king of power

Chapter 1110, the livelihood problem of farmers brothers

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Liu Dagn is that there is a heart that he wants to stay in Chen Mong today. It can know that Chen Tong will not only go to Turi to pay attention to the Simulation of Jacques-130, which is going to do, but also go back to the US to participate in the campaign. He has no way to refuse.

In order to let Chen Geng have an intuitive impression on the next few regions, the mountain city also deliberately borrowed a helicopter to the Rongcheng Military Region, so convenient to see how the terrain of these places can be visually visually visually visually visually visually visually visually visually see from the sky. It is, the plane sent by Rongcheng Military Region is not just the mid-17 helicopter that has just been equipped, but the straight -9 helicopter produced by Shangfei Group.

However, although the internal space of straight-9 is not large, it is a 4-ton light helicopter, which is sufficient to meet this task requirements.

In order to be able to stay in Chen Geng's project, the mountain city is still very placed, in seeing the second address prepared by the mountain city: When the mountain cushion @ , Liu Dawen borrowed At the empty file of Chen Mong, the whisper said to Chen Geng: "Mr. Chen, the province intends to expand the scale of the Sichuan aeroades, ready to purchase 4 to 6 jet civil aviation aircraft.

Chen Geng looked at Liu Dagan. He understood that this is to exchange: If you are willing to use this automotive industry design and research and development center, the car vehicle test site is placed in us, and we will not forget to return you.

This idea of ​​Ba Tu, of course, there is no problem, Chen Mong will not be angry, he nodded: "To add a new aircraft? It seems that Sichuan Airlines have developed good in the past few years.


Liu Dawang followed him: "According to the data given by the Sichuan Airlines leadership team, according to the momentum of the moment, there is a maximum of two to three years, Sichuan Airlines can basically turn the lights, and walk on the normal development track.

"This is a good thing. For our aviation equipment manufacturing companies, we are the fast lanes that are not in the development of these airlines, which have entered the development.

Chen Ge said that the topic suddenly turned, and he asked Liu Dagan: "But, Mr. Liu, I will ask me to go to Rongcheng to turn a circle."

"This ... how to say ..."

Liu Da looked hard.

"What should I say, how to say it,"

Chen Mingxiao said: "What else can't be said?"

"It's also, it doesn't have anything,"

Liu Daliang should have a sound, anyway, it will not say that some people will say, since this, then what is so hesitized: "Some leaders in the province, of course, I hope you can go to Rongcheng to see, The attitude towards this thing is not very clear, as long as your project can stay in our Bashu, where is it actually the same.

"That is not the same,"

Chen Geng lightly shook his head: "Although Rongcheng is not bad, but industrial is still a little bit, it is your mountain city, there is a base and formation of industrial gathered in Chang'an Auto, from the development of automotive industries From a perspective, the mountain city is obviously more appropriate.

But ... "

The topic turned, Chen Geng said: "It is very advantageous in the precision machining, but not only the flying plant is in Rongcheng, but the engine division of our Shangfei Group is also the original Chengsheng Factory, except for the plane. Engine, our motorcycle has also developed in the past two years, if it is placed on Rongcheng, it is not a consideration ... "

While talking, Chen Li's observation of Liu Daliang's reaction.

And Liu Daliang, although I know that Chen Li is in this way to put pressure on himself, give him a bigger benefit, but he really doesn't dare to go: Yes, Rongcheng is not there. Manufacturing, but people are still very powerful in motorcycle manufacturing, worshiping the motorcycle production company formed by the domestic economy in the past few years, Shangfei Group has been able to build the motorcycle production company that is based on the three-year company of the old-year-old factory. Production of 100cc, 125cc, 150cc, 250cc, and 350CC five displacements of motorcycle engines and two-wheeled motorcycles, two-wheeled pedal motorcycle, three-wheeled motorcycle and passenger three-wheeled motorcycle and other various Different uses, different positioning motorcycle products.

In addition to the two-wheeled cross-routing motorcycle and two-wheeled pedal in the province of Ba Tu and the provinces along the Yangtze River Basin, their cargo three-wheeled motorcycle and passenger three-wheeled motorcycle is also greatly affected. Welcome, especially the passenger three-wheeled motorcycle, even in Rongcheng, Mountain City is the economically developed place in the province of Baku Province, and is also used by many private or company procurement as a taxi in the city, non-So, even quite quite Part of the Southeast Asian countries and African countries have become the source of stable export in Pakistan Province. You said that this is to say?

