king of power

Chapter 1171 MD-12 Flying

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I won the military procurement order of Tudu, and the entire Shangfei Group went up and down!

Other companies in the domestic military industry in this news, there is no exception to this news: This is 48 aircraft, such a big order, is the Shangfei Group taken away? !

Everyone knows that this is not only a problem of 48 aircraft. In addition to these 48 aircraft, there are corresponding training, ground affiliate support and repair equipment, spare engines, and other maintenance spare parts, and easy-to-lose parts.

These things are added together, the total value of the entire contract exceeds 800 million US dollars!

In this military purchase, the competitors of Shangfei Group have a famous French Dasako Group, and there is a more scary US military giant ** door, which can be world-class military giants, which ultimately, the local government And the Division of the military gave the order, there is no military group, there is no military group, who is a combat aircraft? It is this kind of thing that is more than the eyes of the eye.

Everyone envy, hate, this kind of good thing, why didn't you fall on our head? Ding Ruo smoke, for this thing, when Lao Ding tells her, Ding Ruo is nodded, "Oh."

"Don't you feel strange at all?"

Ding Navy is very surprised.

"What is so strange? I know that he will succeed.


Comrade Lao Ding didn't know what to say, the heart was sour: this girl, is it confident in Chen Gengzhen, or blind confident? For a while, Lao Ding comrade asked Ding Ruo smoke: "You are so confident to him?"

Ding Ruo smashed his own old man, strangely: "Dad, you said, you know Chen Geng has been so old, from 1978 to now, you can say how you look at how he is unknown Going to the present, pressing that you should be the people who know the ability to Chen Geng, you said this.

Speaking of this, Ding Ruo shook his head.

Ding Navy licked his lips. He suddenly became a bit embarrassed - his daughter said that he had met Chen Geng when he was still in China, and he only had a career just started. I looked at Chen Ge's step by step, I just started to go to the world's richest, now there is a turning to the American political altar, and I can say that I am the most understanding of Chen Geong, but just now.

Shake your head, smash the bad feeling, Lao Ding asked Ding Ruo smoke: "Shantou, I heard that Chen Geng invites you to the United States?"

Chen Geng invited Ding Ruo to go to the United States. According to Chen Geng and Ding Ruo's smoke, it is too normal to know why Ding Navy knows that this is too normal, because Chen Pigang's relationship, Ding Ruo's phone is always in State monitoring status - if you feel "monitoring"

This word is not good, say "pay attention"


Ding Ruo smoke knows that he and Chen Li's call will definitely be "concerned"

She didn't feel unexpected, although so, she didn't have a good look, no one likes her own phone, "pay attention"

However, she still nodded: "Well, we have to discuss marriage."


you guys.


Lao Ding commented on his daughter, quite a small cabbage of home, actually sent to the pig's door, and took the initiative to be helpless and sad, and then thought of his age, Ding Navy should inevitably Sighted: "Forget it, you are so big, you should get married, I will not say anything, but this time, let your mother go with you.

"My mother must go, not only my mother is going, Chen Li also invited him to go together.

Ding Ruo smartly looking at his own old: "I don't believe you don't know.

Didn't you hear these in your monitoring content? Ding Ruo is very clear, Chen Geng is in the phone and what you talk to yourself, it also has the meaning of some signals to the domestic high level: I am now very dissatisfied now, if you continue to stop, try it.

To be honest, Ding Ruo's heart is actually a few dissatisfaction - anyone who has been born to block the old girl, especially the girl itself is not a favorite object, her mentality will not be better.

Lao Ding's old face is a red, as a focus on the object of attention, Ding Navy, certainly knows the content of their own prostitute and Chen Geng call, but the daughter who is related to his own, some things have been forgotten by his instinct: "This.

OK, when do you plan to go? "

"Next month,"

Ding Ruo said: "The first month of the month, a counselor of the US Embassy in China returned to the United States, Chen Geng made us go all the way, let him take us on the road.

While talking, Ding Ruo is dissatisfied with his own old: What do you forget? Comrade Lao Ding once again taking a head: Hey, I have forgotten it again!


Looking at this phenomenon of the eyes, Chen Gengxin: History, once again changed!

Before the Chen Geng's eyes, it is a new generation of intercontinental passenger planes from McDao Aircraft Manufacturing Company: MD-12's first prototype machine test flight.

It is not polite, if there is no Chen Tong, there is no MD-12's first flight ceremony. This is already a consensus on the McDo Group, so in order to thank Chen Li's contribution to the MD-12 project. At this important moment, the small McKuna deliberately invited Chen Geng.

Looking at this phenomenon of the eyes, Chen Geng touched the chin, and couldn't help but nod: "Too spectacular.


Xiaomer Tangja is standing next to Chen Geng. It doesn't have seen it. This guy looks more spiritual, and the color is ruddy. It seems that it seems to be young before a few months. He is proud of the ocean: "Now, Within the world, only Mai Mai can make such a big plane!

This is not the wheat Tangner in bragging, as long as the test flight today can be completed smoothly, MD-12 will become the world's largest civil airplane - no way, do not add "civil"

If this word is limited, Ukraine's AN-255 is dissatisfied.

Chen Li, certainly impossible to go to Xiaomer Tanga to deduct this word, he nodded, asked Xiaomi, and asked Mac, MD-12 how many orders now? Well, I am talking about real orders. .

In the early stage, in order to flicker more airlines purchased MD-12, Chen Geng gave a good idea to Xiaomi, and signed intentional purchase agreements with a good airline to create a "MD-12 very affected by airlines." welcome"

The effect, this method is good, seeing there is so many airfare companies to order the MD-12 order, and there are many airlines have given the real orders from McDe, and Chen Geng is curious, and how much is Mai Tao now gets how much true MD-12 orders.

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