king of power

Chapter 1118 Chen Shaoshan persuaded his wife

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Until, I came out from Chen Geng, and Chen Xiaoshan, who had been dizzy. Chen Xiaoshan did not respond: I have a deputy director of the former Capital Animal Husbandry Research Institute, and now it is an annual output of 500,000 tons of agricultural urea and 29.

The main person in charge of the domestic large chemical base of 50,000 tons of synthetic ammonia? He smashed the brain, um, still a little unreal feeling.

By the way, I will report a phone call, report the situation, and I am worried about my wife ... After I pick up the phone, I haven't come to clean up. I rushed to take the suitcase. At the time, I didn't I know what the boss is frightened.

Chen Xiaoshan took a head and hurried out the mobile phone to his wife. "Dai fuck, is me."

Listening to Chen Hanshan didn't seem to be nervous, the people in the phone seem to have a breath, even quickly asked: "What is the old man? What is going on? Your boss is so hurried to call you in the past, what is it? thing?"

In the phone, she is really not good. "Do you make a mistake in Chen Hill?"

In this case, I will ask them directly.

"It's a good thing,"

Listening to the wife's urgent sound, Chen Hill smiled: "It is really a good thing.


The person at the phone will not talk, waiting for Chen Hill to say.

"It's such a thing, the boss is preparing to build a large chemical base in the mountain city, an annual output of 500,000 tons of agricultural urea and 30 tons of synthetic ammonia."

I know that my wife is worried, Chen Hill gives her explained: "You also know how big the business of our boss, people can't keep it here, and I feel that my ability is good, I will ask me that I will not be willing to stare at this. Stream ... This is the case, it is time to point, the boss will go to Tuyao immediately, I have to come over as soon as possible, so I didn't say it too clearly.

"It's okay, it's okay, but I am scared to me.

Until this moment, Chen Hill's love talent in the phone was completely put back into his stomach, and he took a breath.

Chen Xiaoshan smiled: "Hehe ... I said, you are purely, what kind of person isn't you not?"

It is the lover of Chen Hanshan to react, "Hey ... no, this way, what do you do now? How to get it?"

"Of course, I will have to pay out, I can't always occupy the position of the location ..."

"Isn't you staying in the mountain city all year round?"

I realized that I have been 50 years old, I have to pass the life of the husband and wife. Chen Hanshan's lover suddenly anxious: "I said what is your call? This is going to retire people, but I have started the family. Is it? No, I have to talk about your boss ... "

"What is said?"

When I listened to my wife, I was in a hurry. He stepped away and slamming the sound on the side: "Our boss said, the annual salary is now 400,000 annual salary, the other year The reimbursement quota and bonuses, welfare is also this number, this is 800,000, plus normal usage every year, at least 1 million, 1 million!

Your old lady doesn't understand what this means? "


The phone of Chen Hanshan, who is the phone, is really being hired: the year income of the old man has increased by 2000,000? !

In 1994, the per capita salary of the people was also three or four hundred yuan. The officials in the capital area can be considered a positive level of leading cadres. The salary of a month is about seven or eight hundred yuan. It is 10,000 a year. Even if you have a variety of benefits and ushered in all, you can have a five or six thousand things in a year. The average is 5000 every month. It is 200,000 for your family. !

Her Nene has two sounds, I want to say something, but I feel that there is nothing to breathe: 1 million a year, the annual income is on the top of the past 20 years, there is such a good thing, I don't know how many leading cadres in the capital can break. Head, if you are not following Chen Dabao, can this good things be forwarded? This truth, Chen Hanshan's love is actually understanding, but she is not willing to be a bit unhappy, and the mutter is said: "If you say it is right, but you have not earned it, then you are so big. , Preparation is also so tired for the project ... "

"Otherwise, what is the boss give me so much money?"

Chen Hill interrupt his wife's words and said: "Take again, the general manager of a large chemical base, say that it is better to do a broken strike?"


Chen Hill's words are the most sensitive place in the heart of the lover. It is quite good in the early years. Sino-foreign joint ventures, I don't know how many people don't know how to envy my boss, but it is different from the past two years. In the development of Huaxia's economy, the eyes of the people of the capital are also improved, and the automotive dismantling company is also from "foreign companies".