Therefore, from the perspective of Liu Daliang, he will benefit the official, he certainly hopes that Chen Li can put this automotive industry design and R & D center in the mountain city, but if Chen Li finally chose Rongcheng, He will not feel unexpected - Rongcheng, some people are in the industry.

However, although the heart is not playing drum, but can't be so good, Liu Dad is right: "Of course, Rongcheng has their advantages, but their biggest disadvantages are no my own automotive industry, this is Nothing Rongcheng. The way compared with our mountain city ... of course, I believe that the sincerity of the mountain city is also the sincerity of Rongcheng.

Chen Geng smiled, did not speak, but looked at this small hill in front of him: Didn't remember the wrong, this place is where Changan Auto burst into a car test site, but unfortunately this land is not very flat. , The words come back, the entire Bayu area is a typical "land without Sanlit"

It is not easy to find such a relatively flat land.

The sincerity of the mountain city can also be seen that the mountain city is the most developed city in the southwest, can not be built on the hill? Looking at Chen Geng in this small hill, although I don't know what Chen Geng's mind thinks, Can Liu Dathang immediately introduced to Chen Geng, and there are not many people, if you decide to put the test stop here. The cost of relocation and personnel resettlement will be very low ... "

"It's that is right, but in turn, it means that the living conditions here will be more difficult because it is far from the mountain city.

Chen Geng shook his head, obviously not very recognized by Liu Daging.

The alternative address given by the mountain city is far away from the main city of the mountain city. Even if it is also nearly 130 kilometers from the nearest Jiangbei District, there is no highway around the mountain city, 130 kilometers away ... ...,, ..


Liu Dagan's face: You said this, let me not pick up.

Cough, Liu Da Liang said: "This ... Although the conditions here are really hard, but only more than a more than 10 kilometers of roads, they can connect to national roads, from national roads to our mountain city main city. Far.

In addition, although it is far apart, we have a discount, and Mr. Chen, you don't have to make a penny, no matter how many plains needed by Mr. Chen, we will give it a free gift!

As long as you try to place these farmers who have lost these lost land ... "

When it comes to the problem of the peasant affected by this project, Chen Yuan suddenly realized that he hadn't neglected a question before, and he quickly asked Liu Dagang: "If this project falls in Huangsha Township, it is affected by this project and lost land. How many people are there? "

"This is not very sure, you have to see how big the land is finally taken up."

Liu Dagan looked at Chen Geng and continued: "Before the location, we refer to the entire vehicle test site of Qiong Province, @ and Dingyuan Automobile Test Site, the area of ​​the automobile test site of Qiong The smallest, only less than 1050 mu, the area of ​​@ 200 is large, there are 2902 mu, the largest scale of Dingyuan Automobile Test Site, there is more than 10,000 mu ... "

Said here, Liu Dagn is slightly slightly, and looks to Chen Li.

Chen Geng "Oh ..."

I said: "You will say.

"So, refer to these three automotive test sites, we found that you want to meet your requirements, three or four thousand acres of footprints may not work, minimum is 5,000 mu, if the land area of ​​5000 acres is 8,000 acres To count, there is approximately 3,000 to 4,500 farmers affected by this project.

3,000 to 4,500 people, this time, people in the Basu area are more advocated, and in the high-pressure environment of domestic family planning, the Bayu area is a very famous super-living area in China. One of the three or four children are very normal, even It is an average of 2 children. This means that there is almost 1,000 families will lose their own land. About 2000 adult men and women lose their sources of life. At least 2,000 minors have no income since the home has no income source. drop out.

Therefore, this problem is very serious, you must solve it. If you choose this place, you must ensure that these people who have affected them will live better because of their own emergence.

Thinking of this, Chen Ming's heart is a bit heavy, he doesn't want to be poke ridge bones behind people, and don't want to be in the local people after several years: "For this 3000 to 4500 people future livelihood, you are ready to arrange ? Isn't it going to push it like this? "

After listening to Chen Li, Liu Dathang immediately understood that now is a key time, Chen Tong is very important to this issue!

Although he does not understand why Chen Li will care about these people's future livelihood issues, he can answer himself on this issue, and the ten eight-nine will determine whether Chen Tong will fall in the mountain city.

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