king of power

Chapter 1168 threatened you, is it?

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For Toyota II, Chen Tong is also given enough respect.

Although this guy's nationality makes Chen Li's good feelings, this guy is unable to promote the development of the automobile industry. Don't say that Toyota is still reaching aid when the AMC car is most difficult, regardless of Toyota It is for what considers decided to help the AMC car to help me, can help my own busy, I have helped myself, and I've been recognized.

Because the human situation of the year, Chen Li personally greeted Toyota Yingqi in the office.

I saw Chen Geng in the door, Toyota Ying two unexpectedly, he did not expect Chen Li to give him such a big respect, after a slight, he hurriedly smashed, and went to the front of Chen Pills, respectfully: "Mr. Fernands, Hello.

Looking at Toyota, Toyota, Chen Wai, Chen Ming Xiao, said: "Mr. English, we met again, your spirit looks very good.


Toyota Yingli lid, although he was 82 years old, but it seems to be a very good person, but I don't want to be an 80-year-old man: "Mr. Fernandez, I'm a pleasant thing.

"You are too polite,"

Let a more than 80 years old, and you can't stop your own bows than your grandfather. This kind of thing Chen Tili is not able to do it. He did a "please"

Gesture: "Mr. English, let's talk about it?"


Toyota Yingqi is .

Chen Geng: "..."

Forget it, follow him.

Two people are sitting in Chen Geng's office, Toyota English first said: "Mr. Fernande, I have heard that the results you have made since I have, congratulations, you are an excellent mayor.

"Now, I am an excellent mayor and fashion,"

Chen Mong smiled and swayed: "Mr. English, you are deliberate from Dongpu to Detroit, isn't it special to compliment me?"

of course not!

After all, it is a person in 80. If this is not this, the impact on Toyota is too big, Toyota Ying 2 Every day is a leisurely pension, waiting for death, how can it be so hard to ran to the United States, run Detroit? He lowered his head and sinked a moment, and finally the euphemistic opening: "Mr. Fernande, has happened in the United States to protest against our Dongpu ..."

"Yes, this is indeed related to me.

If you don't wait for Toyota, you will nod.

Do he admit it? Chen Lihou had a pleasant admitted that the protests of the US auto parts industry were related to him, but it was letting Toyota English suddenly stunned: How did he admit it? "Mr. English, Detroit is not only the city of the US car, but also the city of auto parts,"

Chen Ge said: "I am the mayor of Detroit, I have the responsibility of promoting the development of the Detroit economy, and your Dongpu car has expanded in the US market, but it does not transfer the corresponding order to the US auto parts company, as The Mayor of Detroit, I certainly be responsible for promoting this matter.


Chen Ge said so straightforward: this time the US auto parts industry protests that your Dongpu car is that I am promoting, the reason is that you have delayed our industrial development and employment rate, so as the mayor of Detroit, I will do it. You are so simple!

It's that simple? Yes, it is so simple!

Simple to Chen Geng's frankness, Toyota Ying two times, I don't know what to say, because Chen Ge said is right, your Japanese cars have reached 30%. But how many car spare parts have been purchased in the US market? While you enjoy the benefits of the US auto market, you didn't bring enough orders to the United States. Who did you do? "……Ok,"

For a while, Toyota Ying Er finally nodded: "Although this is really not a good news for the Dongpu Automobile industry, I can understand your approach, but this problem is not unprofable, right?"

Toyota English is in Trial.

"of course,"

Chen Mong smiled nodded: "In fact, the United States welcomes all the world's enterprises and individuals to develop, and the United States will provide a fair, open development platform to everyone and all companies.

I believe you!

If you can, Toyota Yingqi really wants to spit on the face of Chen Mutong: Can you not don't want to face? When did the United States become an open and fair development platform? "and so,"

Toyota English has explored the score before: "Mr. Fernandes, Dongpu Automobile industry, or what does Toyota have need to do?"

"Order, employment rate,"

Chen Geng's answer is simple: "Dongpu Automobile industry must increase the industry in the US car parts industry, provide more employment positions to the United States, of course, if Dongpu's car parts enterprises directly in the United States, we also welcome.

