king of power

Chapter 1142, mixing, stirring

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Chen Geng publicly said that after he officially performs, he will promote legislation, and set up a law to supervise the management of trade union in Detroit City? Supervision of trade unions in the form of law, this news came out, the whole of the United States is sensational!

In the truth, in the United States, there is a serious corruption in the United States. It is no longer a secret. It is just that the abroad will hold a strike with a worker. No one can't stand it. Just don't see it ... Who is more than anyone else? This time is different, Chen Li is so clearly to show his attitude, the key is that he is still so rich, suddenly let the union of the United States have a wind to crane - Everyone is afraid!

Although this law can't be a question mark, even if it is, it is a local regulation, the implementation scope is limited to Detroit, but everything is afraid to open a precedent, Detroit has a trade union management Regulatory law, don't you? New York has, can Los Angeles workers can do? No one likes a rope in his neck, especially this rope is still holding in someone else's hands. For a while, the various unions in the United States began to set off a decision and parade for Chen Geng. These Declaration and parade demonstrations will one mean: corruption is only extremely affected, Fernandez Chen's practice is in duenic food.

At this time, there is an advantage of your own media platform and vocal channels, Chen Li is open in the media: "All members of the cabinet, including the US president, have to be supervised, there is any rights for the union to drive in all American people On the above, ask yourself not to supervise? I think these are not regulated unions, and most of them have problems.

I will then ask the members of these trade unions. You are hoping that the contributions you will have to help you and your own funds, or hopes that these contributions have become someone in their own pockets? If you think that the trade union management should be supervised, please stand out and express your appeal!

This is publicly encouraged the whole country to conduct parade and protests.

Chen Geng's livelihood as his radio, TV station and newspaper spread throughout the United States more than 50 states, seeing this statement, there have been countless management of those trade unions that Chen Geng to die, have begun to Show, because the members of their own trade unions have not only started backwards, but also prepare for parade and protests.

Because the corruption of the North American Automobile Workers' Association, the trade unions in various industries have held their own trade unions, and now listening to Chen Li, now, people in all walks of life have embarked on the streets. Parade and protests, support Chen Tong.

These people are also very simple reason: what? Our trade will oppose Fernandes Chen proposed to supervise the management of trade union management? I am rubbing!

It is definitely the situation in which our trade will have corruption, did not ran!

For a time, the whole beauty shook!

So even the President Xiaobier came to Chen Geng called Chen Li ... "Fernandes, you gave me a problem.

On the phone, Xiaobier laughed.

The two are very familiar, Chen Mong is not nonsense with Xiaobier, smiles: "On the contrary, I think this is your chance.

"My chance?"

Xiaobier's spiritual earthquake: "How do you say?"

Chen Geng did not answer directly, but asked Xiaobier: "This term, have you been doing? Do you have any ideas?"

Lying in the trough!

Drums do not need to be hammer, Xiao Bill itself is a top smart person, he immediately responded to Chen Geng's meaning: the next US president's campaign!

Yes, this is the second year of his first term, but the president who does not want to continue is not a good president, although it is necessary to start the relevant preparations for elections in the second half of next year, some work will begin now. And the job for impressiveness is every time.

The latime of the trade union period is great to give Xiao Bir's pressure? It is necessary to say that there is no pressure, it is definitely impossible, otherwise Xiaobier will not give Chen Geng to call this phone, but how much pressure is to say ... Hey, it is not that happened, the whole Washington DC, do not say every day Have a parade protest, but the total of the three days is there. Everyone is used to it. As long as it is not particularly big, everyone sing, dance photo, should eat, drink, this time I organize a few The impact of demonstration to the White House is also this extent, everyone should eat, drink it, this is the same.

Can you mean what is Chen Mine? Xiao Bir is clear, it is to stand on this side of the union member.

Compared to Chen Geng's Detroit City, Standing in the trade union, it is undoubtedly political correctly; but compared to almost all of the various trade union leadership of various countries in the United States, it is politics. Correct, most important, these are all votes!

