king of power

Chapter 1106, Encelon

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"Qiu Dynasty, you are the old director of our magic,"

Huang Wenlong said in an urgent, even the enemies before the first hand of the first hand: "This automotive industry design and research and development center are very important to the development and level of the Magic Automotive Industry, you can't Regardless of.

Eviers blink: "Yeah, since you all know this car industrial design and research and development center for our magic, it is very important to our SAIC, then why do you not batch the land?"

"This one……"

Huang Wenlong and Xu Xiang are both right.

They remembered one thing, people who have to participate in Chen Geng's car design R & D center, Pu D refused Chen Tong, it is equivalent to refused to refuse SAIC, and standing on the position of SAIC They certainly hope that Chen Geng's investment is the more advanced, the more developed, the more developed, the better and better equipment facilities, the previous small abacus, is equal to the neck of the card.

As a hand of the SAIC, the enemy can give him a good face. It is very difficult to see it. I still want to persuade the enemy to help myself. What do you think!

Two people are unhappy.

Huang Wenlong and Xu Xiang just got away, Encelihood called Chen Geng's mobile phone, smiling: "Mr. Chen, the old yellow and old Xu, who just pu D, came here.


For the phone of Evie, Chen Geng is not a smile, and the same smiles: "How? Qiu Dynasty, is this, do you plan to help?"


If you don't hesitate to say the words: "We are also the shareholders of this automotive industry design and R & D center you have to engage in, this design and research and development center are of course, the closer, the closer. The more the equipment facilities, the better, Pu D's guys, but also remembered that I will help them talk, it is simply dreaming!

Evil is also an attitude toward Chen Geng in this way.

Chen Geng listened to the heart of the heart, SAIC is too true to be treated by the Germans, see how positive in the heart of this will Take a look at the SAIC in the history of the same time, ... Just a face.

He said that after Chen Geng, he then explained to Chen Geong asked Chen Ge: "Mr. Chen, I want to say, you will put this design center in our magic, it is, for the land, you don't have to worry , I am guaranteed to do properly, what do you think? "

"This ... I will consider it again,"

Chen Geng did not reject it directly, but the words: "After all, I have to consider the opinions of other shareholders, and see what kind of conditions can be given elsewhere.

I heard Chen Li and said that the enemy wanted to be : The guys in Pu D also slammed the Soso, but did not think that people did not consider whether to consider this pen. Investment falls in your pu D ... a bunch of idiots, do you have never thought about it, one but can persuade Chen Geng to put this design and research and development center in Pu D, how much promotion can be played for your pump D. Can you play a role in driving, can you play a lot of attraction? A group of one leaf barrier does not see the stupidity of Taishan!

I don't know how to use it. I changed to Laozi is the leader of Pu D. Lao Zinne can give this land free of charge to Chen Geng, and it is necessary to find a way to stay.

In my heart, I can take into account the interests of SAIC. The work should be done, and I will advise: "Mr. Chen, you don't say it, you have to invest 50%, count Xiao Chen's 5%, still With this part of our SAIC, even other partners oppose, our shares can accounted for more than 60% of the total share capital, as long as we can reach a consistent, other comrades ... um, we will compensate for other places. Let's believe that they can also understand, since this, just put it in our magic, how do you see? "

Chen Geng once again declined.

What is joke? The leaders of the magic have not found themselves. Why do you want to go up? As for whether you must put this design center in the magic problem, if the magic has attitudes enough, it is actively striving, it is of course good, but if the magic has, you don't worry, you don't get angry. let it go.

Hanging up the phone, I'm touched Chen Li's cold attitude, and the enemy bite his teeth, told the Secretary: "Bare, I want to go to the city Z, see the big boss.

The secretary is anxious when you are: "will!"

The boss, there is a will wait for you.


Evil is not angry: "When did it, still sitting?!

