng, "Chen Dong, our domestic gas turbine started in the gas turbine in fact, the earliest can be traced back to the end of the 1950s, in order to satisfy the power generation demand in Daqing Oilfield, the water and electricity department from Switzerland BBC The company introduced 2 simple circular gas turbine train power stations in the maximum power of 6200kW. From that time, our country began the development of gas turbines.

International, the development of gas turbines is basically the air engine change gas turbine and from the head design of these two roads, we are also two roads, but mainly with navigation modification, our country's earliest gas turbine is 74 In the year, Southern aviation power was improved by the turbop screw engine. The performance of this navigation-type gas turbine was good. As of last year, it has already produced 78 units, mainly applied to the process of oil mining. Power generation.

In addition to the improved gas turbine of the turbine propeller engine, Dong'an power is improved in the two turbop screw pads of the scroll 5 and the scriptage 5a; Feng Tian's dawn factory is just changed. The child has also done some work, and they designed vortex 6G-type power generation gas turbines as prototypes as prototypes; in the 1980s, the aerospace engine company under Xifei introduced the 'Steed' MK202, That is, our scroll -9 turbofan engine is based on the production of simple cycle gas turbine power systems in the ship.

In addition to this, on the eve of our Commercial Flying Group, US Joint Technologies Power Division (TPM) and Joint Technologies Pu Hui Group have talked with our Chengdition Factory to jointly develop by JT8D-219 turbofan engine. The suggestion of the FT8 gas turbine, the performance of this gas turbine is very powerful, and the maximum output power of the stand-alone can reach 24.

5 MW, that is, 24,500 kilowatts, even slightly stronger than the first two years of gas turbine introduced from the US General Electric Company, but later followed by the Chengfa Factory and Hafei Factory into our Commercial Flying Group, this There is no news.


Speaking of this, Meng Haibo nodded to Chen Geng and Wang Dagguan: "Chairman, this is basically the current development status of domestic gas turbine, compared with the international gas turbine giants, our strength is far away.

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