king of power

Chapter 1122 surprised?

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"It doesn't matter if you are in peace,"

Secretary Wang Anwen explained to Chen Hanshan: "Mainly, we have chosen these places to be relatively remote, whether there is no detailed geological information in these regions in the province or mountain city, want to understand some time ... Hey, is I am not right? "

In the back, Wang Anwen can't say it, because he found that his boss Chen Hill is looking at himself with a weird eye.

Chen Hill did not answer immediately, but asked: "Who said these words tell you?"

"It is the director of the Palestinian Earthquake Administration told me ..."

"People are taking you with you,"

Look at this, this is totally, I don't understand the government "drag"

The powerful secretary of the word, Chen Xiaoshan sighed: "This is a month, you think that the geological structure of these places still does not understand?"

"How do they dare?"

Wang Anwen stunned: The leadership of the Bajiazi Earthquake Administration hit the horse's eye? Chen Xiaoshan did not explain, but took the phone, he he did, he opened: "Liu S is long, I am embarrassed to bother you, this, there is a situation I want to ask, when can the geological survey come come out?"

"Geological Survey Report ... I will help you ask, it should be fast.

"That's good,"

Chen Hill should have a saying, and then seem to be meaninglessly said: "Liu S is long, I asked, is it the geological structure of the mountain city is not suitable for building, or how do I have asked several times, Can the Seismic Bureau and the landing team not give us a relatively accurate report? "

"Is there such a thing?"

Who is Liu Daw, he heard the words of Chen Hill, and he doesn't understand what Chen Hill is really meaningful. When tone suddenly, it is serious: "This, you will wait.

"Okay, trouble you,"

Chen Xiaoshan said to Liu Da, and then said to Liu Dagan: "Yes, Liu S is long, tell you a good news, our Chen Dabao is in the latest civil priority, with 62.

The 43% of the public opinion supported the first place of the Mayor of Detroit, and the ranked fourth campaign has publicly announced that this campaign has been discounted, and has joined our boss's campaign team. .

what? !

Chen Hanshan's voice is not big, but in the ear of Liu Daw, this sound seems to have a train to rake whistle: What? Chen Geng's public opinion support rate has reached 62%? That doesn't mean if it is developed according to this trend, he will become the next mayor of the Detroit city. Chen Ming's is anxious, because he wants to recall the next Mayor of Detroit, knowing this situation in terms of the mountain city and even the Bayu province, but don't see that everyone is "congratulations"

However, for Chen Li, it can eventually win, everyone does not have a big hope, the reason is very simple, the US discrimination to Chinese is as side, although you Chen Geng Chengged the world's richest, but don't forget the Chinese in the United States The political status has not been high. Although there are some Chinese people have become a senator, the HP, but it has never been a party of the Qiqi Dabu!

Why? It is because the mainstream group of the American society has been suppressing Chinese, and does not let the Chinese have a political position. How is your Chen Geng's more money? Can it be difficult to compete with the mainstream will of China? Not only is the leadership of the mountain city and the leaders of Baku. It is not optimistic about Chen Geng's campaign. Even in a higher level, many people don't think Chen Li can win, but at this moment, Chen Hanshan uses this free. The tone said that Chen Tong actually won the support of the 22-thirds of the Detroit people, Liu Daliang whole person is a bit: How can this? !

I don't want to understand, I can't understand it, I don't want to understand, but Liu Dagang knows a thing: I just understand that many people's abacus is wrong, then it will be.


At the same time, Liu Daliang's reaction is also very fast. His voice is very happy: "I didn't expect, Mr. Chen's support rate is so high ... If Mr. Chen can finally be elected, he Is it the first Chinese mayor of the United States? It's really unsundry ... "

"Our boss said, the mayor of the Detroit is just a starting point,"

Chen Xiaoshan smiled slightly, said: "Next, he will also raise the governor, campaign, and he hopes to contribute to the gorgeous friendship in a broader range.

...................... The drums don't need to be hammer. If you have the words of Chen Hill, Liu Daliang does not understand that Chen Li has begun to drag the mountain city is somewhat dissatisfied? In fact, it is not only Chen Geng. Liu Dawang is also very dissatisfied with the discussion of relevant geological investigation agencies: this has been more than a month, how is the geological analysis report yet? It has only been a full excuse and reason over the earthquake bureau and the landing team. What geological information is not full, what is more than just to investigate the geological structure of this area, but also combine the geological structure of the entire region to analyze and judge. ... Untitly, for these experts, they can always find excuses and reasons, and these excuses and reasons are still that.

Prior to this, Liu Dagan also opened an eye on this situation. He knew that no matter whether it was a mine or the seismic bureau, he was more difficult. In his opinion, these units did not want to borrow. Holding this opportunity to give home, this is nothing, he can even understand that everyone is hard to have been working too long, in half a lot of drinking porridge, pickle, now there is a chance to eat rice, think It is also understandable to eat more than two, but now I am so warned by Chen Mountain. Liu Daging suddenly realized a little: I am afraid, not only some units, some notices want to eat more than two problems, the nature may be more serious !

"Where is the geological analysis work?"

Hanging up the phone, Liu Dawliang asked his secretary: "Do you have to give a geological analysis report?"

The secretary pushed the eye mirror and said: "I have learned to the earthquake bureau this morning. The comrades of the Earthquake Administration said that they should be reported two days, but they found on the explosion analysis of yesterday. A abnormal bump ... I don't know very well, but according to the comrades of the earthquake, this projection should not exist. If you don't understand why this bump exists, investigate The report did not dare to give it.

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