king of power

Chapter 1094, you let me down.

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In the heart of Joberson, she certainly understood why Chen Geng mentioned Nosrop Glenmene: Since it is a thigh, why don't you go to Bonssro Glene's thigh, but come to my thigh? Moreover, even if you don't want to hold the thigh of Nosolp Glenn, you shouldn't come to my thighs. Don't forget, I am in this military purchase of the Turkish, but Nosrop. The head of Greenmen, you are not afraid that you have sinned the military giants that have a deep military giant related to the Pentagon of the Pentagon. I have to understand the logic of this, and even explain that the fighters in this in this, secretly put water in the simulation of the exercises, otherwise the consequences ... can't say more serious, but Jobson wanted It is necessary to receive orders from Chen Zi's trust, and will definitely do it.


Jobson nodded: "I know, but I don't seem to be able to win.


Chen Geng picked his eyebrows and sighed Joberson to continue.

"I will talk about the exercises first,"

Joberson consciously, unequal Chen Geng opened, then: "Since the United States has some people like this, then you should think that there are people like our people, and we have each other. contact.

Chen Geng nodded: "This is indeed thinking.

"You know, do this, in order to ensure safety, usually only acquaintances, but if the benefits are big enough, we will contact the acquaintances of the peers through the peers, such as the local peers, I contacts it. Have you, "

See Chen Geng nod, Joberson said: "So the situation is like this, I contact me in the peers of the Tongye, I hope to make a pen through this opportunity ... to make your money. Still earn the money of the Swedes, earn the money of the French, the result is the same, the problem can not make money.

Joberson's reasons persuaded Chen Geng: Yes, for the guy who dared to intervene the Turys, the money, who is not important, the focus can not make money.

From "making money"

This is considered, it seems to be the most expensive price.

But Chen Wong has not immediately spoken, but a stun standing in the corner, stunned Stanson.

Stanson nodded and got up to another room. At the same time, Reni Taylor also stood up and pulled up a circle of curtains.

I took a box, Stannson took a box, and the other two bodyguards came out from the side of the room, Stanson put the box on the table, opened, putting things inside, no two and Stanson The bodyguards came directly to Jobson's follow-up, indicating that he stood up.

When Tanson and Rynch Taylor do this, Jobson held quiet, did not speak, see that he stood in the two Chen Geng's bodyguards, and he could stand up.

After some careful inspection, two bodyguards shook their heads slightly to Stantson, indicating that Joberson didn't have any problems, and there was no wonderful thing.

Stanson did not think about this, and he took out a strange device from the box, and carefully checked Jobson from his head. After confirming that there was no problem, he took out a strange electronic device from the box. On the table, open and then nodded to Chen Geng.


Chen Geng pointed to the strange thing on the table. I apologized for Jobson: "An interference equipment can prevent others from stealing our conversation ... Since this is something, I have to be careful.

"You don't have to sorry, I understand,"

Jobson didn't think Chen Ming's move had a bad place to do, but it was a little curious about the thing on the table: "I have never seen this model, the latest?"

Chen Geng nodded: "It should be.

Jobson didn't talk, put the thumb and one vertical: Your cattle!

Chen Geng automatically ignored this movement of Jobson and asked him: "Is the other party reliable? Can security not guarantee? What is the background of the other party?"

These problems are very important, directly related to this cooperation can not be reached.

"The other party is a senior person in charge of the Turi Air Force Training Center, and is the subordinate subordinates of the Cardinal, the main firm of the Turi Air Force.

Jobson gave Chen Geng explained: "As for whether it is a reliable problem ... So, the Tudu many military purchases, this guy has done a small action.

Listening to Jon Tterssen said that Chen Mine's heart was strange: "Is it that the Emperor did not find this guy's little action?"

Joberson understood why Chen Li would think so, smile: "Because this guy doesn't evenness, he still tells those pilots who have partnerships, and slightly loose in very limits, you are Knowing, in that case, a pilot is a slow 0.