As for these orders, Chen Geng believes that Toyota is very clear - of course, it is a factory that has a factory in Detroit's car parts, for the mayor who has just taken office, this is a political achievement. .

Toyota's second low down, and the situation is somewhat unexpected.

Although Chen Li did not say, Toyota Ying's two hearts have been very clear. If Toyota cars ... or the Japanese automotive industry does not increase orders to the US auto parts industry, this protests for the Dongpu Automobile industry will continue Upgrade, now it is just a "spontaneous"

Protest activities, if there is no reaction in Dongpu, this "spontaneous"

The protest activities may become a government agency, and this situation is clearly not seeing Toyota II wants to see.

However, Toyota Yingqi still decided to strive again.

"Mr. Fernande,"

Looking at Chen Geng and Toyota English Second efforts to make your eyes more sincere: "It is not that we don't want to add orders to your country's car parts enterprises. In fact, considering cost, transportation, and time-effectiveness. We are more willing to purchase automotive parts from the United States, and your country's car spare parts and our Dongpu automobile spare parts in quality gap ... "

Tummy, Toyota, two: "IMHO, Mr. Fernandes, these two gaps simply as large as the quality of the domestic storage particles, the gap between Dongpu, the quality, and you know, our Dongpu car The reason why the market share can get in the United States, which can get such an recognition, which is our excellent quality.

Toyota Ying 2 This is another layer of meaning that if we use the car of Dongpu to use your American business car spare parts, can we still guarantee such a quality? And the reason why our Dongpu car can be based in the US market, relying on good quality and reliability, do you think we can do this? Chen Geng Ming Bai Toyota Ying Second, so his mouth slightly touched two times: in the semiconductor field, the quality of the US store is simply a joke!

It is not polite, if it is not a rope in the United States, the US memory market is now in the world.

This is the case in the United States. The truth is true. The car parts industry is similar, and Toyota Ying two has the meaning of pushing, Dongpu two auto parts enterprises: love letter and electricity have Toyota's shares, Toyota car in purchase How can I not prefer the product of my own children? But to say that this is the reason why there is no new parts of the US auto parts enterprises, but also can't say it.

"I recognize what you said,"

Chen Geng nodded, but he immediately said with two hands: "But what is the relationship with me? What is the employment rate is the support rate.

Chen people played directly.

Toyota Ying is a stunned: Are you so straightforward? It can be followed by Toyota Yingqi has no choice but to face Chen Pai's don't face it. I really take him. I have no good way: Yes, I don't want to face, can you take me? But then, between Japan and the United States, Americans do not have faces that are constant to regularly, after the initial wrist, Toyota English quickly adjusted their own mentality, he owed to Chen slightly, Tillage: "Mr. Fernandes, I am sorry, I need to think about it.

"Of course, this is what,"

Chen Geng is nod: "In addition, I remind you, your time is not much."


Toyota Yingqi winks: Our time is not much? What does it mean? "I have passed the main person in charge of Michigan, and the Michigan government will fully support my decision on this business."

Looking at Toyota, II, Chen Geng slowly said: "In addition, the governor and deputy governor are also guaranteed to me, if your reaction is not ideal and timely, he will receive support throughout the United States through the Governor of Governor.

Joint Meeting of the Governor of the United States, this organization is probably very much, but it doesn't matter, I have never heard of it, I only know that the name is what this organization is: This is a state governor of the United States, used for A mechanism that links and coordinated between each state.

In addition, there is another more, and the current US President Xiaobier has served as Chairman of the Joint Meeting of the Governor of the United States.

Toyota Ying 2's face is bigger!

Toyota, Honda and Nissan's three Dongpu car brands have built a number of automobile manufacturing plants in the United States, but they did not choose the five largest lakes of union power, but they chose the weak efforts of the union, and they were located in the American inland area. For example, Ohio, if Chen Tong is working through the Governor of Joint Meeting, this is certainly unable to organize the production of Dongpu in the US car factory, but it can affect the sales of most of the most of the US state!

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