Really ... Xiaobier is a bit awkward: I am afraid how I don't think it is? "I understand,"

Xiao Bir immediately apologized: "Fernandez, thank you for helping me so much.

"You're welcome,"

Chen Mong Xia said: "Now the group is raging, I suggest you demonstrate your attitude and position as soon as possible.

Xiaobier's reaction is not slow, on the afternoon, at the routine press conference in the White House South lawn, when the reporter asked him how to look at the extensive demonstration of the trade union parade in the last time, Xiao Bil's expression is very serious. "No matter what rights, all public rights must be regulated and restricted. I believe this is the consensus of the United States, and it is also an embodiment of the US freedom and democratic values. My president's rights must be regulated and restrictive, and the rights of Secretary of State must Affected by regulatory and restriction, the rights of the Minister of Defense must also be regulated and restricted. I believe this is all the consensus of all American people. Under this consensus, I think Mr. Fernandes is very correct, as a union of a part of the public sector, Their management also is subject to regulatory and constraints.

I don't understand, what rights and reasons are required to ask themselves not being supervised? Is this hidden in what we don't know for us? "

Said here, Xiao Bill suddenly moved, and his face was looking at the reporters in front of his eyes: "The reporter friends, I used to interview me, now I want to ask you, do you agree with your reporter union? The management is necessary to prevent corruption. "

Lying in the trough!

No one thought that the president's husband actually so naughty and narrow, even directly to myself.

Do you want to supervise the management of the reporter trade union? This is simply a certain!

Although the existence of the reporter's union helped reporters to win a lot of rights, but the truth, the reporters are not in a small number when they are in their own trade unions, and the necessary supervision of the management of the reporter trade union? Of course it is a good thing!

Looking at the on-site reporters, you see me, I look at you, my heart is moving, Xiao Bore is laughing.

................................. Smine's state of view can be the attitude of the US government in this matter, when this attitude has spread throughout the United States with the US advanced and developed media system At the time, the whole of the United States and even the world were sensational, and countless people have begun to think about it: What is this going to do? They don't think this and everything is Chen Geng to block the North American Automotive Workers' Association outside the AMC car. They think this is inevitably a big movement of the United States, then the problem is coming, the United States will follow the big movement What is it? For a time, the upper seat rate of international flights between countries and the United States has increased at least 10 percentage points.

Not only because of the attitude of the White House, more reasons or because of these unions attitude towards this matter: In any industry, there have been members into the group's team to break into the trade union, loud question Why is the management of their own trade unions not willing to accept regulatory, if they are afraid of being discovered by the government to discover their evidence of corruption.

The support of the government governments in the form of legislation is established to supervise the management of trade union management, and it is endless.

The unions in all walks of life began to sit on the wax.

As the user of this wind wave, the eyes are again aligned with their own inside ... "What is the situation inside your guild?"

Chen Geng asked Michelle W. Epper: "What do you think about you?"

"Workers are doing very trust,"

Michelle W. Epper smiled: "More than 12% of members have quit the union, the remaining members, have a considerable proportion requires that we agree to accept supervision, otherwise they will withdraw from the union.

"It doesn't matter, you will quit it,"

Chen Geng's mood is good. Anyway, he did not intend to make a strong union of the AMC Auto Workers Association. It's not right to follow yourself: "Michel, you are best prepared, the AMC Auto Workers Association is the first Declaration, expressed agreed to accept the supervision of unions, do you understand? "

"I know,"

Michelle W. Epper nodded, he was very clear that he was a beggar, no matter what the boss said, it is, but he is still a little hesitial: "Just ..."

"I know what you are worried, Miss Taylor will have a material to give you,"

Chen Geng faintly said: "This information is enough to ensure that you have a net income of $ 300,000 each year, don't worry about the species of the National Taxation Bureau.

"Thank you!"

Thank you!

Michelle W · Eppilton Dasai: "Thank you BOSS, you are really a kind person!"

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