king of power

Chapter 1099, two hand of the new era

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I want to understand that Chen Geng has always put back to his stomach, but Chen Li feels still to go to Huaxia - say, this is just a guess, but it is not such a thing. Take a question mark? Before getting up, Chen Geng gave Ding Ruo smoke, let her help him go to the magic: case is true, and the woman is not good, there is Ding Ruo, you should still Town to live in the opponent.

Ding Ruo's two words did not answer, this opportunity to come into contact with Chen Geng's family, she will not miss it.

When Chen Domited, he saw the special airport waiting and greet his own Ding Ruo smoke and his uncle's family. Chen Geng's first reaction was relieved: it was nothing.

Yes, it seems that it is nothing, four people, Ding Ruo's face is slightly smiling, as for Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia, with two points, as for her little bite, ... look Two necks did not accept, three unscrupulous expressions, I knew that there was no thing this time.

When I saw Chen Geng, I was deliberately wearing an airport, Chen Hongjun, who was putting it out: "Chen Geng, this mixed kid added trouble.

"Nothing, we are all self-owned people,"

Chen Geng Zhao waved, and then curious to Chen Hongjun asked: "Uncle, this looks up ... Nothing?"

Chen Hongjun took the head of the brother's head: "Let this mix kid tell you, quietly, what is broken.

" ..."

The little bite smiled two, retracted the neck, some sorry: "Brother, I am sorry, I didn't expect to bring you such a big trouble.

"What trouble is troubles, let's talk ... Let's talk, what is going on?"

The little brother has a neck: "I want to come out.

"Do you want to start a business?"

Chen Li blinked blinking, the whole person is a bit uncomfortable: I have a big movement, and in the end you want to start a business? !

Before this, he thought of various possibilities, but he didn't expect his little brother to find himself, the purpose is that he wants to start business ... You say this is what it is? "Yes, I want to come out,"

The little brother's face is, he knows how much misunderstanding from Ding Ruo's smoke, very embarrassed: "And the country does not encourage personal seas, start a business, so ..."


If you don't wait, the brother is finished, Chen Li is in hand: "You want to come out, this is a good thing, but why don't you say it with your parents?"

You said, because of this, what do you think? The hobby is helpless: "I want to tell them, but what kind of person is my parents, my brother is still unclear? They hope that I will stay in the unit in the unit, step by step. Press and take the class qualifications, go up, absolutely impossible to agree with me.


Chen Geng smashed, nodded: "It is also.

Chen Hongjun and Yuan Jia's idea is almost the mainstream idea of ​​this year as a parent: find a good unit for the child, a lot of effort, and the income is high, it is stable, and there is also a high retirement after retirement. Can be taken, the house is a unit, and the sick is also a unit gives money to see a doctor. Even when you are older, there is still no object, the unit's family planning department or the big mother of the union will help you to help you, don't use yourself Worried, waiting for you to enter this unit, don't worry in this life, isn't it good? Ok, of course, for those who like dull, ordinary life, this stable life is their favorite, countless guys who want to come in, and the guys who come in and come in are blue, and they are in the mouth. "I can't see the life of my head, I can't see what I want."

In fact, the heart is envious to die, but for those who really have ambition, they want to break out a career and heaven, such life is a cage for them.

But in Chen Geng's view, these are not a problem for their little brothers, he should have a sound, ask: "Go out business? It is also very good, do you want to do it? What I can help I am busy? "

After listening to Chen Geng, the little bite was somewhat touched. In these two days, he was so late to be killed by his old lady. I didn't expect to come here. People who don't say it, I can help. " Busy "

? I took a nose and the little lobby: "Our country is basically zero in the industrial design of the car, I think of this.

Ok? !

When I heard the brother, Chen Geng was surprised.

In fact, just, he is also curious, this time and space, this will be jumped out of entrepreneurship is what is going to do.

"I want to open a car industrial design company,"

The eyes of the little brother shine: "Just like Mr. Boyong and Mr. Georgia, let this automotive industry design company becomes the pride of the Huaxia Auto Industry.

Pan Asia!

I don't know why, Chen Geng's brain suddenly emerged from the Pan Asian Design Center.

Friends who have some understanding of the car, do not necessarily have how to understand the Pan Asian design center, but he must hear the name of the Pan Asian Design Center, this is the first true, professional automotive industry design and research and development center, and can say The Pan Asian Design Center is a cradle and seed cultivation base for Huaxia Automotive Industry.

For this choice of Xiaotang, Chen Li is a bit surprised, you can think about it, and feel unfair.

For yourself, or if you have the development track of this little brother, Chen Mong is very clear. After the university graduated in AMC internship and working for three years, Xiaotang brothers were hired by AMC in Huaxia: SAIC high-paying Go back and lead a design team to engage in the localization of AMC cars.

This kid did have a day in design, but the little guy did not only follow the two industrial design of Italy and Georgia Luo two years. Plus Chen Geng's help, nearly 10 years, now Xiaotang It is already one of the main leaders of the SAIC, and the SAIC can be described as a high weight.

If there is no such factor, Chen Li himself does not believe, but it is necessary to say that the brother's own ability is hard, that is, a loss: as one of the most important person in charge of the SAIC design department, if it is just a skirt relationship However, there is no two brushes in your hands, and how can you serve? That is one of the core departments of SAIC. It is not a place where the trade unions, the old agenda, and there is no problem in this place, but you can think that the main leadership of the design department in the design department, huh ... Can only say that you think more.

In the design department of the SAIC worked for so long, it would be too normal to do it independently.

Chen Ge hasn't spoken, Chen Hongjun is anxious: Others don't know what the car industrial design is going, but the son is doing this, how much knows how much.

I immediately shouted: "Are you doing it as soon as a car industrial design? Don't say anything else, do you have a right talent in your hand? Can you pull our customers?"

This is a big truth!

The automotive industrial design is different from other industries. This is a very professional, and it is very professional. It is very good-on-a-mouth industry. It belongs to typical drought, waterlogging, and the industry's top auto industry design companies such as Bini, such as Binny Faltina, more business can't get it, but those small design companies have basically not allowed to have three years - can have to support other income of the boss.

In the face of his old man's roar, the little brother is calm, and his hand booth: "I learned the auto industrial design, from graduation to now for nearly ten years, it is also this, you said, I am out of business Don't do this? "

Chen Hongjun said that he had to say something, Chen Geng swayed, and the comrades of Lao Chen will listen to himself.

Comrade Lao Chen still gave Chen Geng face, see Chen Geng to talk, although it can't, but it is still very giving to the face.

Looking at the little brother, Chen Li did not nod, and did not shook his head, but said: "There is no real car industrial design company in China. If you really can make this piece, you can not only create a career, but even Have the opportunity to become an authority in the domestic auto industrial design, but since it is doing this, you should know how difficult this is ... A small automotive industry design company also needs to be at least hundreds of people, large automotive industrial design companies such as Bo Tong, their design departments have three or four thousand people, how to pull enough business to feed so much mouth, you have to be clear.

I can take care of you, even if I take care of you, I have to take the procedure of the right track. If you don't meet this, I don't want to take care of you, this you should understand.

"I understand, involve the money, even if you are my brother, you can't give me the business before I didn't prove my ability to resist it."

The little girl nodded and said that he suddenly was sorry: "So, brother, I want to ask you something.

Chen Geng nodded: "Well, you said.

"Can you help me find a way to make money before this design center can earn money?"

The little brother smiled, his face was red, very embarrassed.

Chen Geng lost!

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