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Chapter 1048 is full

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With Chen Ming's investment, Xiaomi Tangja's whole person hit a chicken blood!

Soon, Fernandes Chen is optimistic about the McDend MD-12 project, and the news that is prepared to formally invest this project is spread throughout the circle and the industry.

Fernandez Chen intends to invest in MD-12? The first time came out of this news, almost no one is free to believe this, the reason is also very simple: if his Fernande Chen really intends to invest in MD-12, he has already investment, why come to the present? So, this message is fake, absolutely fake.

But very quickly, when the reporter interviewed, Xiaomi Donner confirmed that Chen Li did to invest in MD-12 projects. As for the specific investment quota and the proportion of equity accounted, McDao is talking to Chen Geng's full representative of Miss Rose Mary. Talk, and then, Rosmary also confirmed this.

"Boom ..."

One sound, the entire industry is sensational: Is it true? Fernandez Chen really intends to invest in MD-12? Does he really optimistic about this project? When the McDark Group immediately announced their new plan for MD-12 projects: After the MD-12 project issued a special conversion bond news, the entire investment industry began to be stupid - everyone can not believe in McDe, But can't believe that as long as you have never fallen, Fernandes Chen.

After you know that there are many investors and investment agencies intentionally invest in the MD-12 project, Wakherd Tangja is not a taste: MD-12 project has been published for so long, the only investment partner is still scared Retreat, can now, when Chen Geng said that he is willing to invest in the MD-12 project, he has received more than 50, which has received more than 50, really X, ......... ................ To say that Chen Geng intends to invest in MD-12 projects, it is most eye-catching. In fact, it is too Lockheed.

Previously, when the 4V official said that they did not support Han Xiang Company Investment MD-12 projects, Lockheed had no hope for MD-12 projects: Lockheed is able to pit the premise of the Boeing, is MD-12 project It is really possible to come true. Now, the MD-12 project is already a project that is destined to be yellow. Will Boeing also rejects huge money to acquire Lockheed's civilian business? Lockheed hopes to use the MD-12 to play a premise of turning over, I hope that MD-12 project can be sold, but now, MD-12 is sold, even can't be done, in this, I still have Feel the heart? Just when Lockheed was blocked, when the statement of exiting the MD-12 project, Chen Geng intends to invest in the MD-12 project, starting, Bruce Evans and Marcm Hughes I thought that this is a bad joke, they are not true, and a series of interviews have proven to be true.

Thinking of this, Marcm Hughes can no longer be calm. He immediately dialed Chen Geng's phone, after a few chills and greetings, Marcm Houst urgently asked: " Mr. Fernandes, do you really want to invest in MD-12? "


Chen Geng has a quick admission.

"Hey ... can I ask why?"

Marcm Hughes really can't help but be curious: "As far as I know, the MD-12 project is now ... not very good.

"I understand what you mean,"

Chen Geng said: "Not only you don't look at MD-12, the whole world is not optimistic about MD-12, and even Mr. Kaxuna is full of pessimism for MD-12 prospects.


Marcm Hughes should have: "Just this, I can't understand why ..."

Chen Gengli's way: "Because I can get as much rewards as possible.


Marcm Hughes stunned.

"I have money,"

Chen Geng said: "I have a call, I also have a way to sell MD-12, do you say that it is not enough?"


Hold the microphone, listen to Chen Geng confident to almost arrogant, Makom Hugz discovers that he doesn't know what to say, don't know what to say.

If this is something that others say, Marcm Hughes will definitely feel unfair to a "arrogant!

However, this is a matter of saying from Fernandes Chen's mouth. He doesn't dare to go wrong. It is really a numerous example of the past proves. This guy has a talent with others, always It is impossible to be possible, so it is a MD-12 project that is not optimistic by everyone, is it a chance to show his gold finger? The response of the investment industry seems to have confirmed this, and the MD-12 plane originally not optimistic about anyone, and suddenly there is a trend of beef.


But after all, Makom Hughes is an excellent professional manager. He quickly adjusted his mood, and asked Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Fernande, how much is you planning?"

According to this kind of thing is confidential, Makom Hughes can't ask, but he really can't help but, the most important thing is that Marcm Hughes has intuitive, and he believes that Chen Li will tell yourself.

Chen Li also did not have the meaning of Marcm Hughes. He has a happy road: "Investing 5 billion, and then provide 5 billion canoto loan quota.

This is 10 billion, accounting for a quarter of the entire project, one to one-fifth.

Although Chen Mung's investment is not much, if it is counted in his appeal ... Makom Hughes, the head seems to put a big stone, he thought, ask: "When did you come back? Is Brazil's things happily? Is there anything I need to help? "

If Chen Geng is really what is needed by Lockheed help, Marcm Hughes will never mind to give personal love.

"Soon, there is another week,"

Chen Ge said: "Although it is not very smooth, it is not a big problem.

The Government of the Franco Government is more than Chen Ming's imagination!

It is like a level of Chen Gerangi, no matter which country visit and visit, it is impossible to rise, the communication work of both sides needs at least three months in advance, and it is normal, that is, said, In fact, the things you want to do will have to sign the agreement. In fact, it has already communicated the same, Chen Geng go to Brazil. In fact, more is to sign a word, just like this to Brazil, in addition to funding and Technologies entering the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company, helping the Banhang industry outside the production of EMB-145 as soon as possible, as well as building a car assembly plant in Brazil, which is already negotiated before.