1 second, it may be completely different, but 0.

1 second, just a blink of an eye, so ... and this guy is very careful, he may make the first place to make the second place, or make the fourth place into the third place, but will never count the countdown A few more than a few, since the top three of the top three are the scope they consider, the first, the second is the difference? "

Chen Geng suddenly realizes: "Yes, this guy is really a smart person!

Why is it slight about why there is a key time?

In 1 second, the pilot had too many reasons to cope with it, and Chen Li was extremely suspicious. As long as the results of these simulation confrontations and the high-level ideas of the Turkic Air Force did not even have some people investigations.

This is a smart guy!

Joberson nodded: "He is very smart, as for Nosrop Green ..."

You don't have to ask Chen Geng, Jobson took the initiative to explain: "I want to hold their thighs, but the military giant like people, I can't see my little , I have my own partner. And it can be able to talk to Mubarak.

"Hahaha ..."

Listening to Jo Tterson's explanation, Chen Miha ha ha laughed.

Lao Qiao said that it is true, but it is ignored this, just like Lao Qiao said that for military giants such as Nosrop Glen, the object they deal has always been the head of governments. The most important thing is the first row of core leaders of the other country military, through this small means that cannot be placed, is it? People Nosrop Gome is not rare!

Want this order? I will go directly to the head of their government.

It is said that Chen Mong is extremely rich, and there is nothing in the world's military industry, and it will go to Jobson to find opportunities. Just change a US military giant, and the eyelids are not With a clip of Jon Tterson.

"That's it,"

Chen Geng nod: "How much does it take?"

"No, not this,"

Jobson gave Chen Geng explained: "After your plane is here, you should apply for a few simulation against training ..."

"Do you want to engage in confrontation training?"

Chen Geng was a bit surprised.

"Of course, only know the limit of your plane, they are tightly targeted, you will not think that the first time to fight training, they can put water at the crucial moment?"

Chen Geng's mouth is full of mouth: it seems ... Lao Qiao said it also makes it? If the other party does not understand the performance of the aircraft here, I want to put water in the critical moment.

"Ok ... well, Lao Qiao, don't follow me, let's talk, how much is the whole process, how much?"

Chen Geng is too lazy to talk to Jobson around the circle and asked directly.

Joberson has four fingers: "$ 4 million,"

After saying, he urgently explained: "You know, this kind of thing is not just him, including the pilot, you have to go up and down ..."

Chen Geng is like a laugh, looking at Jobson: "4 million US dollars, you will take at least 2 million US dollars."

Joberson's heart trembled, hurriedly explained: "There is not so much, I just take some hard money ..."

"Lao Qiao, we have a long time, I never mind, you will not mind what you should earn in cooperation, I don't mind do some public relations, but I hate others as a fool,"

Looking at Jobson, Chen Geng's tone is somewhat deep: "Maybe you can return to your friends again?"

Among the quotations of Nosrop Gorne, a refurbished second-hand F-5E is only $ 12 million, and a F-5F price is only $ 13 million, but it is One-third of the F-5E is a one-third of the martial arts? $ 4 million? Hehe ... What is joke, this is 4 million US dollars in 1994!

It's hard to be a nautical oil and use of the body life to take yourself. Jobson's face is white, and the sound is shaking, and the Chen Geng explained: "Fernandez, I assure you, I will definitely take a penny ..."

"I said, I don't mind, you make money in this,"

Chen Geng made a gesture, and the Jobson said he finished: "But a link is $ 4 million, if all the links are all, you guess, how much?"

Chen Li didn't know how much water was there, but it was certain that it was certain, that is: not to rule out that there is a trial search for yourself, trying to have a lot of water, try it, you can get it from yourself. How many oils ... After all, there are so many links that need to be a point. This one is $ 4 million, all the links are all-made, how much is it? To put it bluntly, some people of the Turys are trying to test it, see if I don't understand anything I don't understand.

But the problem is, you can't move these, but Joe Tterson should not understand, a sentence, Jobson let himself down.

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