king of power

Chapter 1103 is stupid

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This can be used as the heart of the hatred, he didn't think about this incident, how to make such a benefit of the boss? The idea of ​​the enemy is to combine this automotive industry design and R & D center into SAIC and AMC's cooperative project. Now I listen to Xiao Chen, and Chen Li has to play with other manufacturers. Eviers are aware that things are not so simple. : Chen Tong is just a lot about the right to avoid SAIC in this automotive industrial design and research and development center.

However, he is more understanding that Chen Li has this idea is too normal.

At the same time, the head is in the heart, and the enemy does not move the color: "That's 5%, Mr. Chen is ready to leave?"

"Leave me,"

In the face of the eyes of the hatch, Comrade Xiao Chen calm said: "My brother's meaning, after this design and R & D center, he wants me to go.

I will know this!

The answer of Xiao Chen's answer has not been unexpected, or this answer is in his expectation: people are this hometown brother, why not take care? Herd half-jokes said to Xiao Chen comrade: "There is Mr. Chen's illusion, I know that I can't nourish this big fish in this small pond.

"Don't say this,"

Xiao Chen commented on a white, hurriedly stood up, he was really scared by the hatred, who is the enemy? In the whole of the SAIC, his words are the monet, a word of Jiu Ding, although this is said to be said with the tone of the joke, but Xiao Chen is not dare to be a joke: "Yes, our SAIC has cultivated me, gave it. I have a talented stage, I have been stunned, I have been stunned, I'm always said, and Mr. Chen Gang also said. If this automotive industry design and R & D center can do, our SAIC is also shareholder, I am also there to us. Group service.

"Hahaha ..."

The enemy is very happy, but what is his heart thinking, he can only ask himself.

I sent it away, and the hatred calls, I watched Chen Ge in the phone. I used the tone of jokes to Chen Geng: "Mr. Chen, you don't mean it, you should engage in the car design and research and development center, you It should be told me directly ... I think you don't have to find someone else for safety, let's cooperate with two companies, how good ... Do you have time now?

I came over? "

If you can build this cooperative to build a car industrial design and research and development center, he swallowed .............................. Chen Li intends to set up a car industrial design and research and development center in China to cultivate China In the automotive industry, independent, self-developing news, in a short period of time, it has also passed to the ear of related leaders.

I heard this news, the leadership of the Ministry of Machinery is full of expectations, inquiring the situation in several companies such as FAW, SAIC, and determining that there is really this, Hu Liang comes to the magic.

Looking at a tiredness, it was obvious that last night didn't rest well, Chen Li was a bit surprised: "Old Hu, don't you use this?"

Despite the tiredness of a face, Hu Liang's eyes are bright, he is positive and said to Chen Geng: "This is not a fight, this is a rare opportunity of the rise of the China Auto Industry, Mr. Chen, some have a short bitight Your way does not take advantage of it, you can know how important you offer this automotive industry design and R & D center is how important the development and future of our Huaxia Auto Industry.

Donned, Hu Liangzheng said to Chen Geong: "Before, the leader said to me, please don't care about some eyes-shallow idiots, as long as you are really willing to engage in this automobile industry design and R & D center in China. No matter what kind of request you have, even if mentioned, we can meet, you can meet, and you will be trying to meet and cooperate!

Looking at the brightening, Hu Ling, Chen Geng can't help but shoot his head, a helplessness: "Hu Gong, we are also friends who know so many years, you still don't understand me? If I really got something, Do you think I will put this design and research and development center in China? Or, will I take the initiative? Let you take the initiative to ask me? "


Hu Liang stunned, then take a head: "Hey I am brain!

Yes, Hu Liang has finally reacted, the situation is really like Chen Ge said, if Chen people really got something, what he did this? As long as he discloses a little wind, no one is pondering? Can you still have his benefits? It is myself, it is a small person.

When I think of this, Hu Liang's expression suddenly got a lot: "Mr. Chen, I think about it ... Hey, in this matter, what do you think of do you need to cooperate with?"

"If you say this ..."

Chen Ge thought, asked Hu Liang: "I am a preliminary cooperation method, do you know?"

Hu Liang nodded: "Well, know."

This situation, of course he is clear.

"This cooperation, voluntary,"

Chen Ge said: "I hope that the ministry should not give all kinds of pressures. Everyone is willing to cooperate, come to consolidate, unwilling or funding, we don't barely.


Hu Liang heard his mouth, and his face was incredibly looked at Chen Li: He proposed such a condition? Chen Geng is then said: "As for companies that are temporarily unwilling to participate, they don't delay our cooperation in the future. If they will be more recognized by our design and R & D center, they are willing to entrust us to develop some Models, or testing certain models, we also welcome, in short, the market's things, we use the market's means to solve.


After a while, Hu Yancai shook his head and shook his head: "Mr. Chen, you are really ..."

He didn't know what to say at a time, no doubt, if you really say that Chen Wong said, everyone voluntarily, the pressure in the department is much smaller - before this, the leaders of the department have been With the idea, if Chen Mong insisted, the department will organize these companies to fund, and did not expect Chen Li, which has already thought of it, actively put forward voluntary participation.

Chen Mong smiled and said: "Business This thing is reluctant to come, everyone has its own plans, and everyone will always have a chance to cooperate in the future.

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