king of power

Chapter 1131 Is the trade union should do things?

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It is preparing to settle down the Mountain City compared to the car test site, the automotive industry design and R & D center, 500,000 tons of urea and 29.

What did a walking street calculated by 50,000 tons of synthetic ammonia chemical production bases? It is, if you have lost these two projects because of this small matter, it will be laughed off.

For this, Liu Dat is very clear, but it is clear that Chen Mong is really willing to provide loans to the mountain city, the mountain city is not earned.

As for Chen Geng, I don't understand the problem of developing commercial real estate, huh, huh ... Then a large international trade building project stands in Beijing, now the International Trade Building has become one of the landmarks of Beijing, you say that Chen Geng does not understand business. Real Estate Development? In the face of Liu Daliang's test, Chen Li did not reject directly. "We can cooperate to develop.

When I don't discuss this problem, I have already understood Chen Geong's attitude. Liu Daliang is not hesitant. When I said: "Of course, we welcome Mr. Chen to Hongcheng invested ... Detailed details, let's talk about it again? "

Chen Geng's head: "Good.

Looking at Chen Geng and Liu Daging, he was in the Jiefangbei Commercial Pedestrian Street Development Plan. This is a ruthening of Rongcheng's leaders: Yama has a Jiefangbei, Coco City also has a spring Xi Road, Mountain City wants to develop Jiefangbei It is a commercial pedestrian street, but it is clever, and Rongcheng is also preparing to develop Chunxi Road.

Unlike the leaders of the mountain city, the leaders of the Jiefangbei Commercial Pedestrian Street are very optimistic about the prospects of Chunxi Road. Compared with the Jiefangbei, Chunxi Road can be a hundred years of commercial old street, even Rong City Zfu Aspects have a complete set of perfect ideas in how to develop Chunxi Road, and the only lack of lack is to rebuild funds.

The leaders of the original Rongcheng also didn't think about the renovation of Chunxi Road. It can be said to be interested in the Jiefangbei commercial pedestrian street project. What else is hesitant? The second hand of Rongcheng also couldn't care, and immediately asked Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Chen, we are also preparing to redevelopment Chunxi Road Commercial Street, don't know if you are not interested?"

He didn't say how Chunxi Road, because he believed that Chen Li, who had been to several times, will not be unfamiliar with Chunxi Road.

Sure enough, listening to the Guard S said, Chen Geng came to: "Oh? Our Rongcheng intends to change the spring Xixi Road?"

"Yes Yes,"

Seeing Chen Geng seems to be interested in Chunxi Road to change the expansion project, Wei S is immediately nodded: "Mr. Chen has been to our Rongcheng, you should know how popular our business atmosphere in Chunxi Road, Rongcheng ..."

Not only the leaders of Rongcheng have changed this, but the leaders of Bayu S can't help but look forward to Chen Li, I want to know how Chen Wong will answer.

The leaders in S are in the Spring Xi Road. It is also true. It is also a human condition: Rongcheng is the provincial city of Bahu, is the place where the Zhou Zhou, Ba Gu, the building of Rongcheng, the foot of the province, W province It's also good to see, when you at least the leadership of other brothers, you can take the leaders of other brothers to the Chunxi Road, let everyone know that our Bayu is not the legendary, and we have advanced, fashionable Isn't it? As for the Jiefangbei, although the Jiefangbei is also good, everyone can't take the brothers and provinces to drive the car or take the plane to a mountain city? It is not convenient to say that the comrades of the brothers will joke - Mountain City is about to be single collections for the municipality of the municipality. This is not a secret, from the perspective of leadership, the mountain city will be a single list is not as good as the city. " "

Rongcheng is more discouraged.


Chen Geng immediately nodded: "The night market in Chunxi Road is very busy.


With Chen Ming's sentence, Wei S Chang suddenly relieved a lot: Chen Gengan Chunxi Road also knows, this shows what, explains that he has been eight or nine, since Chen Li personally went to Chunxi Road, a lot of things don't have to be so troublesome.

Wei S is immediately said: "Mr. Chen, since you know about Chunxi Road, I don't have much nonsense, I will introduce you two sentences simple?"

Chen Geng nodded.

Wei S is immediately said: "Our goal is to make a maximum of Junxi, the whole Southwestern region, which is also the most prosperous, collection, and the whole Southwest, which will become the most prosperous, collectible, shopping, food, entertainment. , Many commercial pedestrian streets such as a variety of functions.

