king of power

Chapter 1096, come to me

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Chen Mongou's hair pick: "Is Marmeney come?"

Marini's people, it is a bit a bit.


Riener Taylor nodded: "It is Merni Johnson, which is responsible for the business of the Middle East business.


I heard that Chen Pi is Anthony Johnson, Alister Jackon, has a very impulse that I want to copy the guys and the other party: How is the dead bastard? As the two old avantines enterprises in the UK, GEC and Marini have highly overlap in the business field, and the business is highly overlapping. It is not much, and the high overlapping enterprises have gone, but the stuff is different, with The British aviation industry has gradually declined, and the more difficult for the British avoar company. In order to compete for market share, the competition between Marline and GEC is also more intense - earlier more than 10 years ago, GEC and Marini can also talk to the heart, but now, the two companies can't wait to die each other.

But in addition to keeping your face, Alister Jack can't say a word, he can only send people who want to take the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative, but he also knows that this is impossible. of.

It is indeed impossible ... I heard that Marki people came, Chen Ming's told Riener Taylor told: "Let Marco's friends will take a break.

When Alist Jack's heart suddenly, it is clear that Fernandes Chen is ready to come into contact with Marcni after the end of his conversation ... this is really bad bad news. Arlester Jack is more understanding that there is nothing to say about Chen Li's practice.


Riener Taylor should have a sound, turn around.

Riener Taylor went out, there is also a representative of GEC in this house, Chen Geng Shen, talking to Lister Jack: "Mr. Jack, I am still talking about any sincerity cooperation. Partner, we all welcome, but Shangfei Group is not alone, I am not even a big shareholder, in many places, I must respect the opinions of each other ... I mean, can you understand? "

Alice Jack's heart suddenly done.

Of course, he knows the equity composition of Shangfei Group: Huaxia Government's shareholding ratio of Shangfei Group even higher than Fairnads Chen's shareholding, so Huaxia Government is a big shareholder of Shangfei Group.

Gec is not very good in terms of treating the attitude of Huaxia.

Specifically, it is not good, but as long as I think the British defense enterprises that work with Huaxia, why Rawls Royce has a good market share in Huaxia, and there is also a lot of people with Marmei. I have never heard of the name of GEC, I know what the position of this company is like.

Alister Jack also knows what your company looks like to treat Huaxia. But he feels very innocent, bitter, said: "Mr. Fernande, you know, many things are not I can set.

Chen Yang shrugged, did not answer: I can prompt this, it is already very giving you a face, I also expect me to point out a road? Since you want to die, it will be dead, and what is the relationship with me.

Look at Chen Li doesn't want to say, Alice Jack is unhappy: Chen Mong's attitude is very clear, what can you do? Alister Jack is discouraged, and the Anthony Johnson, which is confident. I will give Mr. Satik Hoyle to stand up, specific things, don't talk about themselves.

I know that Chen Pie's time is precious. Anthony Johnson did not dare to grind, after the representative Sadki Hoyer greeting Chen Mong, he explained his intention: "Mr. Hoyer, Hoyer, I hope to visit you, and If you are convenient, communicate with you in both parties in Jacques -130, don't know if you are convenient? "

Chen Mong Xiao said: "Do you also stare at Jacques-130?"

"Mr. Hoyell is very optimistic about this plane."

Anthony Johnson is positively brothered: "He believes that this plane can achieve quite good sales in the world.


Chen Ge has picked his eyebrows, indicating that Anthony Johnson continued.


The maximum weapon load of 5 tons, 1.

4 Mach's maximum flight speed, sir, this is a typical light fighter indicator, "

Anthony Johnson Positive color: "And in our opinion, the most excellent place in this plane is that you successfully control the price of the third-generation fighter of the electrically transmitted control to around 10 million US dollars.


"So we believe that this plane has powerful upgrade potential,"

Anthony Johnson is really seriously studied Jacques-130: "Jacques -130 The plane is now using a maximum power thrust 42.

5kn engine, but the entire plane has 9 mount points and 3.

The biggest weapon of 5 tons is carried, this is very abnormal, even if our British 'eagle' trainer, the US T-45 coach machine and the L-39 coach machine widely used in socialist countries, basically only 4-5 mount points, which means that if you can perform deep divers on the existing engine, we have developed 50KN and even more thrust version. The largest weapon load of this plane may even exceed 5 tons. This is already a typical medium-sized fighter load.

Speaking here, Anthony Johnson deeply saw Chen Geng's eyes: 3.

5 tons of maximum weapon load, 9 weapons mount points, 31,00 kilometers, 1.

4 Mach's maximum flight speed, is said to have a design of structural injury tolerance, a navy's carrier / carrier coach / battle version, such a standard light double-seat ultrasonic fighter, you are also meaningful to say this Is a trainer? This is a third-generation fighter who is still a standard? It is also a third-generation light fighter with an exploitation into a medium-sized fighter potential.

To say that Shangfei Group is not prepared to discover the potential of this plane, Anthony Johnson will not believe it.

For Anthony Johnson, Chen Li is absolutely will not recognize: "This is a trainer. Although its performance indicator is indeed a little, we believe that the new generation of advanced jet trainer needs this performance. We don't think there is any problem.

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