Changed "demolished"

Although Lao Chen's money is not earn less, people around you see that their eyes are not the same, and the envy of the envious eyes will gradually be less than ten years. She is very uncomfortable at high height, and when she is in the words of the old Chen, Chen Hanshan's lover suddenly thinks that this work is not bad? It is too much to at least listen to it.

"This ... I didn't say anything. What is not? What is your fierce?"

I love yourself to find the stairs: "I don't understand anyway, I don't understand, but I will ask you, you have worked in the mountain city, how long can you come back once? In addition, when can you adjust? "

"This is exactly what I want to tell you,"

I have already laughed at Chen Xiaoshan, waiting for my own boss: "The boss means that you have already retired now, and the children have already become a family, have their own stalls, simply you also follow I am coming to the mountain city.

"I went to the mountain city with you?"

Chen Hanshan's lover is a bit surprised: "What do I go to the mountain city? And say ..."

"After you come over, I will go directly to the company's union,"

If you haven't worried, Chen Xiaoshan interrupted her: "You still don't know if there is something, saying something, it's okay, anything is nothing. Leisurely, the most important thing is what you come, and it is convenient to take care of me ... So I am so busy all day, I am full of hunger.

"Hey ... this ..."

Chen Hanshan's lover suddenly hesitated.

If you just let yourself go to the mountain city to give your wife a meal, you can't accept it every day, she can't accept it, but if I go to the mountain city, I will not only be with my wife, but I can have a free job, this is very Have a temptation.

The most important thing is that your wife is the highest person in charge of this project, the people around you can pay attention to yourself, respect? I don't have to suffer from the birds of those who are long, so I think it doesn't seem to be a big deal away from the children.

But when you grandmother, I think about it. "I have passed by ... I don't do it, what can I do if I have a boss and old children? Here children can be delivered every day.

"It's coming to say this, the old children are nine years old, the old children are eight years old, and the two five or six pounds of small meats have been brought so big, their grandfather How many days? "

Chen Hanshan had a good time for himself. It is not a day two days. When it comes to this, the sound is big. "If they are the field, it is not convenient to come, I am not unrelenting people. However, the distance between the two people with the children is more close than our family, but the children are so big, they are giving their children a year of money or bought two new clothes for their children ... "

Chen Hanshan's lover hurriedly interrupted his words: "Is this not a good job?"

Chan Mountain is more angry: "It's okay, how is the economic condition of our family, can we bought them? Their houses, the furniture, those who don't pay for it? Two stinky children come back every time I don't want to enter the village with the devil. I heard that every time I took it from my home, I have been taken back to my family by the two daughter-in-law. Do you have a human truth? Also, the two respect Does the child have a fat effort? They are also people who go to work in the government department, where is the economic conditions? As soon as they bought new clothes for their children, they gave the money money money? In my opinion, Just!

According to me, don't worry, come to the mountain city with me, I don't believe that we have to help them, you have to starve - the two mixed children are also blends, one meter big one can't fall to their own wife, It's a shameful person!

To put it, Chen Hanshan's dissatisfaction is really two days from his own family: our conditions are good, and it is necessary to help the children, we are so big, what is so much? use? Not all used in children.

If you don't do this, you must not say anything when you are in a real family, you can clearly have a good thing to be a good thing, that is, you won't be a person.

Not only is Chen Xiaoshan's heart, but in fact, Chen Hanshan's lover is not angry. Of course, what is the two family doing? Is there anything in myself? The two grandchildren were 10 years old, and they did not cross the new clothes bought by my grandfather. You said that she can be happy when her grandmother's heart: Is there such a grandfather? Now I am so embarrassed by Chen Mountain. She couldn't help but remember the broken things in these years. It is also a belly of a belly. I immediately took the thigh: "Cheng, then I am too late for two years ... I don't give them two Buy a car and let them pick up the child.

Her feelings are still in their hearts, and they also hoped that they both children be harmonious.

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