king of power

Chapter 1101 play with you

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Chen Hongjun didn't speak, but Yuan Jia was a bit of heart: "I really can have 3 million annual sales ..."

Chen Hongjun has a little doubt about Chen Geng, but Yuan Jia is different. For Chen Pai, she has no suspicion, Chen Geng said that when the annual sales of a country's passenger car market reached 1 million, Chen Geng said that when the annual sales size of a country's passenger car market reached 1 million The automobile manufacturers who have dinked by this market will be aimed at the localization of the user's group of users. Yuan Jia thinks that this statement is not: Yes, my home market is so big, you are not It is necessary to tailor us according to our needs - just like the new century sedan produced by AMC and SAIC, Shangqi's own said, in order to meet the needs of the domestic market, the vehicle wheel is 110 cm This is not to adapt to the transformation of localization.

At the beginning, this home cockroach was adapted to the new century, and the domestic passenger car was solder in the domestic passenger car? It is now 1.2 million a year, and it is also an automotive design and research and development center in Huaxia.

"Only a lot,"

Chen Mong smiled nodded: "In addition, I have an estimate that the automotive industry should have discovered the driving role of the automotive industry on the economics and technology of the whole country. The first two years is not officially released, allowing private to buy a small car, I estimate The country will be further released, which not only allows private to buy a small car, but also take a series of measures to promote the consumption of the car.

"You say ..."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Yuan Jia just opened a head, and the little bodies were in the same way: "I think our country has already opened this policy.

Yuan Jia immediately forgot what he had just said, surprised: "Hey? In foreign countries, can buy a car?"

Chen Jia, is of course a car, as the main leader of the Magical Guard Area, and Chen Hongjun has a unit provided by the ship and the security guard. As for Yuan Jia, although the unit did not provide a shipping, Chen Geng this hobby Can it still be wronged? Yuan Jia calcied that she was the first person with a private car with a private car. Her car is a new century of an automatic block - Chen Geng wants to get a better car for her old lady, but Yuan Yuan Don't do it.

The house in the home is a house in the guard area. The car is the car sent by this family. The wages of the two sons are basically not used. It is not necessary to worry about the house and the car. The concept of buying things is still in "one hand Money, one hand delivery "


The little brother staying abroad for several years, heard, immediately explained his old lady: "Of course, Mom, you don't know, foreign appliances such as foreign, large to the house, car, small to the refrigerator They can be paid in installments, and the reason why the automotive industry in Western countries can develop, and the installments have helped a lot.

Yuan Jia listened to the end, she never thought of loans, but she didn't eat fireworks, I know that I bought a large number of families is a big burden on the family, such as the earnest wage. Only three or forty dollars, a family must save the money for two or three years to buy a bicycle, but it is not enough to say that it is necessary to take the relatives and friends when it is. If you pay for your bicycle when you buy bicycles in your early years, don't you use people? It really understands this, Yuan Jiacai is amazing: "Chen Geng, you feel that the loan is buying a car ... What can we operate here?"

"Of course,"

Chen Potentials nod: "In fact, the company has no relevant policies in China, it is a shot ball, but our practices have been a few years, the effect is very significant, not only do not give the country, but let Banks have earned a lot, I have heard the news from the bank, it seems that banks are relatively positive for driving the automobile financial loan.


Yuan Jia should have, although she doesn't know how much money has been earned from this, but it is also a person in the system. If Chen Ge said is wrong, then the bank will definitely earn less by this car financial loan, otherwise It is not actively promoting this matter.

Thinking of this, she is getting more and more, and the son wants to do this automotive industry design company, but the premise is that the support of Chen Geng this family is only.

Thinking of this, Yuan Jia also didn't ask Chen Geng to fight the machine, "Chen Li, my scorpion, I will say it directly: Do you really feel that this auto industrial design company can do?"

"Yes, you can do it.

Chen Wanto nodded.

"Then you can get together your brother ..."

Yuan Jia's words have not been finished, and when they listen to their own prospects, let's play with myself, the little brother is not happy: "Mom, what do you say? Just my idea ..."

"shut up!

Yuan Jia's face sink: "Don't think that I don't know what you think, I will ask you, let me know that you can find enough funds to put this company, even if you really can drive this company, Can you find enough business to support this company? Or do you really plan to let you find a business to feed this car design company? Well? "

The face of the little church is one: "Hey ..."

Yuan Jia, I didn't get to my son's problem, continue: "You have not done a business, the same way, your brother can make money, you feel that you can make big money? If you give The business you are looking for can't make money. What do you want to do? Continue to make your brother to find a money to make money? "


The little brother is nothing to say, even though he is still not convinced, but he has to admit that his old lady is correct, people and people are different, the same business, their own comments, maybe big Earn ear, can be changed, not there is no possibility of losing the pants.

The little girl didn't talk, but Yuan Jia did not intend to end. In the past few years, the little son probably felt that he made money, it was a bit of a little down, and Yuan Jia always wanted to find a chance. "

This little child is, it is always a chance, now there is such a good opportunity, how can she miss it? : "Let another, there are such a few car production units in China. What makes people give you the business? If you are your cousin, you are you Chen Geng Ge?

Although I don't know how much design is also given to the car, I want to come to a few hundred or even more than 10 million, I have to have it before you didn't prove my own skills. What do people give you more money? "

As a couple lived under a pair of roofs, I heard that my mother said that, Chen Hongjun didn't understand Yuan Jia's meaning? Yuan Jia's voice fell, he followed his head: "Just!

Your mother is right, people give you such a big business? "

When I said this, he turned to look at Chen Geng and said: "Isn't it still on your brother?"


Poor little brother, this will be can't say by his old lady.

What can I say? Say yourself to pull business with the truth? What is the joke, SAIC, Beiqi, FAW, Diqi, Changan and other domestic large car manufacturing plants, which home does not have a cooperative relationship with his own? And I am thinking of these units, as for the country to pull business, I don't want to think about it, but if it is in the domestica, what can I pull to business? To put it bluntly, it is still not like the old lady of his old lady, leaning against his face.

So, let's talk about it, you can't get around you anyway.

It is Yuan Jia, and after seeing his son, after being trained by her husband, I took the words and said: "Chen Ming, since you said you also planned to engage in a car R & D center in China, can you bring your brother? ? Well, don't have to give him any shares, just give him a chance to exercise.

This is my mother, Chen Tong, I don't know what I mean in Yuan Jia. He smiled and said: "This way, I talk about my thoughts, you listen?"

Yuan Jiahe Chen Hongjun hurriedly nodd, even if the little brother is no exception, erect the ear wants to listen to what you want to say.

"I really have an idea to establish a complete, integrated car design, engineering implementation, and vehicle testing, and the entire project is about $ 100 million, but want to put This is made, you must pull a few partners, "

Chen Ge said: "Since the younger brother is also willing to do this, my initial idea is that I personally fund 50%, SAIC, Beiqi, FAW, Changan and Hafei, these companies with my cooperative relations, accounting for 45% shares, my younger brother With his team, it is based on technology and some funds, accounting for the last 5% of the shares, I don't know how you think? "

Chen Hongjun, Yuan Jia, and Xiaozhengsey have been shocked, rotary, they are excited!

They listened clearly, Chen Geng this hobby / Tang Ge will spend 100 million US dollars to build a comprehensive automotive industry design and R & D center, and to leave 5% of the shares for their own home, this does not mean yourself That investment has already seen $ 5 million? This is 5 million US dollars!

All the funds in his hand add up to less than 2.3 million RMBs, at the current 1: 8.

The exchange rate of 6 is equal to the money in his hand, and it is nearly 17 times.

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