king of power

Chapter 1154, I am so kind.

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Looking at the cold, Chen Geng, Coleman, secret: How is this guy so big murder? I was shocked. If Colemann is scared by Chen Li, it is scared, he can't sit still in the seat of Detroit, and adjust it in a very short time. Korman Yang, looking at Chen Geng slowly: "Mr. Fernandes, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know what you are talking about. Do you want to say that the gang is likely to know the news before I am acting in the depression of the Government system, especially the police system."

Coleman Yang licked his lips: "I can only say that this may be big.

It can be said that the heart of Coleman Yang is keeping down: Fernandes Chen, has been taken into account? "Since I can think of this, I naturally have my way,"

Chen Mong did not say what he would do, but forced Koleman Yang: "Mr. Coleman, Mr. Coleman, do you give you good? I assure you if you refuse me, the idiot you support My first wave of hits - Mr. Coleman, if you dig out some things that are disadvantaged in this process, you can not look good, you said yes? "

This bastard!

Coleman's toothache, but he really didn't dare to make Chen Geng's threats as a matter, as a year old bureaucracy, he is too clear that Chen Li's new official's mindset : Laozi must make something achieved, otherwise the town can not skilfully skilled the ghost guy.

Our old ancestors have an accurate description for this mentality of new officials: new officials have taken three fires.

Although the statement is different, it means the same.

Chen Geng is very rich, but it is more compared to the money, but also, he knows the shares of Chen Zi's hand to hold a few defense companies under Chen Dynasties, which means that this bastard is Some people have money, they have money, they have a gun. Now they have a need to have a right to have the power. If he really intends to do its own gang forces to do your own help ... Coleman is discovered, if this The guy is not so bad at the time ... and this is simply ... those gangs who hosted their own support can not be supported.

"We have an old saying in China, called people to take tea,"

Looking at the Yinyin Yinqing, Chen Ge said: "This means that you are now in this location, those guys respect you, flattened you, Bajie you, take the initiative to send you the benefits, but you can leave This location, the first thing to respect you, flatter you, Barium, take the initiative to send you the good guy, I am afraid the first person to deal with you, Mr. Coleman, when you are the Mayor of Detroit, you support you Those gangs are gone by you, but after you leave the throne of Detroit, you will make sure those guys will take you as a matter? Maybe they won't do short time, but after a year? After you? Do you make sure they will be loyal to you? Will you send them to you, let you maintain your extravagant life? "

When Chen Ming's words, suddenly stamped on the heart of Coleman.

Just like Chen Ge said, Coleman Yang is very clear about the people of people, and looks at themselves, and the gangs who have never thought about themselves in the heart. One? Of course he thought.

The last time, Alex Gardrridge successfully cited the Mayor of the Detroit City, he was still young, there is also an opportunity to renew, but also against the Yu Wei and some means to compromise those mixed gangs. Can you fail this time? Coleman is very clear. If Fernand is successful, the crime of Detroit is reduced to even the average of the United States, he is the Mayor of Detroit, unless he is not willing to participate in the election, but has 60 I have no chance to be many years old. At this point, I believe that those gangs also understand.

If they understand how they don't have a chance to sit on the chair, those guys will continue to maintain their respect? Colemann does not think that his charm is so big, and it doesn't think that he has become a leader of the Detroit gang. In this case ... He suddenly lifted his head, and he looked at Chen Li: "You Can you guarantee that they will continue to listen to me? "

"I said, I can't see their money,"

Chen Geng faintly said: "I want it, it is a ground world that listens to the Detroit that I commanded, they can sell Y, you can do it, you can do it, but you can't invade the life of ordinary people, can't be robbed - In a word, ordinary people live in the world of ordinary people, gang live in the world of gangs, everyone, don't bother who.

Speaking of this, Chen Geng Micro-slightly explored: "You should understand, for a bureaucrat, this means good social security, and good social security is a political achievement, and you can even take my dealers. Walking on the underground world of Detroit, help me maintain the order of the Detroit underground world, how? Is there? "

Coleman Yang is discovered, in the face of Chen Ming's temptation, you really have a true heart.

Why is it a heart? Just after I have just, after listening to Chen Geng, I'm thinking that this guy will not give him a chance to re-come back, I can enter the retired career in advance, but Chen Ming's support Let yourself as the identity of his underground world vendors, but Korman Yang has a bit of power to re-hold, although this power is just a big power, but the power of the discount is also the power. Not? "What are you talking about?"

Because too excited, Coleman Yang's voice has some treasures.

Chen Potan asked: "Do you think I need to lie to you?"


Colemann did not talk, but also, Fernandez Chen did not lie to me.

"But I will tell you in front first,"

Chen Geng said: "Since this is my campaign for the voters, then I will honor this promise, my goal is to arrest more than 3,000 gaps in three months after I officially take office.

In addition, you don't agree, but you don't say hello to you when you get it.


Coleman rushed to suck a cold!

Arrest 3000 criminals within three months? Average 30 people every day? Hey ... Considering the quantity of Detroit's criminals, Coleman Jun suddenly thinks that this seems not to do things, but this 3000 criminals, I am afraid you can squeeze the prison? "Do you not consider social impact?"

Coleman is trying to ask.

"social influence?"

Chen Mongxiao: "What social impact can there be? If there is, it is also a good impact.

If you can catch 3,000 criminals within three months, Chen Geng thinks is the habit of sending a banner to the government department. Otherwise, once you arrested 3,000 criminals, the people of Detroit people have been published. May I not take the drum to send the flag? Huh? Chen Geng suddenly reacted a fact: the United States did not give the government a habit of sending a banner, but this habit still can't "cultivate"

? As for what "police people, a pro,"

, "Police Ai People, Civil Alarm"

Things, this is completely operational, then find the media report, this is the same as it? Then how to press it ... Oh, no, it is a good transformation of these criminals? Chen Mong suddenly remembered: Let these guys programming and mathematics seem to be a good idea? Let them learn the skills of making a living, let them have a skill, always have to continue to take a crime after the prison, I am too kind.

Looking at the smile on Chen Pulti face, Coleman rushed to play a cold, he felt that this guy seems to be more evil.

............................ Go back, watching your boss is a corner of my lift, Rieli Taylor is an incredible: "BOSS, Mr. Coleman agreed?"

Ri Lari Taylor knows that his boss is very powerful, but Mr. Coleman Yang can stay in the Detroit Mayor is so many years, it is obviously not an easy-to-generation, but it is such a A guys who are not dealt of, it is going to lower the BOSS in just half an hour? Is BOSS horrible? Chen Geng strangely asked: "Why don't he promise?"

"Of course because ... because ..."

Chen Mong smiled and shook his head: "You have to understand that he is not the mayor of Detroit, and after tasting the taste of the taste, when he realizes that he can no longer re-return to this seat, he will taste it again. The sweetness of rights, nothing is that these guys don't dare to do.

Is that so? Riener Taylor is a bit daren, but now it seems to be true.

"Okay, don't say this,"

Chen Geng's told Riener Taylor told: "You help me about the general, Ford and Chrysler's shareholders, say that I will sit down and talk.


Riener Thali hurriedly cleared the mood, and quickly said: "What about the specific issue?"

"Revitalizing the automotive industry of Detroit, and ..."

Chen Geng slowly said: "Since the east people give us such a gift, what should we return.

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