Not only that, we must build Chunxi Road a business card, let everyone mention that Chunxi road thinks us Rongcheng, mentioning Rongcheng can think of Chunxi Road ... "

Chen Geng suddenly broke the long Skille, asked: "Do you want to build Chunxi Road?"

"Oh, Yes ..."

Swan S long is a little unclear, Chen Geng's meaning, he has some doubts: Do you have any differences in this idea? Seeing the Skille Si and other leaders in the room looked at themselves. Chen Li took advantage to explain: "Oh, I mean, why don't you cover high-end office buildings, make Chunxi Road The first CBD in the southwest? "


Chen Geng suddenly came out of this English word, let everyone be confused.

"Oh, it is the central business district, just like my international trade, it is a comprehensive business center integrating business, trade, technology, culture, entertainment, and serving, not just a street for shopping and catering. "

Chen Geng explained: "A CBD can be supported from the development level of Rongcheng and the development of the next decade.

Saying that CBD can be a face, but if Chen Po's capital of the capital is, no one is unfamiliar, every time everyone goes to the capital, even if you don't buy things there, you can be so high. Where is it standing, everyone can see it, it is natural to be unfamiliar. When chatting in weekdays, I don't admire. "If we have such a building, there is so good"

Now Chen Pigong is intentionally in Rongcheng to engage in a national trade building. For a time, Wei S is even a bit a bit reaction: Is there such a good thing? Here, there is an extra saying that when the bead @ It's not to put the giant building to the landmark building that causes the bead @ , so that you have light on your face? Even Zhang Da is not sitting, he is a little eager to ask Chen Geng: "Mr. Chen, can you think that Rongcheng can engage in this central business district?"

Chen Pipedently nodded: "The scale may be less than the capital of Beijing, but I think that Rongcheng's economic activity is sufficient to support such a business district.

With Chen Li, this affirmative reply, Zhang Da is immediately turned to see the long S length: "Huandong party!

"I'm here.

"This matter is given to you, what happens, and report it to me.


Wei S is a long face, where he is not clear, the province is very strong in this project? Also, the first CBD in the southwest, whether it is "the first CBD in the southwest"

Or "Southwest Guomao"

At that time, these are propaganda, but more importantly, this CBD center is Chen Geng investment, this is too big, what is this explanation? This means that even the world's richest man, Mr. Chen Poever is optimistic about the future of Rongcheng, which is better than anything. With this advertisement, the next investment promotion work does not know how many times can be easily.

At this time, Liu Dawang also reacted but he had just helped and hesitate, let himself miss? He is very annoyed when he is headed: What did I just think? How did I eat pig oil? !

"Mr. Chen, we ... we ..."

He looked at Chen Li, even if it felt that it was already embarrassing, he would still want to fight again.

It is Chen Geng, watching the face of gray, Darling, a little confused: What is this Liu Dawn? Fortunately, he is very familiar with the national conditions, then look at Wei Dongfang's excitement to the bright face. Where do you still don't understand what it is? .

Let's take a closer look, not only the leaders of Liu Daliang, Zhong Cong Jun and other mountains are all the same expression.

I understand what is going on. Chen Gengxin is secretly laughing: these leaders in the mountain city think, they think that I have investment, I have to invest in Rongcheng Chunxi Road to change the project, will give up the Solitan Reconstruction and expansion of the mountain city project? Rongcheng is the southwest center of Huaxia. Of course, it is necessary to attach great importance to it. Can Mashan City is a municipality directly under the Central Government. Is its political factor and economic factor? Really ... children do their choice questions, of course, choose all!

Looking at the colleagues in the face, Liu Dagn is a bit bite: "Mr. Chen, you see our liberarns to change the expansion project ..."

Liu Daging has just opened his mouth, and he saw Chen Geng's assistant Ri Ni Taylemn push the door, tightly squatting, and a serious hurry to Chen Geng.

What's happening here? What is this? Looking at the serious Riener Taylor, the big and small leaders in the Bayu, where didn't understand what big things? Chen Geng couldn't help but follow it: Before the meeting began, he had three Ri Ni Taylor, and there was no special urgent thing. In this case, she was still in a hurry ... "BOS, Just received news, "

Rie Larn Taylor said in the whisper of Chen Power: "The United States Automobile Workers' Federation will be in trouble, the goal is you.


Chen Geng's brow suddenly screwed up: "The guys who have not enough to defeat will come again?"

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