king of power

Chapter 1112, Heaven, Heaven

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Chen Tie only knows that among agriculture fertilizers, the price of ammonium bicarbonate is the lowest, the manufacturing is also lowered, and urea is not only higher than the carbonate, but the manufacturing cost is also high, but Chen Li did not expect to build a The price of urea production lines is so expensive ... "How much?"

When I heard the situation coming to himself, Chen Li felt that her mind was a bit unhappy.

"An annual production of 100,000 tons of urea and 6.

50,000 tons of synthetic ammonia hydraulic pulp gasification urea devices, approximately 400 million, if they count other supporting projects such as land, infrastructure and supporting power plants, and need 5 billion.

Reni Taylor's face is comparable to his boss, and it is poor, "the boss, you are probably being puddled"

Written on the face.

Without Ri Ni Taylor, Chen Li also felt that he was draped by Liu, his face had a burst of pickers: I will let you help you find a project, and the more than 1,000 resettlement will lose it. The farmers of the land, what do you make a special project to get 500 million projects? !

It is Rie Larn Taylor, and then said: "But BOSS, I think you can do this project.


One listening to Ri Ni Taylor said that this project can be done, Chen Geng immediately pressed the unhappy, asked: "How do you say?"

"First, one, water washing coal-water urea production requires a lot of coal, and the power plant with this urea production line also requires coal to power generation, and the coal reserves of the mountain city is good, although there is no way to have Huaxia's mountain @ Comparison, but satisfying a 100,000-ton water washing coal gasification urea production line is completely pediatric, "

Riener Taylor is a full preparation: "That is to say, urea produces the most important raw material problem, solved.

"Well, is there?"

"There is also what I learned about the demand for urea and synthetic ammonia in Huaxia. Let's say it, you can use 'far from supplying in short supply. As long as it is produced, you can't sell it at all, in order to understand the province of Baku Province. The fertilizer market, I specially understood that another famous chemical enterprise in the province is in the province of chemical enterprises. Turi is a natural gas chemical production enterprise in @ , Ba Gu, one of them, one of them is fertilizer. .

The current situation in Turi is, the purchase of goods to pick up the goods!

Queue ah, BOSS, just buy a chemical fertilizer, can you imagine buyers who come to purchase with cash still need to queue? "

Speaking here, Rynry Taylor is not excited by autonomy, and it is not a bit of a fanatic light in his eyes: "It is like this, Turihua is still not satisfied, they have a special handling company, no matter who purchase The portable work of the corresponding product must be handed over to this handling company under Turihua, or the conveyor team to carry out the corresponding handling. Of course, you can imagine that the handling price of this shipment is not cheap, but even Yes, in order to get your own fertilizers as soon as possible, those buyers will fight for the hand of the transport team and the handling station ... God, I seem to be crazy!

It is exaggerated, which can grow up with Rynch Taylor, which has grown up in the United States. Taylor, never seen such a crazy scene, I really can't accept it.

I took a deep breath, she said with her face: "So, BOSS, as long as we can build this urea and synthetic ammonia production line, you can't sell it, you don't have to do anything, just lying at home, money The source is constantly flocked into your home ... "

Chen Geng Ming Bai Li Ni Taylor's meaning: "So you think this project can be done?"

"It's not to be done, it is what we must think about it,"

Riener Taylor bite the teeth said: "I think 100,000 tons of urea production line is too small, considering that Turihua may bring our pressure and obstruction in this process, we must make this project into the province And even the high-rise in Huaxia is paying attention to, the product impact and the ultra project of the entire Yangtze River basin ... "

Ok, Reni Taylor finally remember who was her boss, secretly looked at Chen Geng and sneaked after Chen Geng did not have a dissatisfaction, she bite her Dao: "We can divide this project into three Period, ultimately built a super factory for producing 300,000 tons of urea and at least 540,000 tons of synthetic ammonia. Only in this way, the leaders of Ba Gu will escort our project.

If you really want to do this super-large chemical project, the land snake turmoil is, no matter how it can't be avoided, for this, Chen Geng is very clear, and he is more understanding, don't look at Turky The production capacity is not filled with the entire Bayu province, but this is not a problem. When Tianhua, I will see Bahun as my own basics, and it is impossible to allow you to come in and insert a bar, divide it.

If you don't plan to get involved in the chemical industry, I am afraid I will be cautious when I am in my own, but I dare to put my hand into the field of chemicals, especially agricultural chemical products, and I will be crazy. In this way, how to ensure that the rebound that presses the sky is very important - fortunately, I know that I will listen out from the province of Baku, and become the direct government directly under the central government. I didn't have a curse.


Chen Geng didn't speak, he thought about four or five minutes before he said to Riener Taylor: "That is to say, Mr. Liu and Mountain City have introduced us a good business?"

Riener Taylor Head: "It is a good business that is good.

Chen Mong did not set up, and asked again: "But we don't have chemical industry experience, what should I do?"

The courage of Rynry Taylor is big enough, immediately said: "Before you take over AMC, there is no experience in such a large car manufacturing company; you have not operated such a large high-tech before the establishment of a data research company. The company's experience; now you have no experience in big chemicals, this is indeed a problem, but in my opinion, this is nothing to do, as long as you have money, you have to have money, you can recruit enough In the chemical industry, there is a rich and experienced talents with rich technical experience and management experience, you can make you make money.

"Oh ... this,"

Chen Geng thought: "Give me a detailed analysis report.

Ri Larn Taylor immediately agreed to the sky: BOSS is moving.

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