king of power

Chapter 1116 passed a fertilizer year

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This industry has no relationship with himself, and the enthusiasm is very different. For example, although everyone knows that the annuity of the urea project is completed, the entire Bayu area will benefit, you can know that you are also willing. Strive to this, but there is no "this is my home industry"

The feeling, enthusiasm and initiative is still a little bit, and when Chen Geng said that it is not more than 20% of the shares to buy money to buy money, although there is no proportion of specific shares and officials. Our minds are very different: in this project, there is our shares!

Self-care, after leaving from Chen Geong here, Liang Daxie told the Secretary: "Contact the Provincial Mine Bureau, Provincial Geological Department, Provincial Earthquake Administration, let them choose Mr. Chen Mi as soon as possible The few addresses were surveyed and determined whether it was suitable for buildings.

Oh, tell them, I want to see the results in the shortest time.

"Okay, I will arrange it right away.

The Secretary noted his speed on the speed of the speed, and he responded.

"Also, contact with the Lan @ ,"

Liang Da, also told: "Ask them to transplant Ulu@mu 500,000 tons of urea project to the feasibility of our side, do you need to modify, if you need to modify, how big is the amount of engineering, probably take more time carry out?"

As for the problem of cost, Liang Dai is no problem.


The secretary should again.

"As for your mountain city,"

Liang Daxie looked at Zhong Cong and Liu Dagiang, and he waved: "Since Mr. Chen is ready to put this project in your mountain city, you are the biggest beneficiary of this project, just don't play the idea of ​​this 20% shares. This part of the shares are all in the province.

"How is this?"

Zhong Cong Jun and Liu Datun suddenly anxious: Your Liang Da is our boss, but even if you are boss, can you so strong? Although our mountains are indeed the biggest beneficiary of this project, this year, whoever still eats two meat? Zhong Congjun can not take care of the other party is his head, the neck is a stalk: "Liang S, I know that you are thinking about the people of the mountains, I want to help us reduce some burden, in fact, you can don't have to, our mountain city people hope Mr. Chen's project is also looking forward to for a long time, for the mountains, more than 2 million father, old villagers, as long as Mr. Chen is willing, all the questions are not a problem.

And we also know that the financial situation in the province is more difficult. Please rest assured that our mountain city is anxious to organize, and we want to organize what we want, our mountains are willing to help the province to bear half of the shares.

Zhong Cong Jun is a big mouth, it will go to 10% of the entire project.

Liang Daxie suddenly laughed: this Zhong Cong Jun, it is really that, biting it will not be willing.

"Half is impossible,"

Face, Liang Dao said: "You can only give you one-fifth, which is 4% of the total shares, the remaining shares, there will be other arrangements in the province.

"4%? This is too little?"

Zhong Congjun's face was bitter: "Is it not 8%?"

Liang Dab is not polite at all: "Do not bargain!


The so-called blue @ , ie Sinopec General Dalen @ , predecessor is the Fifth Design Institute of Chemical Industry, is one of the units in China to take the unit of petrochemical design, 10 years later, Sinopecland @ The whole system migrated to Ningbo, and the rescheduled reorganization of the Sinopec's Third Construction Company was reorganized, which is a well-deserved fist-level enterprise in the field of petrochemical design in my country.

But now, the days of the Lan @ is more bitter.

The unit will be more bitter in the unit of the petrochemical system? This is said that there is no one to believe that petrochemicals, in China's state-owned enterprises, but also in terms of tobacco, salt and other countries and the absolute monopoly units can be connected to the petrochemical system, even so, tobacco and Strictly no way to compare with petrochemicals - human petrochemical systems have a lot of foreign exchange.

We all we all know that before 1993, China is still a crude oil exporter. Since it is an export crude oil, it will naturally earn back the dollar. Although the inventory of the petrochemical system earned back will pay the country, but the theory is just Theoretical, the landlord's long workers have to cut two pounds of pork when they have been holiday, and they have brought two hearts to send past. Do not say that the petroleum chemical system is the owner of the landlord, so how can I make this home? A strong pro-child is wronged? Right? So the hand of the petrochemical system masters a lot of foreign exchange.

This year, there is a sentence to describe some of the good units called "farting oil pants"

But this is used to describe the petrochemical system is absolutely inappropriate because people don't have to "fart" at all.

In the crotch, it is also oil, but unfortunately, these are nothing to do with the Lan @ .

Specifically, no matter what system, the design unit is the most important thing, the day is the strongest, just like the blue @ , although they helped the company to design Uru @ This 500,000-ton urea project of the fertilizer plant, but did not get how many bonuses - Your company is the head office, all of the country, do you have to live? It's a bit bonus to think about it. What do you want? what? Want to do two dormitory buildings? !

Siapi is rolling with Laozi!

Simply, this is to complete the overall design of Ulu@mu second fertilizer plant 500,000 tons of urea projects, the treatment of the Lanza State Design Institute.

But what is it ended? How to have such a good thing, according to the previous design of the Lan @ , the entire project will take about 10 months, that is, the poor Lan @ not only doesn't have much bonus, but also I have to stare on the site of the construction site to ensure that there is nothing in the period.

So naturally, I can understand that as the Land @ received a joint from the name of Chen Ming and Pakistan, asked if the Ulu@mu second fertilizer plant 500,000 tons of urea project in addition When a local overall **, and the letter expressed the willingness to bear the corresponding design costs, how excited up and down in the Lan @ : Not only the dormitory is, maybe you can send 10 pounds of pork !

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