.............................. When you feel the city Zfu, the big boss Wu Weidong is working, but the secretary of the big boss will see Wu Weidong so rushing, and the heart is jumping, and I am busy welcome: " Boss, you are ... Is there something? "

"Isn't there something,"

Evien, todped up: "A project for at least a twenty-twenty billion, say goodbye to our magic, do you say this is big?"

"More than ten million items?"

The secret was shocked, hurriedly said: "Qiu Bo, don't scare me, what is it?"

Evil did not look at the secret: "Do you think I will joke with you?"

"Hey ... that can't, but you always give me a statement?"

The above asked: "Otherway, how do I report to the big boss?"

This is also!

Eviers were slightly sinking, saying: "It is the car industrial design and research and development center of Chenmong, I found that the strategic vision of individual comrades is slightly, and I don't realize that such a car industrial design and research and development center for us. How big is the driving role of the Magic, and it is still in the search for this small abacus. It does not see this from the global and long-term strategic height.

This is a matter of this car industry design and research and development center, which is ready to engage in Chen Geng, is of course known, but this will, he thinks that Eviers have a little speech: but it is a design and research and development center, and then strategically How strategy? How globally can you have? However, the status of SAIC in the city is not average, it is the eye beads in the city, baby cockroach, since the enemy attaches this thing, you can't do it properly - the secret is very clear, on the big boss In the eyes, this secretary can not be important.

Slightly alleged, the secret smiled and nodded: "Cheng, then I will report to the big boss, you will wait for the boss.

The virgin: "Thank you."

.................. Unlike the metamorphosis, Wu Weidong attaches great importance to this matter of Evie.

As for the reason? SAIC is the money bag of the magic, the money bag pays attention to the matter, you said that the city Z government does not pay attention to? This logic is fine.

Wu Weidong did not sell Guan Chi, and asked Directive to Ence: "Just Xiao Wang briefly gave me the situation, I didn't understand this thing, the old hatred, you are the car industry, then you tell me How much does it cost to invest in such a car industrial design and research and development center with a vehicle test site? "

Wu Weidong does not hide yourself not to understand this.

"I don't know very well, this is different from people,"

Encelik said: "However, it takes a total of 6 billion investments in the main assembly, and the total investment in Dingyuan Automobile Test Site takes 6 billion, in the past few years with price and raw materials. The increase in costs, the total investment in Dingyuan Automobile Test Site has been adjusted to 7.

2 billion, but this is just a car test site, there is no ability to design and develop, if this is added, the investment amount is even twice, and after this test site, it will become the only one in China. Design, automotive development, subsystem testing, car basic research and development center for vehicle testing.

Wu Weidong immediately grabbed the key numbers: "That is to say, there is almost 15 billion investment?"

"Is at least,"

Encycloped Correct: "And it is the only country, some projects can only be done here, others can only ask Chen Geng to help.

"Oh ... this way ..."

Wu Weidong nodded: This is the shoe pulling - a single copy.

"It's still more than money,"

Encyclopedia explained: "If Chen Geng wants this automotive industry design and R & D center can get up, we have the potential to hold the ears of Huaxia in the automotive industry. The whole Huaxia is in the automotive industry, electronic electrical industry , Material industry, instrumentation industry ... Almost all talents with the automotive and related industries will gather our magic, this design and R & D center may not have a direct benefit, but he produces the sorrow and therefore It is very amazing.

Hearing the enemy said that Wu Weidong's expression finally became serious: "Comrade Evie, you didn't joke?"

If Evil is true, the city must really attach great importance to Chen Pi's project.

Welming Wu Weidong's serious eyes, Evil Tao: "My personal speech may be somewhat too, but the city can ask the Social Science Institute or any other institution to evaluate this project, see how these professional institutions look at this project ... I will say a little first, because I highly optimistic about the future of this project, I have strive to get SAIC to get more shares in this project.


Wu Weidong no longer talk, began to sink.

If the enemy's words, they can't believe, but as he said before, Encyclopedia is the industry insiders, is the people who know the car throughout the magic, his words, his judgment, his conclusion, no one dare not pay attention.

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