When Franco's president's appetite is obviously less than this, he still wants more.

More than what is nothing wrong, as long as he is willing to change, Chen Mong does not mind, but Franco wants more benefits while still picking out, it is a problem, such as Chen Li Interested in investing in the Brazilian energy industry, now, the Government of the Franco is still given a clear reply.

In view of this, Chen Mong believes that he is not necessary to continue in Brazil.

Makom Hughes encountered Chen Geng in Brazil, and he said that this is because Lockheed's energy is not small in Brazil, and it is a human condition, but Chen Pi It is still in the eyes, and he doesn't mind, he nodded: "OK, then I will wait for you."

...................... Chen Tong wants to go, when you go, his agreement with Brazil is only two, one is an agreement to invest in the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company, one is the AMC car in Brazil investment Factory agreement.

Of course, strictly, Chen Geng also donated a large amount of money to the Brazilian Charity Foundation and Education Foundation, with a total amount of up to 8 million US dollars, calculating the maximum amount accepted by these funds. Donated, but no matter whether Franco president is still a Brazilian government, it is not very satisfied with such a result, because the previous ideas falls: before, they hope to be able to get at least 2 billion US dollars from Chen Li, But now, the total number of wool is less than 50 million US dollars ... For this reason, before leaving, the President Franco also specialized and Chen Geng saw it. This time, Franco's president's tone is very sincere: " Mr. Fernands, Brazil has a lot of places you deserve to invest in. Do you really think about it? "

"Mr. President, what can I say? I was originally intended to build a computer production base in Brazil, even intended to convince our partner to build an e-product in Brazil, you should know that such an foundry plant Can provide a large number of jobs for Brazil, "

Chen Mongrug shrugged, a regret: "But because we all know the reason, so ..."

Franco frowned, he didn't expect Chen Li to stick to this matter, actually a step, it can be refunded, but an electronic product foundry factory.

He is known, a large electronic product foundry can directly create tens of thousands of jobs, and will create thousands of food, hotel accommodation, retail, deputy food, etc. A service industry position, and for the associated upstream support and import and export industries, you can create more than 100,000 jobs, directly pull the economy of this area, let alone the large number of taxes, Buddhas created Lang Ge's heart, but Chen Li's previous conditions ... "Mr. Fernandes, your previous conditions, made me very difficult.

Chen Mongxiao, he knew that when Franco said this, he means he has shaken: "His Excellency President, you should know that we have a good relationship with several electronics companies. And in this piece of electronics, I don't know how many plants on the market. You think about it, if you can directly create tens of thousands of jobs, indirectly create more than 100,000 How will you get how much support from the downstream and surrounding service posts? "

Support rate ... Chen Ming's voice is stamped on the heart of Franco's president.

As long as it is the president of the campaign, there is no one who doesn't care, Franco is naturally no exception, but he is more emphasized more than other presidents, not because of other, why is his throne is not so "orthodox" "

- When last year, Franco was a vice president. At that time, the president Fernando Kolol was accused of corruption. In order to avoid this allegation, Fernando Kolol took the initiative to resign from the president's position. At that time, the vice president's Franco was automatically received according to the Constitution, became President Brazil.

There is no problem with this program, because this is the Brazilian Constitution, the current president has taken office by the vice president.

But the presidential position of the pick-up, is not produced by the elected president, "short" than the election.

The reason why Franco is so anxious, that is, because he needs to make a achievement as soon as possible, prove to the people that it is a qualified president, and more destacies, because of the previous president's toss, now the Brazilian economy inflation Very powerful, inflation in the first half of this year has reached 50%, and Franco's pressure is very!

To some extent, it can be said that Franco is now sitting on a crater that is likely to explode at any time. One is not careful, he may be on the sky.

"Do you make sure you will invest such an electronic product foundry factory?"

Franco stared at Chen Li and asked slowly.

This matter is too much influence on yourself, and he is not cautious.

Chen Mong smile, asked: "Mr. President, last year and in the first half of this year, the entire South America imported from the US imported computer products, do you know what?"

Franco stunned, immediately turned to look at his secretary: this matter, he really didn't know.

The secretary's face: this problem, he also don't know.

Chen Geng did not deliberately let Franco are unoccupied. He said: "I checked the relevant data, last year, the entire South America has imported a total of $ 16.8 billion in various types of computer products, which comes from the US computer product approximately It is 12 billion US dollars, accounting for about 74.


Among them, Brazil accounted for 30% of total imports, that is, in last year, Brazil's foreign exchange for importing computer products is approximately $ 5 billion, of which the total value of computer products from the United States has exceeded $ 3.6 billion.

This is the data last year. In the first half of this year, no matter how total the import of South America or Brazil's imports, there are two digits growth, but it is so far, so far, several international top electronic products The University of Technology, only established a medium-sized foundry in Argentina, and Brazil actually did not have an electronic product foundry. "

Speaking here, Chen Geng looked at Franco: "Mr. President, you should know what this means.

Franco, of course, know what this means, but Chen Geng said that these are true? He frowned, told the secretary: "I found the relevant data to me.

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